Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1476 Metamorphosis

There was a loud bang, and at the moment when the light spear was formed, holy light erupted from Zhaohua's whole body. Behind Zhaohua, the huge holy silver spread out eight silvery white wings. After so many years of growth, the white-feathered holy willow , and now it has already become a towering tree, which is only a little smaller than the invincible giant tree like the Tianguan Zilin God Tree.

The holy and cleansing light of the White Feather Sacred Willow erupted, coupled with the holy light on the body of the Holy Silver, the power of the holy purification blasted out, blooming crazily, every ray of silver-white holy light was so real, just like the substance, and Every ray of holy light is full of terrifying purification power.

Just imagine, in the holy plane, how huge is the real Sacred Willow with White Feather like the world tree, and it is also the residence of the entire race of the Sacred Winged Species. If it is their world, you will know what kind of sacred Sacred Willow with White Feather is a plant. Tree.

Although Zhaohua is small and looks like nothing, but under this invincible holy light, it looks like a real archangel holding a white-feathered light spear.

Originally, the power of the dark creature Holy City like Huangsha Skull and the Dead Emperor is the most restrained. After all, the source of the power of the Holy City is the Holy Plane, which is a world opposite to the Dark Plane. White magic and black magic are inherently hostile.

Normal people can't awaken white magic after awakening black magic, except for those with special natural talents like Empress Jiuyou.

It's a pity that even half a year ago in Shanghai, Mo Fan, Qinglong and the Forbidden Curse Mage in Shanghai fought each other with their lives, severely injuring the Emperor's Skeleton and Dead Emperor. The city mage chased after the emperor's skeleton and dead emperor.

However, Michael finally refused on the grounds that he needed to concentrate on dealing with the Antarctic emperor, and half a year later, the Emperor Skeleton and Dead Emperor had recovered.

The starry sky of the light system forbidden spell was completed quickly, which was prepared in advance.

Forbidden spells take a long time, and generally require other forbidden spell mages to cover. Zhaohua is not fighting alone, he also has teammates.

The most powerful part of the summoning mage is to fight more and less. Whether it is the construction of the starry sky with the curse of light, or the transformation of the white-feathered willow into a long spear, these are all carried out together when Zhaohua and Huangsha Skeleton and the Dead Emperor are fighting.

Ordinary people can't multitask, and Zhaohua can't either, he doesn't have such a talent. But Zhaohua doesn't have to multitask because he has multiple hearts.

He is a half-hearted man.

The Light Forbidden Curse is completed by the Insect Man, the White Feather Sacred Willow is provided by the Holy Silver, the perception and avoidance of the wind elf domain is assisted by the Little Wind Silkworm, and the control of the Dark Flame is naturally the Dark Little Flame Fairy.

It's the same as Mo Fan and Little Flame Fairy Possession, except that because Zhaohua only has one magic system, and it's all summoning systems, his magic systems can be shared, switched back and forth, and can be connected and combined with each other.

In this form, he is invincible.

Purification and the power of the light system are crushing this world. The white-feathered willow comes from the holy plane and is the holy tree of the holy plane. Suddenly, the purification power of the white feather light spear actually began to purify the surrounding darkness.

The devil that gathered all the souls of Atlantis seemed to have been hit hard, and kept howling, screaming, and emitting white smoke.


At this moment, the Emperor's Skeleton in the darkness roared wildly, uttering the roar of a monster. As a dark creature, it was extremely afraid of this kind of power, and the skull of huge resentment soared to the sky.

If it weren't for this, Michael, who hadn't returned back then, couldn't have been the opponent of the evil armored emperor Zhankong with the strength of the little emperor, let alone be able to kill it.

The spear is thrown like a javelin in one blow.

Half a year of preparation, half a year of absorption by the White Feather Sacred Willow, and even stealthily absorbed a large amount of wish power in the Parthenon Temple more than half a year ago, just waiting for this time.

boom! ! ! Boom! The blow from both sides was too terrifying. This was a duel between light and darkness. Zhaohua's cultivation level was not enough, but the bugman's cultivation base was very high. He already had two lines of forbidden curses, and his cultivation base had already surpassed that of Xi Zhe and Duan Mulin.

Moreover, even Zhaohua didn't know whether the bugman's strength should be measured by the realm of a human mage or by the strength of a monster due to the particularity of the bugman.

Coupled with the power that exploded after Zhaohua's assimilation, combined and superimposed with each other, this extremely powerful ultimate blow was formed.

The blows of the two sides clashed, not to mention inside the pyramid, even outside the dark pyramid, all the undead and the beast tide summoned by Zhaohua were stunned.

The powerful darkness and light shock shook the earth, and even the South China Sea was churning.

boom! In the end, the white-feathered light spear pierced the darkness like a sharp silver arrow, the holy light purified the demons, and the power of darkness dissipated in the light. With a pop, it pierced through the body of Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor.

With a bang, the body of Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor exploded, the dark power in its body was shattered, and endless darkness spewed out.

Kakaka, the Atlantis continent in the dark pyramid was pierced by the white feather light spear. What is doubtful is that Zhaohua's blow was indeed terrifying.

There was a sound of ground cracking. Atlantis was only the size of a small island, and even Japan was much larger than it. How could such a small island withstand such a battle? Time spread across the entire continent of Atlantis, mountains and rivers were broken and broken, all buildings collapsed, the entire continent became dead silent, and clods of soil sank into the sea.

Like a trick of fate, Atlantis still could not escape the fate of destruction in the end.

Xixixi? The little wind silkworm was flying beside Zhaohua.

"I don't know if it's dead or not."

Although the purification power of the holy plane can destroy everything, purify all things and return them to nothingness, but if the undead emperor is so easy to kill, Khufu would have been wiped out by the holy city long ago, can he still remain until now?

"What should be gone, should be gone after all, the continent that has sunk, even if I recreate it, it's just a fake."

Suddenly, a female voice came from the sea.

At this moment, the Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor changed back to his original appearance as a human again. Looking at the island that sank again, the Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor seemed to be gone at this moment.

Originally the blue sea, when the continent sank, darkness gushed out from the depths of the sea, as if ink was poured into clear water, and the entire sea seemed to be dyed black by ink.

Slowly, the flesh and blood of the Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor's body was falling off, and darkness entwined around his body.

call out! With a puff, a dark spear flew out of the ground, piercing Zhaohua's abdomen.

"Oh, I thought it was fake."

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