Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1453 Zhaohua's hole card

On the branch where Ying Yan and the others were, a rainbow light suddenly blurred. Zhaohua supported Nalanlong, the leader of the Eastern Army who was seriously injured and even his spiritual world had collapsed, appeared in front of Ying Yan and the others.

"Yeah, if I died so easily, I would have been killed by your young master of the Deng family, right?"

Deng Le and the others were immediately taken aback. Zhao Hua and Nalan Long suddenly appeared in the empty place just now, and this was definitely not space teleportation, Zhao Hua just appeared suddenly.

Not to mention a few of their super mages, even the two Asian emperors below and the two demon emperors who had been attracted by Hua Zhanhong didn't realize when Zhaohua left.

Ying Yan looked at the rainbow-colored little dragon standing on Zhaohua's shoulder. No need to guess, it was its special ability.

Rainbow Illusion World, this is Rainbow Dragon's true dragon demon skill. Rainbow Dragon possessing the power of seven elements already possesses the basic conditions to form the world. Its rainbow fantasy world is not an ordinary mind illusion, it is not a deception, it can really create a false world, but it cannot create life.

Ying Yan said: "Just now you waited for a second to appear, is that fake?"

Ying Yan noticed that after Zhaohua blasted away the remaining imperial power with the Holy Wind Wing, he stayed for a second before appearing.

According to Zhaohua's speed, after breaking through the sea water, he could bring out the head of the Nalan Dragon Army in less than one tenth of a second. It was impossible for him to wait for a full second.

Looking at it now, that Zhaohua who was smashed to pieces was a fake at all. But the shattered body was too realistic, and even the emperor and monsters were deceived.

The illusion created by Honglong is a collection of all the elements of the world. In a certain sense, it is not fake, not the deception of the Psychic system, so even the Asian Emperor was deceived.

This kind of power does not exist in the magical world at all.

Zhaohua put down Nalan Dragon, activated the Wind Domain to shield the surroundings, and said, "Ying Yan, can you save the leader of Nalan's army?"

Ying Yan is a mage majoring in the healing department. Although his healing department is never used to save people, Ying Yan has the phoenix flame, and his phoenix flame has transformed, like a real phoenix in the holy plane. In general, maybe he will have a way.

This is why Zhaohua brought Nalanlong over.

Ying Yan and Ta Siqi, who majored in the healing department and was in charge of the team's healing, walked over. Ying Yan activated the phoenix forbidden area, and the golden phoenix flame wrapped around Nalanlong's army leader.

Just when Ta Siqi was about to use the super-level three healing magic, Angel Blessing—God Healing to try to heal, Nalan Long opened his eyes and raised his hand to stop Ta Siqi from casting magic.

"Don't waste mana. A super-level three healing magic can save many mages on the battlefield. Every point of mana of a healing mage can't be wasted."

With a flick of his hand, Nalan Long dissipated Ying Yan's phoenix flames and let all the flames return to Ying Yan's body. As the leader of the army, he has fought on the battlefield for many years, and he knows his situation.

"My spiritual world has been destroyed by the god-seed power of Poseidon Ji, even the resurrection magic of the Parthenon can't save me."

One of the signs that the magic world is not as mature as the other three planes is that the god-seed cannot be born.

The Magic Association speculates that the pistil of the earth is most likely the flower left over from the immature god species. Because of the flaws in the magical world itself, the Pistil of the Earth cannot condense the God-Seed, so there is such a thing as the Pistil of the Earth.

Not all emperors can possess this level of power. The Dragon King of the East China Sea does not have it. Only creatures at the emperor level of Shiyuan have the power of the gods, which is why they are so powerful.

Rely on your own strength to disobey the world, what you don't have, I have.

Fang is the real emperor, not bound by the world.

Ying Yan nodded to Zhaohua, meaning that the phoenix fire could not save him. If Ying Yan and the Fire Seed of the Phoenix are fully fused, maybe the Fire Seed of the Phoenix will really advance to the level of the sacred fire of the holy plane, but by then Ying Yan himself will not be a human being, and become something like Zhaohua and Ying Yan himself do not know either.

Nalan Long walked up to Zhaohua, looked at him seriously, and said, "My spiritual world is broken now, which is like a flashback. I can't last long. I know you are worried that the Siren God Clan has controlled the mage and has been fighting alone .”

"It is the destiny and long-cherished wish of a military mage to die in battle in the land of demons, even the leader of the army is no exception."

"Don't let me die like a fool."

Du Long'er and others were also silent after hearing this. The words of the army leaders who had killed countless monsters made them young mages, who had been protected all the time, feel as if something was blocked in their throats.

This is the real mage, it is such a military mage who guards the country one after another, and sacrifices himself in exchange for peace.

The reason why Nalanlong and other four army chiefs handed over all the power to Zhaohua was because of the control of the Siren Protoss that even the army capital couldn't tell who was a human and who was a ghost, so they handed everything over to one person Control, then only Zhaohua knows all the plans to deal with the Kraken.

This is the reason why the capitals of the four major armies supported him unconditionally. In the past six months, Zhaohua did not ask and understand anything that the military chiefs did. Only he knew what he did, and everyone obeyed the arrangements.

The leaders of the four major armies counted and counted throughout the country, and the only person who has the ability to formulate a plan to deal with the Kraken is Zhaohua.

Nalanlong believes that he must have read the right person, and that Zhaohua must have the ability to save the country.

Even in this situation, Nalan Long firmly believes that he has the cards to change the situation of the battle.

Zhaohua looked at Nalan Long, and after three seconds of silence, he said in a sad tone, "I know the leader of Nalan's army."

Hearing Zhaohua's promise, Nalanlong showed a relieved smile, he saw the right person.

Deng Le and the others were at a loss for words, this is the head of the national army! He is the strongest mage, the curse mage who fought against the Dragon King of the East China Sea for three days and three nights in the magic capital, but he was still powerless in the face of the sea monster emperor.

The battle between mages and demons is still erupting on the battlefield. Because of the two invincible demon emperors, Sea God Ji and the Dragon King of the East China Sea, the Tianque Dadong battlefield in Nancheng, which was able to stabilize the situation, has completely lost control.

Hua Zhanhong couldn't resist the attacks of the two big demon emperors at all, even with the protection of the Dream Dao Tree, plus Nancheng's defensive barrier and Jinyao barrier, the two major demon emperors plus the four sub-divine kings and an unknown number of monarchs Sea monsters and human mages can only retreat steadily.

But the Kraken didn't attack the center of Yaodu, but went to the front of Pengcheng to pinch the military mages of the Eastern and Southern Military Regions who were retreating.

"Lieutenant general! The army of sea monsters from Tianque Waterfall in Nancheng is coming towards us, we will be surrounded if we leave the Jinyao enchantment!"

"Without the Jinyao enchantment, all military mages will surely die!"

There are undead sea monsters in the north, endless sea monsters, cold moon eye demon gods and six emperor sea monsters pouring in from the South China Sea in the east, and retreating west is the invading sea monster sent through the Tianque hole of the cold moon eye demon god army.

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