Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1458 Siren Prophet

The waters of the Mariana Islands, which were originally as calm as a mirror, suddenly became very turbulent, and the waves were set off, very irritable, as if this sea area had extremely angry emotions, and it was venting its anger.

Just when the waters in the waters of the Mariana Islands became turbulent, Zhaohua in the demon city suddenly received a contract message from the insects.

Sea monsters can control human curse mages and spy on human intelligence, and of course human mages can too. The bugman is the most important source for Zhaohua to obtain information about the Kraken.

"It's coming, the real commander of the Kraken Scourge has not given up."

Boom boom boom! ! As soon as Zhaohua's words fell, the demon god Leng Yuemou uttered a terrifying roar, and the Tianque hole poured into endless sea water again. into land.

At this time, in the Mariana Trench in the bottomless black restricted zone, the entire sea seemed to open a huge portal, and a dark figure appeared from the Mariana Trench. When the figure came out, a large number of bubbles appeared in the pitch-black trench, and a huge vortex appeared.

It is going to the South China Sea.

Seen from above, it is a huge head. The criss-cross and bare lines are very similar to the human brain, and there are strips of nerve-like things extending from the uneven lines. eyeballs.

Some eyeballs have withered, some are tightly closed, and some eyeballs on the tentacles have disappeared.

Just like the head of the sea, it has been lurking in the Mariana Trench.

The sea monster has a command. When Apas invaded the phantoms of people controlled by the sea monster gods, Apas was almost swallowed by the brain of the real sea monster. That time, Apas was almost invaded by the brain of the gods. . However, I also learned that the Siren Protoss was linked by a mysterious existence.

The Kraken Protoss has a brain network belonging to the Kraken, just like the bug net of the Worm Mother Monster Kingdom.

Zhaohua also guessed based on the information provided by Mo Fan's summoned beast, the snake girl Apas, that the mastermind behind the Kraken natural disaster this time was not the first-order roof, the emperor of the ocean roof—the sea dragon Levi Tan, but another demon.

Zhaohua once guessed that it might be the demon god Leng Yuemou, because the ability of its eyes of the sea is to control living things and create ghosts.

Later, after parasitizing the Nautilus Supreme Monarch, the worms learned that the construction of the Siren Network, also known as the Siren Prophet, was not a cold moon-eyed demon god but a mysterious creature lurking in the Mariana Trench.

With the help of the eyes of the cold moon, the monster god, it can transmit orders to the sea monsters in the entire Pacific Ocean and even the three oceans, and establish a huge ocean network, so as to launch this super-large war that affects the whole world.

Zhaohua, Hua Zhanhong and the others stood on the branches and saw that the demon god Leng Yuemou did not stop the offensive because of the death of the Dragon King of the East China Sea. gloomy.

The bluff failed.

At the beginning of the battle in the Demon City, Mo Fan, Qinglong and the Forbidden Curse of the Demon City used bluffing tricks. Pretending that Qinglong is completely resurrected, Mo Fan can continue to fight.

But in fact, Qinglong hadn't been fully revived, and could only fight by relying on the energy of the Holy Spring, and Mo Fan was about to get rid of demonization at that time.

If the sea monster had continued to pursue, at least half of the people who retreated from the Demon City would have died, and the people in Suzhou would have been affected.

But in the end, he was bluffed by Qinglong, and the military mage who survived with the demon capital also left, and he fought for half a year.

But this time, Zhaohua wanted to repeat the old trick, to do it again, to bluff to make the sea monster think that his final seven rainbow breath could still be used forever.

After all, the sea monster's enemies are not only human mages, but also glacier ice monsters, desert sand monsters, and the feather clan in the sky. It's only because of the sea monster's power that other monsters dare not confront it too ostentatiously.

But once the emperor of the sea monster dies too much or is seriously injured, other monsters will definitely make trouble, and if they devour the emperor's flesh and blood, the emperor's monsters will also become stronger.

It's a pity that it was seen through this time. The Siren Prophet didn't take the bait this time, and wanted to completely kill everyone in the base city of Yaodu.

And Zhaohua's final rainbow breath and origin storm can no longer be used.

Rumble! ! Pengcheng suddenly caused a series of explosions, and a large amount of seawater poured into the hole that day. When the Kraken continued to attack, the magic stone array buried in the entire Pengcheng in advance exploded.

Pengcheng knew early on that it could not be defended. When the sea monsters continued to attack Yaodu, Su Yue, the head of the Pengcheng Trial Council, knew that there was no possibility of peace, and detonated the entire Pengcheng.

This terrible series of explosions shattered all the tall buildings in Pengcheng, destroyed the entire Pengcheng, and killed many sea monsters who invaded Pengcheng.

But this couldn't even solve the urgent need. For the Kraken army, it just killed the vanguard, and the Kraken who poured in one after another stepped on the corpses of their companions and attacked in the direction of Monster Capital.

Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor even used the dark power in the pyramid to resurrect the dead sea monster, and turned into a batch of sea monster ghosts.

The undead sea monster climbed up from the pile of corpses, and the undead sea monster whose body was assembled by patchwork and the sea monster that surged up from the South China Sea converged, forming a larger wave of sea monsters.

Looking at the tide of undead and sea monsters that could even submerge the ruins of Pengcheng from a high altitude, even Hua Zhanhong couldn't help feeling desperate, and a sense of powerlessness welled up in his heart.

This can't be killed at all, the number of sea monsters is not only outrageous, the emperor's skeleton and dead emperor is standing on the top of the dark pyramid, performing the sea monster death technique, it doesn't need to participate in the battle at all, it only needs to keep resurrecting the dead in the rear Kraken will do.

There are also two Shiyuan emperors, Sea God Ji and Leng Yuemou Yaoshen, on the front line, plus eight emperors, even if the East China Sea Dragon King, who is second only to Shiyuan emperor, is dead, it will not have much impact on the immediate battle situation, but will have an impact on the future .

Originally the difference was a hundred times, but now it is only a difference of ninety times.

"It can't solve the emperor's yarn skeleton and dead emperor. Those undead will be continuously generated, and the sea monster will be affected on land. The movement slows down and you can't use the sea monster skills, but the undead will not be affected!"

Zhaohua looked up at the sky. When the pyramid appeared, there were three rays of light that shot directly into the sky, blocking the sun, and these undead were all wet. The sea water was very special, similar to the violent spring that Sa Lang made in the ancient capital. , can temporarily make the undead active during the day.

Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor may be the weakest of the three Shiyuan emperors, but once in a war, the power of the undead system is the most troublesome to the enemy.

Zhaohua looked in the direction of the Congcheng Mountain Range. There was still no news from Lao Feng. To deal with the Emperor's Skeleton and the Dead Emperor, he could only rely on Ji Shaohan, and Zhaohua had nothing to do.

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