Full-time Summoner

Chapter 145 The method is extremely cruel

Zhaohua pointed to the arena that had just finished playing next to him and said, "Go on stage."

Simple, direct, no other words are needed, don't BB, go to the stage and do it.

Gao Yan was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then burst out laughing, bent over laughing, and said with a bit of a smile: "Hahahaha, you are just a nobody? Are you worthy of Gao Yan's shot? Guo Xiang, you can do it for me, Remember not to beat him to death, break his hands and feet, and just lie in the hospital for a year or so, just like the nosy person last time."

In order to 'golden' their children, some big local families and wealthy families will use a lot of resources to pull up their cultivation bases at the initial stage, and break through to the intermediate stage before high school, as long as they spend a little more money to buy a Xingzi, who is better, controls the controller and has cultivated intermediate-level magic. Even if he has intermediate-level cultivation, even the number one Imperial Academy in China will recruit such students.

The education system in this world is like this. It is about strength. As long as you have strength, the school will not care whether you practice hard, have high talent, have a rich family background, or encounter some shocking opportunities when you go out. The school only needs you to reach the standard of cultivation. can enroll.

The so-called score system did not exist before, but it was set up in modern times to balance students from ordinary families.

Gao Yan is such a student. He is the only son of the ruler of the Gao family in the Yaodu mage family. He was born with a golden key. At the beginning, he used awakening jade to awaken the thunder element, but he awakened the earth element. He spent a lot of resources and spent more than two years. Time, he broke through the middle level just before the college entrance examination, and finally got his wish and awakened the Thunder Element.

Their parents also know how powerful such a mage is, so they will arrange a so-called bodyguard for them in the school, and specially hire some students with strong cultivation bases to protect them from knives.

For example, ranking, deliberately arrange to give points, let these bodyguards come up when you encounter challenges, pretend that you are not qualified, and then fight with yourself if you win, the actual batch, you can’t do it if you don’t fight, you don’t fight others The 'bodyguard' will also challenge you to send points back.

Zhaohua had heard of such a phenomenon in well-known domestic universities before, which was used to gild the next person in power. He thought at that time that such a mage could be of any use.

But Gao Yan didn't realize what he had done, nor who he had met.

Zhaohua shook his head and said, "Don't bother, you two should do it together. Otherwise, it will take time to find time to kill you later."

Since when Gao Yan was seen by others like this, he was going to kill himself? Damn it, it would be nice if I didn't kill you, but you still want to kill me!

Gao Yan hates two kinds of people the most. The first is to say that he is short, and the second is to pretend to be B in front of him.

"Okay, okay." Gao Yan said three good things in a row, no one can walk on two feet after pretending to be in front of him. Gao Yan felt that he had been a bit too licking the dog recently, which made him too embarrassing, and someone thought he could challenge him.

"Since you want to die, don't blame me for being rude."

"Ji Shaoduan, you have given me a good look. If anyone dares to think about you in the future, I will interrupt his hands and feet. You are mine, and no one is allowed."

Gao Yan waved his hand, and read it according to the domineering president's declaration on the TV series.

It's just that Ji Shao ignored him completely at this time, holding the small drawing book tightly with both hands, looking at Zhaohua who was walking towards Jiang Heping, and felt in his heart that he was angry with himself, jealous or something, he was simply not too handsome.

Zhaohua naturally heard Gao Yan's mentally handicapped declaration, ignored it, and went straight to his class teacher Jiang Heping and said, "Professor Jiang, I haven't seen you for a long time. I'm sorry to bother you."

Zhaohua has never lost in pretending to be a student.

Jiang Heping glared at Zhaohua angrily, knowing that you are still doing this to trouble me. But Jiang Heping didn't say anything. He received a text message from Principal Bai Li'an this morning, telling him that Zhaohua had returned safely. He was quite surprised at that time. How did this kid sneak away? If not, even he can't escape.

Jiang Heping nodded with a little curiosity and said, "Although you didn't report for today's qualifying match, it's because your situation is special, but this time's result doesn't count."

After Zhaohua thanked him, he stepped onto the arena.

The students who were supposed to be in the next ranking battle ran off the stage in a hurry after being glared at by Gao Yan. Ordinary students didn't dare to mess with the powerful magic family.

This large venue is exclusively for freshmen, and there are only freshmen and some tourists watching the game. After two months, there are already "level bullies" among the freshman students, and Gao Yan is one of them.

"Hey, look, that's Gao Yan!?"

"Huh? That's right, it's Gao Yan, but he's not on the battle list today."

"Look over there, it's Ji Shaoan, probably like the previous few times, I don't understand, is there something wrong with Gao Yan's brain, Ji Shaoan has rejected him several times, how can he be so lazy .”

There are some girls who have been beaten up by Ji Shao, and it is really annoying to be stalked.

"You don't know this, let me tell you, I heard that the Gao family took a fancy to Ji Shaohan's natural talent. Although Ji Shaohan didn't disclose her natural talent, everyone with a discerning eye knows that her undead and curse systems are too strong , too advanced, now some people speculate based on some of her combat data that Ji Shaohan's natural talent can be among the top three in the talent ranking."

"So, the Gao family wants to acquire this natural talent in the name of pursuit, and I heard that Ji Shaohan's family is very ordinary. You understand what I mean."

Some students in the audience began to discuss some things, and some even started the live broadcast to invite friends to watch the show.

Guo Xiang stood in the front and Gao Yan stood in the back. Gao Yan didn't intend to make a move at all. He came up to step on Zhaohua when he was defeated, and even planned to use magic to cripple Zhaohua.

The referee is a senior in the senior grade. Generally, referees for this kind of ranking competition have a few things. The middle-level dual-system is the basic, and the magic department is mainly defense. After all, it is to protect the students.

After the referee said a bunch of 'friendship, peace, and fairness', he called the start. But even the referee knew that this time there was bound to be blood on both sides, and the referee would not make a move unless he called for surrender or life-threatening danger.

Especially Zhaohua, Jiang Heping looked at him, feeling a chill in his heart, he saw a fierce look in Zhaohua's eyes.

"Wind track running fast." Zhaohua took the lead in attacking, and a wind track extended in front of Gao Yan.

Xiao Fengcan's strength has improved, and since he is also a middle-level mage, Nebula has more magic power, and the acceleration of the wind trajectory is faster and can extend farther. Zhaohua rushed towards Gao Yan with a stride, and at some point he was holding a frying pan in his hand. The bottom of the pan was black and it looked like it had been used for a long time.

"Think about the star trail!?"

The audience in the audience immediately noticed the problem. Although it is no longer so rare in Sun Yat-sen University, it is only a trick for seniors, and you are only a freshman.

It is also because at Sun Yat-Sen University, although others can't read the star track, but the release speed is already very fast, Guo Xiang is not surprised to see Zhaohua's target is Gao Yan, and he himself completed the magic very quickly.

"Water Guardian."

Two water columns surround and protect the high rock, and the high rock is separated by a thick water film, and the color of the water film is very strange, not blue, but green, emitting an unpleasant stench.

But Zhaohua ignored Shuiyu Guardian, raised the frying pan and patted Gao Yan's face.

Zizizi! ! ! strong acid! The plastic handle of the pan disappeared and melted as soon as it touched the water film. The metal pan stopped in the water film and kept bubbling. In just three seconds, the iron pan was also melted.

"Hahahaha, this is our Gao family's reward to Guo Xiang. Water spirit species—green acid, water spirit species that can melt metal."

Gao Yan remained motionless, looking at Zhaohua who was blocked outside with disdain.

Gao Yan was wrong, very wrong. Because he was blocked by the green water film, he didn't see the madness in Zhaohua's eyes.

Bong! Zhaohua put five fingers together, turned into a hand sword, and inserted fiercely into the water film. Facing such an attack of piercing the surface, Shui Yu had no effect at all. Zhaohua grabbed Gao Yan's collar with one hand, trying to pull him out The inside is pulled into the strong acid.

Thank you for the monthly tickets of [Prison Tilt] [Laziness \u0026 Heart] [Queen Be Lighter].

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