Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1461 The Dead Avenger

Looking at the cherry blossoms flying all over the sky, Zhaohua certainly understands the reason why the time must not be missed. Like Ding Yumian, Ku Luoying's attack happened only once.

When those cherry blossoms touch the sea monster, they will eat them, take root in the body of the sea monster, and use the flesh and blood of the sea monster as nutrients to become trees. It is still more terrifying, and the chance to fight back is only this time.

The surgery is a miracle, Zhaohua thinks so.

This is a miracle given by God to human beings to protect themselves. Zhaohua did not agree with the practice of the Holy City, so he established the Disaster Relief Alliance, secretly gathered victims of disasters, and used his powerful power to provide covert protection.

In fact, apart from the Holy City, most countries take protection measures when they find victims of disasters, just like Dean Xiao, the dean of the European Alps Academy of Magic, the Japanese Hagoromo clan, and even Sa Lang know how to protect Wu Ku .

The holy city has its own ambitions. It wants to get more vows and accept the worship of the whole world, so the miraculous ability of people like disaster victims who can sacrifice themselves and destroy demons is a great blow to the prestige of the holy city. There may be a threat to the holy city.

The holy city needs no heroes.

But humans need miracles, miracles called magic.

"No more."

Boom boom boom! ! ! As soon as Zhaohua's words fell, Ji Shaohan's expression was cold, and his eyes looked at Huangsha and the dead emperor with cold eyes.

Ji Shaohan doesn't have many friends. Although he doesn't meet Ku Luoying many times, he is one of Ji Shaoying's few friends. At this moment, the dead air is pervasive. At this moment, the dead air left by Xiaoji in the mountains seems to have turned into The vast ocean turned into a black stone tablet, and the dead energy seemed to be fused into Ji Shaohan's body.

Ji Shaohan's whole body was wrapped in darkness, the power of death, which belonged to her original power.

Kuro Sakura's sakura sea attack technique is like a tide, the endless sakura petals turn into huge waves, rushing out from the dream cherry tree, submerging the endless waves of sea monsters.

The wave of cherry blossoms and the tide of sea monsters, the two waves meet and collide. The moment the sea monster touched the cherry blossoms, its body shriveled extremely quickly, and cherry blossom trees grew out of the corpse quickly, and the roots of the cherry blossom trees pierced fiercely into the body of the sea monster.

Once it is wiped out by the cherry blossoms, even the necromancy witchcraft of the emperor's skeleton and dead emperor cannot be revived. These cherry blossom trees growing on the body of the sea monster also have the function of a seal to prevent them from being undead.

But the Sea of ​​Cherry Blossoms is not invincible, it will be blocked by the monster skills of the sea monster, as long as it does not touch the flesh and blood, it will be invalid, and the more advanced and powerful the sea monster needs more cherry blossoms.

And cherry blossoms are ineffective against dead things like undead.

"This is our last chance! All mages, start to fight back!!!"

Hua Zhanhong's voice reached everyone's hearts, and he was determined to die.

This is also the last chance. The Emperor Kraken has been hiding behind the endless sea monsters, relying on servants and warlords to consume mana. If this continues, humans with limited mana will undoubtedly lose.

But now, Kuro Ying's cherry blossom attack replaced the mage, opened the way for the forbidden curse mage, and opened up a cherry blossom road leading to the emperor.

The fall of the little emperor's Dragon King of the East China Sea has made the sea monster extremely cautious, which proves that the sea monster is already a little injured. As long as one or two more little emperors are killed, or even severely injured Sea God Ji, the sea monster will be pretended by the blue dragon. The seriously injured Leng Yuemou demon god is likely to retreat.

As for Huangsha Skull and Dead Emperor, Hua Zhanhong knew that the death aura soaring into the sky was the signal for Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan to counterattack. He must have a way to deal with Huangsha Skeleton and Dead Emperor. Kraken undead.

This is humanity's last chance!

This country needs miracles, and magic is the power to invoke miracles!

There were bursts of roaring and killing sounds from the dream cherry tree, and the branches of the dream cherry tree followed the cherry blossom road, leading all the mages in the east and south to charge and kill.

All Forbidden Curse mages, including Tian Qingbai, the sound mage, also rushed forward.

As long as you can exchange your life for more emperor sirens, as long as Hua Zhanhong's curse-forbidden team can severely injure Sea God Ji, as long as Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan have a way to repel and severely injure Huangsha, Skeleton and Death Emperor, as long as so many "as long as" are achieved, Human beings can save the base city and protect the lives of 100 million people.

Relying on the strength of human beings, relying on magic to defeat the siren.

It's a miracle.

Everyone knows how difficult it is for an emperor to kill all forbidden curse mages. Hua Zhanhong, who only has the strength of three lines of forbidden curse, is not as good as the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

Moreover, Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan are just two super mages. Even if they have many means, even if Zhaohua has the support of almost the entire country's resources, what they have to face is the Emperor Shiyuan's emperor's love and skeleton. Emperor, the strongest undead emperor surpassing Khufu.

In addition, it was originally planned, but Feng Zhoulong's method to be completed has not yet arrived.

It is equivalent to three impossible together to trigger the final miracle.

At the moment when the humans counterattacked, both Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan heard a bang. From a distance, their eyes looked like the Emperor's Skeleton Death Emperor, and the two eye sockets on its snow-white skull were completely black.

Even if separated by a distance of tens of kilometers, Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan can still see this pair of eyes. The dark ones are the eyes of Huangsha Skeleton and the Dead Emperor. These eyes are better than Shayuan, the abyss of the sea, and the blue hole. darker.

These are the eyes that even gods and angels would be shocked to see this pair of dark pupils. It seems that this pair is the origin of darkness.

When this pair of eyes looked over, although there was no shocking power, forbidden curse, or emperor's power, even Gu Suoyu who was fighting, Long Yi who had reached the sub-emperor, Heidi, the Queen of Nine Nethers, and even Zhao Hua's mother, Zhang Ning, felt as if her neck was pinched by a dark hand at this moment, making her unable to make a sound, as if she had become dumb, making herself feel suffocated.

At this moment, the Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor stopped performing the necromantic witchcraft of resurrecting the sea monster, and it seemed to know who its enemy was.

Standing in mid-air, Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor let go of his hand, and the staff in his hand fell vertically.

Dang~~~~ a burst of sound sounded, the moment Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor's staff was nailed to the ground, countless lines appeared on the entire ground, and the strange lines interlaced, forming a large-scale territory.

"The Underworld Realm—the avenger of the dead!"

With a bang, the dead energy gushed out from the dark pyramid, running wildly like a flood bursting a bank. In an instant, the endless breath of the underworld flooded the entire area.

Quack quack, the dark pyramid opened from the middle, turning into a death gate of the underworld, and black shadows came out of the dark pyramid one by one.

But what is suffocating is that it is not undead who come out of the pyramid, but people!

Killed thousands of years ago, the inhabitants of Atlantis!

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