Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1442 Evil Dragon Congeals Bone

Zhaohua is actually taking a gamble. Zhaohua knows that this magical army is hidden in the endless ghost city. After all, Gu Suoyu was one of the dead kings of the eight directions. After being sealed on the Shenmu emperor's coffin by the Queen of Nine Nethers, she forced to lead the dead kings from all directions to attack the ancient capital, making Sa Lang a god of death and an emperor, and then opened up the dark plane so that they could see the ancient king in the dark plane.

In the end, Gu Suoyu also gave up his mission and surrendered to Ji Shaoan. So it is impossible for Zhaohua to know whether the millions of ghost soldiers in Endless Ghost City are still willing to be commanded by Gu Suoyu.

Zhaohua made a deal with Empress Jiuyou, and Zhaohua promised her that no matter what the outcome of this battle is, the descendants of the country will mobilize everyone to find the holy springs scattered around the country and give them to Shayuan as a reward.

That's how this scene came about.

It is impossible to beat the Siren in a normal fight. The gap between the number and strength of mages and Siren is extremely huge. Now it is obvious that it depends on the foundation, and our country has existed on this land since ancient times, and has accumulated countless Years of resource accumulation.

Relying on the background of being the oldest magic empire to narrow the gap with the sea monster.

Gu Suoyu raised his head to look at the Huangsha Skeleton Death Emperor standing in the black mist. The Huangsha Skeleton Death Emperor is actually somewhat similar to the ancient king. It was once the queen of the magical sea kingdom of Atlantis. The mermaid warriors from the Pearl River are very similar to the million ghost soldiers made into ghost soldiers by the ancient king. On one side are the million siren mermaid army, and on the other side are the million ghost soldiers of the ancient king.

The difference is that the ancient king is no longer in the magical world, nor does he have the strongest Great Wall as a guardian, but the opponent is an undead titan with three sub-kings.

Gu Suoyu withdrew his gaze from looking at Huangsha Skeleton and Dead Emperor, and looked straight ahead without saying a word. The mermaid warriors of Atlantis had already started to land one after another.

However, compared with the murderous spirit and discipline of the ancient king's army of millions of ghost soldiers, the murloc army of Atlantis is extremely immature, just like elementary school students fighting, they only scream when they rush to the shore rush forward.

Especially the monarch-level mercury ghost kings who are the core of the ghost army. Each of them is a former super mage, and they are unparalleled warriors like Gu Suoyu. Even if they are dead now, they have become guardians. The sea of ​​mercury in the imperial tomb.

But at this time, their eyes are also cold and fearless. When they were mages, they did not hesitate to raise the magic cutting tools in their hands to charge up to the emperor. The super mages were vulnerable in front of the emperor. The same is not afraid.

These veterans are not afraid of any enemy in the world. They dare to fight with all emperors, whether it is the emperor of Asia or the emperor of Shiyuan. .

The unparalleled warrior who once followed the ancient king to unify the entire continent.

The old king is indeed gone, and the green dragon is sleeping, but this time, there is a goddess of death supporting them.

In the death mountain range in Congcheng, the endless death energy left by Xiao Ji's fusion suddenly surged continuously.

In the small villa in the mountains, two huge dark star palaces appeared.

The shadow star palace behind Ji Shaohan, the surging death energy in Ji Shaohan's hands is like plasticine kneaded by her. This terrifying death force is just a toy in Ji Shaohan's hands.

"Death—Poetry of Shadows—Death Bones."

The super-level third-level magic of the shadow system is not a dead bone, it is Ji Shaohan's original magic.

Ji Shaohan stretched out his jade hands, his black hair was driven by the breath of death on his body, and he was wearing a blue and white pleated skirt, which made Ji Shaohan look holy but devilish.

Ji Shaohan stretched out his index finger, pointed in a consonant manner, and with a popping sound, bones flew out of the Death Mountain, and the dead energy in the Death Mountain began to penetrate into these bones, and strange patterns of death were engraved on the bones .

Almost at the moment when Ji Shaohan completed the shadow magic, Yuyi Ningmeng's star palace of the undead system was also activated.

Yuyi Ningmeng has black and straight hair, a small piece of hair in the middle of the bangs is combed back to reveal a little forehead, the hair is tied up with a ribbon, and the blue ribbon is tied into a bow.

The reason why Ji Shaoan created such shadow magic as Dead Bone was because of Yu Yi Ningmeng's undead magic, more precisely, it was to match her natural talent.

At the beginning, Yuyi Ningmeng was an exchange student from Japan, and she was studying abroad at Sun Yat-sen University. Her name at the time was Jian Ningmeng. At that time, she swept away all the new mages with her powerful natural talent.

If Ningmeng Yuyi represented the Japanese national team in the national competition, I am afraid that the list of the top four would have changed.

Whoa whoa! ! ! ! A terrifying dragon roar roared out from the Death Mountain, and a huge black shadow flew out of the churning death air.

Long Yi! Long Yi, who has advanced to the level of a monarch, has been hiding in the Death Mountain for the past six months to receive baptism.

Because the leftovers of the Black Dragon Emperor's flesh and blood only made Long Yi's body stronger, but the source of darkness, the source of Long Yi's power, was still relatively weak, so Ji Shaoan used the power of death to help it become stronger.

But even so, Long Yi's strength is still not too strong, only the strength of the Great Monarch is far from enough in this battle, Zhaohua needs a strong combat power, such as Haiyuan Dilong's Sub-Emperor's combat power.

Long Yi rushed to those piles of dead bones, charging forward with an invincible aura.

Yuyi Ningmeng is also the first time to try to use her natural talent to arm creatures, because her dirty bone marrow is the first time to reassemble the destroyed undead into more powerful undead and install it on a living creature.

One by one dead bones ruthlessly inserted into Long Yi's body, those dead bones that had absorbed the power of death seemed to be alive and wanted to devour them.

The fact is also true, because these bones are indeed alive. These bones are not other things, but the bones of the black dead plague dragon that was blown up by Mo Fan's Black Dragon Emperor magic outfit half a year ago.

The battle spirit after the death of the black death plague dragon thousands of years ago has been hidden in the bones, otherwise the Huangsha skeleton and the dead emperor would not be able to completely resurrect it.

After being defeated by the Black Dragon Emperor again in the Battle of Modu, some of those bones were taken away by military mages who collected resources.

The dragon only advanced to the level of the monarch more than half a year ago, and it is impossible to advance to the next level, and the emperor does not come immediately, even Zhaohua cannot suddenly make the summoned beast become the emperor, so Zhaohua does not intend to Instead of advancing it, arm it and make it stronger!

Whoooo! ! ! ! ! !

The bones of the Black Death Plague Dragon were implanted into Long Yi's body, and each bone was fused with Long Yi's original bones under Yuyi Ningmeng's control.

A pair of even bigger bone wings grew from the huge evil dragon wings, and bone-claw-like weapons grew from the sharp dragon claws. The black dead bones turned into a huge external armor, arming Long Yi. From the teeth to the teeth, the whole body seems to have grown a dead bone dragon armor.

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