Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1454 Borrowing Blood

The lieutenant general of the Eastern Military Region said in a deep voice: "Obey orders!"


"The first priority of a military mage is to obey orders. Even if you are asked to resist the sea monster with your body, you must obey!"


"Huajun Chief, how long can you stop the Sea God Ji of Emperor Shiyuan?"

Zhaohua's voice came suddenly, and Hua Zhanhong barely blocked the attack of the Dragon King of the East China Sea by relying on the joint defense of several other Forbidden Curse Mages.

Hua Zhanhong is now dealing with Sea God Ji, while saying in his heart: "With the protection of the Dream Dao Tree, it will take an hour to stop it with my life."

Although Sea God Ji is ranked lower than Leng Yuemou Demon God, the reason why Leng Yuemou Demon God ranks higher is because it has two divine eyes, and now one divine eye has been torn off by Qinglong. According to the current strength, the water element Holy Spirit Sea God Ji is the most difficult one to deal with.

Although the other Haijis in the Haiji Empire are all in the imperial capital, the Haiji Empire itself is not good at numbers. The holy spirits of heaven and earth are not weaker than real dragons. They are as rare as real dragons. The Holy Spirit has absolute control where it belongs.

Zhaohua thought for a moment and said, "Keep your life and mana, and try your best to stop Sea God Ji."

Zhaohua's meaning is very clear, Hua Zhanhong can't die yet, now he just needs to stop him for a while, it doesn't take too long, he just needs to buy time.

"The Dragon King of the East China Sea..."

Although Haiyuan Dilong has also reached the bloodline of a true dragon and came to the sub-diwang, but facing the East China Sea Dragon King who has dominated the East China Sea for countless years, Haiyuan Dilong is like a child at all.

If it wasn't for Nancheng's protective barrier and some Forbidden Curse Formation attacks, plus the support of several fake Forbidden Curse Mages, Haiyuan Dilong might have been torn into pieces, and the gap in strength is too great.

"Leader Nalan is in charge."

Hearing Zhaohua's words, Hua Zhanhong was stunned for a moment, and then there was a trace of loneliness in his eyes.

Nalan Long is Hua Zhanhong's senior, and became the leader of the army earlier than Hua Zhanhong, and because the range of protection is close to each other, the two communicated the most, and even fought together several times.

Although Hua Zhanhong didn't know what Zhaohua's plan was, there was no doubt that Nalan Long, who had been hit hard by the sneak attack, would not be able to defeat the emperor.

The mage's body is always weak, this is an inevitable problem, even the leader of the army, once injured on the battlefield, if there is no healing magic, it will undoubtedly die.

There are too few forbidden curse mages. Once attacked by the emperor, if they don't defend themselves, it is actually tantamount to death.

Zhaohua's orders were passed on one by one, and all the military mages in Pengcheng retreated. They didn't know how Zhaohua could deal with the sea monster caught in the bread from behind, but all the military mages understood that on the battlefield, they must obey The order of the superior, even if he tells you to die, you must obey the order to resist the demon with your body.

They can only believe that the top management has a solution.

Zhaohua put Xiong Da on the branch where Ying Yan's phoenix hunting group was located. Xiong Da's strength could not go any higher. Now it only has the monarch in the middle. Following Zhaohua would definitely lead to death.

Looking at the entire magical world, the Chinese Sovereign is already very powerful, but in this war, the Chinese Sovereign may even be a cannon fodder. And Zhaohua's opponent cannot be a monarch-level sea-monster. It is best to stay with Deng Le, Mai Jiaxi and others. Their task is to deal with the monarch-level sea-monster.

It is also impossible for Zhaohua to make all summoned beasts infinitely stronger, there will always be summoned beasts that will fall behind, and the first one to fall behind is Xiong Da.

Zhaohua was floating in mid-air, looking at the Dragon King of the East China Sea who was madly attacking the mage with fierce killing intent in his eyes.

"Rainbow, I'll see you later."

Aww! Honglong didn't have a smiley face at all. It knew that if it didn't succeed this time, then this war might end early.

Zhaohua put away the wings of the wind, and flew with the help of the magic equipment suit. Hum, a moon-white book appeared in front of Zhaohua.

Zhaohua stretched out his left hand, and the catalog of origins automatically floated on Zhaohua's left hand. With a bang, the pages of the book were turned quickly, page after page, and each page recorded unimaginable things.

But these have nothing to do with Zhaohua, the catalog of origins is just a record, it is not a magical book, it can only record books.

hum! Suddenly, the catalog of origins stayed on a certain page. This page was not a powerful method, but a contract that had been preserved for several years.

Ho ho! ! ! Suddenly, the rainbow dragon roared up to the sky, the real dragon's aura was no longer hidden, and the real power hidden in the rainbow burst out.

The rainbow dragon with the strength of the supreme monarch is not even smaller than the emperor's Haiyuan Dilong.

The breath of the real dragon instantly spread throughout the entire Nancheng of the demon city.

When Honglong showed his true body, the scene in front of him was so beautiful, so beautiful that it was like a dream, so beautiful that it was so unreal that even the mage standing on the branch of the dream tree felt like it was in a dream. .

In front of my eyes, a colorful rainbow rises slowly from the waves. This rainbow stretches into the sky and passes through the Tianque Waterfall. I can't see where the rainbow extends, and I don't know where this rainbow bridge leads.

The gigantic rainbow dragon Xiaohong opened its colorful wings. Zhaohua looked at this rainbow bridge and smiled faintly.

The Rainbow Bridge is just a carrier, the real focus is on this contract on the origin catalog, without this contract, everything is nothing but a void.

Huhu, the contract on the origin catalog fell off, and a contract floated in front of Zhaohua with a bright light.

"The world-destroying dragon lurking in the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Dragons, abide by the contract, and rely on me to cause miracles and end the final power of the war!"

He opened his eyes, far away in an abyss valley in another plane, suddenly a pair of huge real dragon eyes opened.

Woo ho ho ho ho ho! ! ! ! ! ! !

The sound of a dragon's roar instantly resounded through the heavens and the earth, covering the entire Wanlong Valley and the entire Summoning Plane.

Afterwards, the dragon's breath billowed, like a turbulent wave rushing out of the Ten Thousand Dragons Valley. Just a roar could instantly shatter the sun, moon and stars in the sky, causing the stars to turn and move.

Even the creatures in the other two holy places, the Beast Tomb of the Subjugated Kingdom and the Tower of Thousand Clans Elf couldn't help but tremble.

All the dragon clans in Wanlong Valley bowed their heads and surrendered to this legendary dragon.

Zhaohua had a deal with the final emperor dragon at the beginning, as long as he could make the rainbow fish jump over the dragon's gate and become a colorful dragon with the ability to create all things, then the final emperor dragon promised Zhaohua to make a move and save his life.

And Zhaohua actually thought about it at the time, he didn't need to save his life, he needed a power that could turn things around.


The final emperor dragon has the blood of the gods, it is in charge of the end of the summoning plane, and its dragon breath represents the strongest destruction. Zhaohua needs the qualification to be the strongest destructive force once, even if he can only borrow it once.

Zhaohua once owned the theocratic power of the dark plane, and he knew that the theocratic power holders of the dark plane can lend part of their abilities to messengers and subordinates.

This time Zhaohua is equivalent to borrowing blood, but not for himself, but for Honglong.

Zhaohua is a human being, so he can't use the blood of the gods, but Honglong can!

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