Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1441 The Magic Legion of the Ancient King

"This is Shayuan?!"

The space is broken and distorted, and a huge black hole drifts from another space.

Shayuan, the masterpiece of the ancient king, second only to the dragon body of the green dragon, was created by the ancient king using his own three forbidden curse galaxies.

Looking from a distance, Shayuan and the ancient capital have changed a little. Now it is shrouded in darkness. Shayuan appears in the sky like a black hole, perpendicular to the ground, and the hole of the black hole is aligned with the entrance of the Pearl River.

It's like a terrifying dark behemoth that is opening its bloody mouth, ready to devour any creature or anything that enters here at any time.

When I was in the ancient capital, the Shayuan was full of all kinds of undead from the outside, and those undead were waving at the entrance of the Shayuan layer upon layer, trying to climb out of this hell furnace.

But now, I don't know if it's because of the resurrection of the green dragon and the complete awakening of the holy relic, the evil abyss is not only black, but also has a very faint blue light.

There is a black breath of death around the Shayuan, stretching out like ghost hands, trying to pull all the surrounding creatures close to the Shayuan into this hell.

Now only Hua Zhanhong and a few Forbidden Curse Army mages from the southern military region are left on the Yaodu Tower. What they are waiting for now is the appearance of the demon god with cold moon eyes, and they need to use their lives to resist with all their strength.

"Are you waiting for Sha Yuan?" Hua Zhanhong saw Sha Yuan and knew exactly what Zhao Hua was waiting for.

But what puzzled him was how Sha Yuan could appear here.

You know, although Shayuan is said to be left by the ancient king, who used to be the emperor of the country, but that happened thousands of years ago, and the current Shayuan is no longer for protecting the country.

They are the undead empire, ferocious and bloodthirsty undead.

Just like the undead empire of Khufu's pyramid, Khufu was once the power to protect the country. Could it be that Egypt is threatened by the sea monster, can the Egyptian people allow Khufu to appear and bring the dead to save the country?

Nature has long since changed.

How could the dead king of all directions help the human mage.

Zhaohua also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said with an indifferent smile: "Almost, but the Shayuan Undead Empire will not appear, and Shayuan is just a channel for transmission."

Hiss! ! ! ! A gigantic black figure stretched out a giant claw from the evil abyss, its whole body was pitch black, and fleshy tentacles above its head were waving in the air.

Let's go! ! With the help of Sha Yuan's power, Mu Yan was summoned from the dark plane again. This time, it was no longer the Dark Holy Order of the Holy See that summoned it, but Sha Yuan!

The body size of Muji is quite huge, even bigger than the time when he was killed by Mo Fan on the Parthenon Temple. During the time in the dark plane, Muji waited for some opportunities to recover his strength, and now he is The invincible existence of the Supreme Sovereign is a little stronger than it was on the Parthenon Temple.

Quack quack, there was a sound of being dragged from the deep abyss. At this time, Hua Zhanhong and the others saw that the body of Mu Yan was like the underworld frog of the Pyramid of Khufu, with purple vines tied to his body. The bar is dragging something, trying to drag something out of the abyss.

Just as Zhaohua said, the Bafang Dead Lords will not go to war, and the life and death of human beings has nothing to do with them. The deal Zhaohua reached with the Bafang Dead Kings is just to borrow the power of the abyss space and chaos to pull something from the ancient capital .

Just like in the Beiyuan area, twenty frogs dragged the Khufu Pyramid out of the Minghui Passage and landed in Beiyuan.

land! It was a piece of land, and the corpse was dragging out a piece of undead ferociously.

Zhaohua was finally completely relieved when he saw Mu Yan dragging out this piece of land, because in fact Zhaohua didn't have any confidence.

He didn't expect that Huangsha Skeleton and the Dead Emperor would have the ability to summon the Pyramid of Darkness, but how could Zhaohua not be prepared? To be even more cunning, you must not fight with the information you knew during the battle in Shanghai, you need to think further.

Therefore, Zhaohua also needs foreign aid beyond the imagination of the Kraken. The mages who are reinforced from the western region, Japan, Pakistan and other countries are not enough, and they will definitely be counted by the Kraken. Zhaohua also needs help from seemingly impossible forces.

This is the 'foreign aid' that Zhaohua found.

In the endless ghost city, Wu Yi used the powerful power of the invincible monarch to forcefully drag the undead land where the endless ghost city is located.

The Endless Ghost City is the resting place of the warriors of the ancient king who fought in all directions. At the beginning, the ancient king made them into magic ghost soldiers and kept them to protect the imperial mausoleum. They were used to punish the enemies who opposed him at the beginning, so that the enemies would not be reincarnated for thousands of generations. eternal torment.

Bronze ghost soldiers, Wujin ghost generals, platinum swordsmen, glazed ghost witches, and mercury ghost kings stood in square formations on the ground of the endless ghost city.

With blond hair fluttering in the wind, Gu Suoyu, who was holding a purple-red battle halberd, stood in front of a million ghost soldiers, commanding a million ghost soldiers.

At this moment, even Hua Zhanhong, the capital of the Southern Military Region, was stunned for a moment, as if the legendary magic army had returned.

Even if there were no shocking sounds of killing, Hua Zhanhong knew that this was a peerless magic army that was decisive in killing.

Gu Suoyu stood quietly on the ground, standing with a horizontal halberd. Just standing, it seemed to be eternal. As long as it stood there, there was no way any creature could cross it. No matter what sea monster it was, it didn't have the slightest fear. It seems that leading millions of ghost soldiers is the strongest line of defense in the world.

It is the line of defense that even the ancient king once trusted.

The dead king of all directions is part of the ancient king's undead magic. It is the undead made by the white palace of the ancient king. However, the ancient king did not fight alone. He had followers and a mage army.

Back then, Gu Suoyu, Empress Jiuyou, and the Red Skull Demon Lord were not dead, they were living beings, and they were mages.

And it was Gu Suoyu, the Goddess of War, who led this magic army back then.

The Parthenon Temple has more than 10,000 mages whose strength is the lowest at the middle level, and 1,000 adjudication mages, all of whom are above the high level, and close to 100 super-level mages.

At the beginning, the magic legion of the ancient king was only in the millions when counting the junior mages. The number of middle-level, high-level, and super-level is actually equivalent to the current Parthenon Temple.

The so-called Temple Guardian Mage Legion of the Parthenon Temple, one of the three major magic organizations known as detachment, is nothing but a collapsed dog in front of this magic legion, which is not worth mentioning.

The entire army of magic ghost soldiers is permeated with extremely terrifying chills. This kind of chilling momentum is not found in any army in magic civilization. The murderous aura that only the demon country possesses.

Just stand quietly on the ground, this murderous aura can tear everything apart.

It seems that such a legion is a heavenly sword, even if it is the emperor's demon country, it can tear everything in front of it.

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