Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1460 A Once in a Lifetime Miracle


"How did it turn into a cherry blossom tree!"

A gust of breeze blows, and the sky is full of petals of cherry blossoms. There are also leaves and branches. The streets submerged by Tianque Waterfall are also covered with cherry blossoms. The Mengdao tree is so huge. This cherry blossom rain is blowing with the wind. , and even floated to the South China Sea.

Hua Zhanhong and the others were dumbfounded, how did the Mengdao tree turn into a cherry blossom tree! The emperor has never made a move. If Hua Zhanhong wants to cross countless sea monsters and go deep into the enemy's rear to attack the emperor, it is undoubtedly suicide, so he has been waiting for Zhaohua's order.

At this time, Hua Zhanhong suddenly looked at Zhaohua, and saw Zhaohua picking up a petal with a hint of sadness in his eyes, Zhaohua guessed what was going on.

Zhaohua gently pinched a cherry blossom petal, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Hua, the command is temporarily entrusted to you. I am going somewhere."

"We're going to fight back."

As soon as the words fell, Zhaohua sneaked into the branches of the Mengdao Tree like a shield shadow. To be more precise, it can no longer be called the Mengdao Tree, but should be called the Mengying Tree.

In the main space of Dream Cherry Tree, Zhaohua was brought into the prophesied world by Sun Guofu, but this time, the whole space is filled with cherry blossoms, and cherry blossom trees stand on both sides, like a source of cherry blossoms outside the world.

Zhaohua wandered in this world full of cherry blossoms, letting the cherry blossom rain fall and pass by. In the cherry blossom rain, Zhaohua suddenly saw a girl in a white pleated skirt standing under a cherry blossom tree.

Zhaohua naturally knew this girl, and it was because of her that Zhaohua established the Disaster Suffering Alliance at the beginning, because of her, Zhaohua wanted to gather all the victims of disasters together, let them protect each other, fight against the disaster with surgery, and prevent outbreaks.

Although Zhaohua once handed over the theocracy to Wentai in exchange for Xiaoji, it is undeniable that he is indeed a good person, and he does many things in the hope of making the world a better place.

Ku Luoying was the first disaster victim that Zhaohua knew. Although Zhaohua knew Ding Yumian earlier, Zhaohua didn't know that Ding Yumian was a disaster victim.

On the contrary, when Ku Luoying played against Zhaohua in the National Treasure Hunt Competition, Zhaohua was very impressed.

It is also the first time that Zhaohua clearly understands the pain of the victims of the disaster. A born broom star, he will kill his parents at birth. Art explosion.

When Ku Luoying saw Zhaohua approaching, she put her hands behind her back, stuck out her tongue and said with a playful smile, "Hee hee, I seem to have lost to my own destiny."

The fate of the victims had already been doomed early on. Qin Yuer was like this, Wu Ku was like this, Ding Yumian and Ku Luoying were like this, none of the victims died well in the end.

Can make Meng Dao tree bloom cherry blossoms, and even change the nature of Meng Dao tree, such unimaginable things can only be done by the technique.

All disaster victims have been used since they were discovered. Wu Ku was used by Sa Lang, Ding Yumian was used as a bomb to destroy the Kraken, and Ku Luoying was also used as a test product when he was born.

Because the essence of the attack technique is a powerful ability bestowed by God, it is so powerful that even the archangels of the Holy City feel fear. In order to consolidate its position and realize its ambitions, the Holy City includes the victims of disasters on the hunting list.

Sujutsu is a gift bestowed by the magical world, and the disaster brought about by the outbreak of Sujutsu is just a manifestation of the inability of mortals to bear the power of God.

According to Zhaohua's view, the surgery is actually very similar to his father Zhaolang's innate talent at the beginning. It is equivalent to a super weakened version of immature supernatural power, which is equivalent to a little bit of plane power.

The outbreak of the attack technique is equivalent to Zhaohua's use of the power of calling the dark plane. The victim uses his own life to control the same attribute elements in the magic world.

Dominated the elements in the last moments of life.

A disaster victim who cannot control his own destiny in his whole life can even dominate the world at the last moment of his life.

In fact, it was not only the shrine mages who sent reinforcements from Japan. The one who actually sent reinforcements was Kuro Ying, a plant victim.

The last outburst of the victim needs to be willing, the stronger the will, the more terrifying the power of the outburst.

Ding Yumian killed a million sea-monsters in seconds as soon as she surpassed the level, turning the East China Sea into a place of death. What's more, Kuro Ying, who is now a four-line super-level.

Zhaohua did not forget that when he was fighting Kuro Ying, once he was touched by cherry blossom petals, his whole body would be covered with cherry blossoms, and he died after being drained of magic energy. Now that the dream tree has even become a dream cherry tree, it is not difficult to understand why the holy city fears the victims.

This is also a natural disaster.

Zhaohua was hesitant to speak for a while, he didn't know what to say, it was caused by his own inability to defeat the Kraken, when he founded the Disaster Relief Alliance, he just hoped that the disaster victims would organize themselves so that they could fight against the holy city with their own strength.

Ku Luoying grabbed Zhaohua's right hand with both hands, with a bright and relieved smile: "If it weren't for Brother Hua, I would have been dealt with by the Japan Magic Association long ago. It is also thanks to you that I can talk to the two sisters Ji Shaohan and Ning Meng. , Sister Ding Yumian, Heidi, Poole, and Pula know each other, and it is my greatest luck to be able to travel around the world, to Europe, to Russia."

"My attack can't last long. This is the last chance. I believe Brother Hua, you will be able to successfully destroy the sea monster and protect your homeland."

"Hehehe, if there is an afterlife, it would be great if Mother Ning could have another daughter."

Kuro Sakura's body slowly turns into pieces of cherry blossoms, and the victims will eventually become their own victims.

Looking at the cherry blossoms floating in the sky, Zhaohua closed his eyes.

"Goodbye." In the end, Zhaohua whispered softly, and only he could hear his voice.

After finishing speaking, Zhaohua turned around and walked out of the cherry blossom space, but Zhaohua did not return to the branch of the Mengdao tree, but came to Congcheng through the ability of the Mengdao tree to change flowers and trees.

In the small villa, Yuyi Ningmeng held the petals of the cherry blossoms in both hands, and she burst into tears, she didn't even notice that Zhaohua walked in.

Yuyi Ningmeng and Zhaohua actually didn't know that Ku Luoying would come with her. She came with Yuyi Ningmeng's mother, Yuyi Ningxin, and she has been hiding among the mages, hiding very well.

Not only Yuyi Ningmeng and Ji Shaoan were in the villa, but Heidi and Empress Jiuyou were also there.

Heidi looked at the sea of ​​cherry blossoms with petals falling from the city, and was silent for a moment. Heidi looked at Zhaohua indifferently, and said, "Sakura's biggest dream is to repay you and protect her motherland."

Zhaohua didn't say a word, and walked straight past Heidi and Jiuyouhou, looking at Zhaohua's back, wondering why Heidi and Jiuyouhou couldn't help trembling in their hearts, it was a sense of fear for no reason .

The catalog of origins floated beside Zhaohua. Although none of them could see the catalog of origins, they all felt the terrifying aura emanating from Zhaohua.

Ji Shaohan stood silently outside the balcony, but the breath of death around the Death Mountain was constantly tumbling, which proved that Ji Shaohan's heart was not as peaceful as it appeared on the surface.

"Hasn't Lao Feng passed on the method yet?"

Ji Shao nodded silently. She had been waiting for Lao Feng to complete the final method, but it was a pity that she never came.

Zhaohua held Ji Shao'an's left hand with his right hand, looked at the Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor who was performing necromancy in the distance, and suddenly said in a strong murderous voice, "Wait no more."

Boom boom boom! All the death energy of the Death Mountain rushed into the clouds in an instant.

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