Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1459 Sakura Opens the East

"Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor has been resurrecting the dead sea monsters, so even if we attack from the dream tree, even if the magic energy is empty, it is impossible to destroy all the sea monsters."

Seeing the corpses of sea monsters piled up like a mountain, they are constantly absorbing the dead energy and resurrecting. All sea monsters are equivalent to having two lives. If you have to kill the monster twice, anyone will be frustrated.

Hua Zhanhong looked at Zhaohua, but Zhaohua just looked in the direction of the Congcheng Mountain Range and did not give any new orders.

Congcheng was originally built on the mountain, surrounded by continuous mountains, and all the sea monsters did not attack Congcheng. And Hua Zhanhong also knows that Ji Shaohan's undead magic is extremely powerful. Although he has not yet reached the forbidden curse, he is aware of Ji Shaoan's particularity. she.

But up to now, Ji Shaoan has almost never made a move, the only time is to let Long Yi transplant a dead bone, Sha Yuan is all planned by Zhao Hua.

Hua Zhanhong asked: "How about I lead a team to stop Huangsha Skeleton and Dead Emperor?"

Zhaohua withdrew his gaze from the direction of the city, and denied: "You are now the only mage with three lines of forbidden spells. Although the Dragon King of the East China Sea is dead, we have also lost a military leader. If you leave, Sea God Ji The two emperors, Leng Yuemou Yaoshen and Yaoshen, can break the golden barrier of Yaodu and uproot the dream tree in an instant, and only you can barely resist Shiyuan Emperor."

"Once we lose the Dream Dao Tree, the 100 million refugees behind us will definitely die."

Back then, it took a lot of time for the demon city to retreat, and that time it was the Kraken that didn't choose to pursue it before it retreated. This time the Kraken Prophet woke up, and Zhaohua knew that it must be chased and killed.

Once the dream tree is lost, it will be even more difficult to stop the sea monster, and the 100 million refugees will not even be able to escape. No matter how slow the sea monster is, it is still faster than ordinary people.

"However, Dream Dao Tree is plant-based forbidden curse magic after all... Once the mana energy is exhausted..."

Hua Zhanhong has already noticed that the Mengdaoshu bracelet on Zhaohua's hand is about to break, and it has reached its final limit.

boom! At this moment when everyone was at a loss, suddenly the sky of Fancheng's Jinyao enchantment was split open, and another big hole appeared in the sky above the Jinyao enchantment of Fancheng, a total of two big holes in the sky!

"Another big hole in the sky!! How is it possible!"

Hua Zhanhong hurriedly looked at the demon god with cold moon eyes behind the sea monster, and saw that the demon god with cold moon eyes did not step forward this time, but was at the back, standing on the sky, with the eye of the tide floating in front of it, Leng Yue The Eye of the Sea behind the Mou Yaoshen also emitted a dazzling white light.

Because Qinglong wanted to cast the Eye of the Tides, Leng Yuemou demon god had a lot of difficulty in performing the demon skill of Tian Que Big Hole, and he could no longer be as unscrupulous as he was in the magic capital.

Coupled with the existence of Haishenji, Leng Yuemou demon god gave up his plan to attack humans by himself, and chose to open the second big hole in the sky to fill in more sea water.

After all, Yaodu is different from Modu and Pengcheng. It is as far as 100 kilometers from the coastline, and even the monarch cannot control the sea from such a distance. Only emperor-level monsters can use sea monster skills at such a long distance.

Zhaohua's eyes flicked slightly, this time the Sea-Monster was completely different from the one in the Demon City, as if it had a different commander.

Be cautious and cunning!

All the sea monster emperors hide behind the endless sea monsters, no longer like the head-to-head confrontation between the head iron and the blue dragon in the magic capital, they just rely on numbers to win and consume.

Boom boom boom! ! The sea water and the sea monster pouring into the waves from the big hole in the second sky, almost at the same time, the Jinyao enchantment in Fancheng was attacked by the sea monster.

Poseidon Ji standing on top of the waves cast endless divine power, a giant sea foot stepped down, and the sound of cracking and cracking sounded, even if layers of defenses were raised outside Fancheng's Jinyao barrier at the same time However, it still couldn't stop the bombardment of the demon skills of Emperor Shiyuan. Layers of forbidden curse defenses collapsed.

Countless sea monsters and undead sea monsters are constantly gnawing at the Jinyao enchantment. It is useless for the mages in the Jinyao enchantment to use magic crazily. They have killed one crop after another of sea monsters but there is still no end in sight.

"Are all the demons going to end?"

At this time, some residents of the underground shelter who originally lived in Pengcheng couldn't help but stare blankly and mutter to themselves.

Jiang You tightly held the hand of his child's wife, and he believed what Zhaohua said until now.

Kaka, bang, in an instant, Fancheng's Jinyao Barrier was still unstoppable, and the speed of recovery was not as fast as the speed of destruction. There were gaps in the Jinyao Barrier that were broken one after another. The commander rushed in through the gap and fell into Fancheng. The sea monsters seemed to have gone crazy, and they all went to the last Zhucheng. The trunk of Mengdao Tree was in the Zhongshan Academy in Zhucheng.

Most of the sea monsters are extremely weak against the air, and only after tripping the dream tree and making the human mage lose the air supremacy, the sea monster can win.

When the sea monster monarchs fell into the city of Fancheng, they went straight to Zhucheng and the trunk of Mengdao tree.

Some sea monsters with air-to-air capabilities attacked the mages on the branches of the dream tree, and water arrows broke the trunk of the dream tree.

The dream tree emits emerald green light, constantly repairing the broken gaps.

"Guardian!! Be sure to block the siren! We have our family behind us, with 100 million citizens!! We cannot admit defeat!"

At this moment, the mages of all magic families cast their most powerful magic one after another to guard the final battlefield.

This is already the second ring, once the Jinyao barrier in the inner city is breached, then everything will be over.

Boom boom boom, bursts of roar sounded, and the arrays were activated one by one. The arrays were as powerful as a rainbow. Cooperating with the magic bombing on the branches of the dream tree, they stopped the sea monster's attack for a while.

Time passed by every minute and every second, relying on the location of the Dream Dao Tree, the mages took turns to resume using magic, indeed stopped the sea monsters, and eliminated an unknown number of sea monsters.

but. . .

Click, with a very weak sound, Zhaohua's eyes narrowed, and the bracelet fell apart!

It wasn't just the bracelet of the Mengdao tree that collapsed, huge cracks appeared in the trunk of the Mengdao tree and the huge extended branches.

Kakaka, the cracks continued to spread all over the Dream Dao Tree, and the damaged places were no longer restored. All the plant-type magic stones in Yaodu's reserve have been exhausted, and the plant-type mana of all mages in Lu's Magic World has also dried up.

Just when Meng Dao Tree was on the verge of collapse, at the last moment, a piece of pink petals gently fell down, like pink snowflakes flying across Zhaohua's face in the cold winter.

As the cherry blossoms fell, pieces of pink and white cherry blossoms fell like snow.

Only then did the mages standing on the Mengdao tree realize that branches and cherry blossom petals grew out of the cracks in the Mengdao tree. When the breeze blows, the pink and white cherry blossoms seem to dance in the air.

The pink, gigantic Mengdao tree was wrapped in cherry blossoms, turning into a gigantic cherry blossom tree.

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