Full-time Summoner

Chapter 147 The teacher can't do it either

The students of the Shadow Department appeared from the Shadow Escape, flung themselves to nothing, and showed a surprised expression. What I didn't expect was that Zhaohua knew this person.

"Are you the one from the summoning department?" Gao Cen said suspiciously.

Gao Cen, the night before the military training, brought a few people to the summoning department class and said that they would cover Zhaohua and let him join the local school's Baimao.

Now it is the same as two months ago, with grandma's gray hair color, the overall shape has not changed much, and Zhaohua recognizes it, but Gao Cen is not sure, because Zhaohua is 'dead'.

Zhaohua stomped hard, but the magic armor hadn't disappeared. He looked at Gao Cen and said, "Your surname is Gao too. Are you from the same family?"

Gao Cen threatened with a vicious tone: "Let go of Gao Yan, otherwise our Gao family will not let you go."

After Zhaohua heard this, he found it a bit funny. It’s the 21st century, and he still plays these old tricks of threatening people. Not to mention that Zhaohua knows that in the Zhongshan Academy, the magic family can’t get in at all, even if you can Entering the academy, Zhaohua is also confident to use his relationship of being protected by the Tribunal because of the Black Vatican to cut off the black hand of the magic family.

Zhaohua didn't pay attention to Gao Cen who was clamoring about how powerful his family was, but looked at Gao Yan who was strangled by him and couldn't speak, and his breathing was not smooth, which made his face flushed.

"How long can your turtle shell last? When the time comes, I'll cut off your flesh piece by piece. I won't kill you, but your 'tools' will be confiscated."

Zhaohua's voice was so low that Gao Yan could only hear it. Of course, Zhaohua would not cut off the roots of other people's descendants. This would cause serious injuries, and he would not be able to live well, but it would be okay to intimidate him.

Gao Yan saw Zhaohua smiling, looking harmless to humans and animals, and he believed Zhaohua's words, and his lower body suddenly felt cold. He regretted it now, why did he run to the stage, let Guo Xiang fight it? up.

This can't be blamed on Gao Yan, no one would have thought that Zhaohua actually has a wind spirit species with the ability to heal. With the addition of Gao Yan's thunder and earth elements, it may be able to support it.

"Oh my god, what is the origin of that person, he managed to deal with Guo Xiang, Gao Cen, and Gao Yan without falling behind."

"What do you see in your eyes? One hits three and one is counter-killed. This is called not losing the wind? It's obviously a win-win situation."

"Is it just me who can't understand how Gao Yan was pulled over?"

"Stop talking, I didn't understand the whole scene."

The first-year freshmen and tourists off the court had long been arguing like buying vegetables in the market, and even more tourists came after hearing the news, so there were no students in the other seven venues to watch, and they themselves were bored and stood on the stage instead. Just watch the battle.

And the referee did not let Gao Cen, who rushed to the stage to save others, step down. First, the referee was only a student and did not dare to offend the Gao family. Second, Zhaohua did not complain. Didn't you see someone stepping on Gao Yan with one foot?

"Storm! Expulsion!!"

Taking advantage of Gao Cen's attention, Guo Xiang quickly drew a star map. This time he didn't use the power of the spirit seed. A huge dark blue wave, more than ten meters high, surged out of the star chart, threatening to drive away everything in front of him.

Guo Xiang didn't use the Spirit Seed because he had his own ideas. Now he wants to push Gao Yan out of the arena and save the boss's son first. For the first time, he felt that it was so hard to protect a person. This is really a pig teammate. A magic was useless, but was restrained by someone.

Zhaohua looked up and saw a huge wave of more than ten meters rushing towards him. He kicked Guo Xiang out of the range of the storm in a calm manner, and he was dodging with a dodge.

A wind mage who has the ability to read the star trail is hopeless. This kind of dodging ability makes some middle-level magic helpless. No wonder when the military explores the land of demons, they must have wind-type scouts. This kind of dodging ability , Some cumbersome monsters can't do anything about them.

"I'll help you! Imprisoned by the Giant Shadow Spike."

A black nail was shot at extremely fast, very fast, just at the place where Zhaohua Fenggui's flash step stopped.

Zhaohua noticed that Gao Cen's shadow system was very ordinary, without the blessing of spiritual power, Zhaohua probably guessed that the status of Gao Yan who was kicked by him should be higher than Gao Cen.

"Pull the thread to chop."

With a flick of Zhaohua's finger, a sharp white line sliced ​​through the flying Giant Shadow Spike, and the Giant Shadow Spike disappeared into the air, unable to get even one meter closer to Zhaohua's side.

"My God, what kind of magic is he using? I haven't seen it before."

"Damn it, is this the wind element? How can the wind element have such magic." Some people saw that Zhaohua sliced ​​the Giant Shadow Nail and said that they learned fake magic.

Even Jiang Heping, who was watching from the side, found it strange. He only felt that it was the fluctuation of the magic energy of the wind element, but it didn't look like magic.

"Could it be some special wind-type magic-slaying equipment?"

Even if Jiang Heping is a professor, he still can't recognize all the magic tools, especially now that the development of magic tools is changing with each passing day. Not long ago, Deng, a family of thunder-type magic in the demon capital, released his own fire-type magic-killing tool, which combines the fire-type fire-type The effective and powerful magic-slaying tool, and announced the success of mass production, caused his stock price to rise by a wave.

Gao Yan's magical armor finally disappeared after easily cracking the two intermediate magics.

If you want to say that Zhaohua is really ruthless, he is like a werewolf, even more ruthless than a ruthless man.

Seeing the disappearance of the magic armor, he immediately took out a knife and stabbed it in Gao Yan's thigh. The painful Gao Yan sat up with a kick, tears streaming down his face, but he couldn't speak, his face suddenly turned red. purple.

"Do you want to kill someone! Referee! Gao Yan has lost the ability to fight!" Gao Cen is not an idiot, if you choke your neck and refuse to surrender, then why would you ask the referee. So Gao Cen said loudly to the referee.

The referee also felt that it was a bit too much and said to Zhaohua: "Gao Yan has lost the ability to fight, stop attacking."

It's a pity that neither Gao Yan nor the other people present were aware of one problem. Zhaohua let Gao Cen come to the stage to save people, that is, he didn't take the rules seriously at all.

Brush and stab! The second knife aimed at the other leg and stabbed fiercely. According to the length of the knife body, it might have pierced through.

The referee immediately understood that this person had no intention of obeying the rules at all. He might not kill people, but he would stab all the 'hands and feet' mentioned before the battle.

"Light Blessing Holy Shield." The referee is an intermediate-level light mage, and the intermediate-level magic is released very quickly, and two light shields are formed at once.

"Gone with the wind."

Six wind tracks, the first-level and third-level wind track floating shadow can initially generate three wind tracks to form a triangle, and the wind mage can accelerate and dodge in this wind track triangle, and can instantly use the second-level flash step without linking stars rail.

However, the higher the cultivation level of the wind system mage, the more the number of wind tracks will be, and a more complex wind track formation can be formed. Zhaohua's six wind tracks form a flower-shaped large formation covering the entire arena.

Grabbing Gao Yan and dodging the Light Blessing Shield, even if the Light Blessing Shield was chasing to protect Gao Yan, he couldn't catch up with Zhaohua who was going around in the wind track formation. Seeing Zhaohua take out two a knife.

This time, Zhaohua intends to directly insert two knives into his collarbone. He wants to let others know that he still needs to take care of his mouth, otherwise someone will help you take care of his mouth.

"Zhaohua, that's enough, it's too much." Jiang Heping couldn't watch the show any more, and when the referee couldn't stop him, he would definitely make a move.

High-level water magic, the water bloom sky curtain, the water curtain appeared directly, covering it, making it impossible to leave.

But Zhaohua has already said that even if Jesus came, he could not be saved, especially the teacher.


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