Full-time Summoner

Chapter 146 Even Jesus Can't Save You

"Guardian of Water Guard." Guo Xiang's spellcasting speed was not slow, Zhaohua accelerated through the wind track and just arrived at the midfield position, and Water Guard appeared, protecting Gao Yan.

"Huh? Why is the color of the water guard different? Oh my god, is it a spirit seed!? He's already at the middle level!!" Some audience members in the audience exclaimed when they discovered the blind spot.

"Ham, you just don't know. Guo Xiang's cultivation base is already in the middle level, but normally speaking, he is actually a sophomore. He is a repeat student." A student who knew Guo Xiang explained.

"Repeaters? You are kidding me, where are the repeaters?"

"That's what you don't know. Guo Township belongs to Bocheng, and it is authorized by the state."

Everyone knows about the incident in Bo City. Bo City was destroyed by demons, and it happened not long after the college entrance examination, let alone the college entrance examination results. The only magic high school in Bo City, the principal of Tianlan Magic High School, was dead. In the demon war.

That's why the country issued a charter. In addition to arranging temporary housing for the residents of Bo City, the students of Tianlan Magic High School in Bo City were also allowed to repeat their studies for a year.

You must know that there were no such operations as repeating and repeating grades before, otherwise everyone would repeat for a year and everyone would be admitted to a prestigious school, and the extra year of practice time would definitely be higher than the previous year.

So Guo Xiang is one year older than the students in this class, but he is still a freshman.

Guo Xiang was also a lucky person at the beginning. He rushed to the safe zone with his high school classmates and did not die at the hands of the demon. But Guo Xiang was also unlucky, because apart from Guo Xiang himself, his family members were all buried in the belly of the demon.

Instead of giving up on himself, Guo Xiang used the high life insurance compensation and leftover property to buy a bottle of cosmic dust and successfully broke through, becoming an intermediate water mage, and successfully admitted to Sun Yat-Sen University.

However, his second element was not very ideal. He had awakened the light element, and had already consumed all his property in order to break through to the middle level. In the end, he chose to join the Gao family of the magic family and serve as Gao Yan's bodyguard.

And this water spirit species is the reward, such a powerful spirit species cannot be bought, Zhaohua can buy the silver blade thanks to Feng Zhoulong's relationship. And green acid is a very powerful water spirit species, which directly changed Guoxiang's water system from a defensive magic system to an offensive one. Whether it is the elementary water defense or the middle-level storm, it has become extremely dangerous and aggressive.

"Lying grass!! What is he doing!!"

When they saw that the pans were all melted, everyone thought that Zhaohua would stop attacking and switch to using mid-level wind pans. Even Gao Yan and Guo Xiang were the same. Guo Xiang had already prepared mid-level water storms. The picture is one third of the way drawn.

Gao Yan doesn't even bother to use magic. There are few mid-level mages among the newborns. There are still only a handful of spirit species that are so powerful. It is because of Guo Xiang's strength that Gao Yan, who can break even elementary magic, dares to dominate Otherwise, he would have been beaten to death long ago.

With Gao Yan and all the audience, referees, and teachers stunned, Zhao Hua pointed at the sword and rubbed it through the water film as if about to self-mutilate. His five fingers turned into claws grabbed Gao Yan's collar, trying to pull him into the green sour inside.

Everyone is dumbfounded at this moment, the acid is so strong that iron can melt, so you don't need your hands, right?

Guo Xiang saw that Zhaohua was going crazy to drag Gao Yan into the green acid. He was so frightened that he immediately canceled the star map and scattered the water guards. Gao Yan was his boss's son anyway, and he was responsible for anything that happened.

Zhaohua smiled, and said in a low voice, "I caught you." After being pulled out, Zhaohua changed from grabbing the collar to choking the neck.

Gao Yan looked at this smiling face so close at hand, he didn't know why his whole body was cold and chilly, this is not a human face, it is clearly a ghost, a devil, a lunatic! This is green acid, not only highly corrosive, but also poisonous, otherwise mid-level Guo Xiang would not be willing to join the Gao family as his bodyguard for a spiritual seed.

Because this spirit seed is really not for sale.

But when Gao Yan saw Zhaohua's right hand grabbing his neck, he was even more dumbfounded, nothing happened! ! If the sleeves of the clothes hadn't been corroded to prove that the green acid was indeed corrosive, Gao Yan wondered if Guo Xiang didn't use the power of the spirit seed, because the arm was whiter than tofu, and it didn't look like it was corroded by strong acid.

Huh, Zhaohua grabbed Gao Yan by the neck and lifted him up, and then pushed Gao Yan to the ground with a thud, almost choking Gao Yan to death.

Hey, Zhaohua quickly took out a fruit knife from the space watch, pointed it at Gao Yan's arm, and was about to stab it. Since you want to break my hands and feet, it would be bad for me not to reciprocate.

When~~~the fruit knife broke off and stabbed the magic armor. How can a magic armor that can defend against the attacks of monsters be pierced by fruit knives?

Zhaohua felt that Guo Xiang behind him had completed his magic, and it would be difficult to instantly break through this magic armor with good defensive power without using the hole card.

"Wind silk, tied."

Lelele, ten wind silks are like fishing lines, tying up Gao Yan, and one of the wind silks got in through the gap of the magic armor and strangled Gao Yan's neck, so that he wouldn't be able to breathe but he didn't call him surrender Opportunity.

"Water Royal Guard!" After Zhaohua completed the five-flower tie, Guo Xiang's magic was also completed.

This Shuiyu didn't seem to want to protect, but more like killing Zhaohua with strong acid, and poured it directly on Zhaohua.

However, Zhaohua, who has the power of the little wind silkworm, has too many ways to avoid this move. Zhaohua didn't choose too many fancy tricks, and directly used the wind track to dodge.

The summoning system is colorless and transparent, and at the same time, the transparency can also be transformed into any color. The mysterious elf magic gave Zhaohua unparalleled talent and power. And until now he hasn't even called out a summoned beast.

Professor Jiang Heping, who was on the sidelines as an audience, was stunned. How could this nima's wind system be so smooth? Are you Lao Tzu's student? Or did I remember wrongly, what was taught was not the summoning system but the wind system?

The audience was even more confused, they all looked at Zhaohua's right hand, oh my god, what a tender hand. No no no, yes. God, how could this man's hands be fine! ? Doesn't strong acid corrode the flesh?

Of course green acid would corrode the body, otherwise how could Gao Yan be so confident that he didn't even use magic. But Zhaohua also has spiritual seeds, and there are still three of them. The wind of healing—spring, Zhaohua resists corrosion with the power of healing, so it looks like it is ineffective, but the pain still hurts. It can only be said that there is a deep-hidden lunatic living in Zhaohua's heart.

It has to be said that Guo Xiang's strength is there. Not only is the spirit seed powerful, but also his perception of danger and combat experience are not bad. Zhaohua can feel that Guo Xiang has a special feeling, as if he has transformed.

For a while, Zhaohua only used the wind element since he couldn't get close to Guo Xiang, who had two elements of water and light.

"Huh? Still want to save people?"

Zhaohua saw a shadow sneaking in from a corner, Zhaohua knew it was Shadow Dun, probably Gao Yan's subordinates and friends were coming to rescue him.

How could Zhaohua have never imagined that these people would not abide by the rules at all, and it is normal to fight more and less. Zhaohua's five fingers pulled hard, and Gao Yan, who was bound by five flowers, was pulled over with a whimper, and he was still dragged face down. Let the students of the shadow department rush to nothing.

Pa, Zhaohua stepped on Gao Yan and said with a slight smile: "Jesus can't save you even if he comes today, I said so."

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