Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1477 Immortality

Ho ho! !

Puff puff! Kill two birds with one stone, no, this dark spear not only penetrated Zhaohua's abdomen, but also shot through the holy silver behind him, and finally the dark spear penetrated deeply into the main trunk of the white-feathered holy willow.

Cough, Zhaohua spat out a mouthful of black blood, it would be very troublesome to be injured by the dark power, because the dark power is corrosive, not to mention that this is an emperor's attack.

Zhaohua's wound instantly rotted.

Hoo hoo! A dark flame appeared quickly, continuously burning Zhaohua's wound and devouring the dark power. Zhaohua looked coldly at the dark sea as if he couldn't feel the pain, as if he was telling the story of the emperor's skeleton dead emperor after he transformed from a human into a ghost.

It has now changed back to its original appearance, wearing a tattered imperial veil covered with spider webs, and the imperial veil was stained with a lot of blood, representing its experience.

Huangsha Skeleton Death Emperor no longer misses everything about human beings. Now it is like Khufu thousands of years ago. It has completely become the Emperor of Darkness and the real Emperor of Undead. It is not to seek the power of darkness, but to become darkness. Spread, let darkness fall.

The Pyramid of Darkness was wrapped in darkness, and the scenes of the sunny weather and the scorching sun all disappeared.

Different from Shayuan and the Pyramid of Khufu, the inside of the Dark Pyramid is a sea of ​​magic, a sea of ​​darkness. Endless darkness constantly gushes out from the depths of the ocean, and there are constant roars of ghosts coming from the dark depths of the sea.

Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor stood on the sea, standing quietly, looking at the only place of light in the sky, Zhaohua was like a star in the dark night, the only star in this dark night.

But compared with the boundless darkness, Zhaohua's radiance is pitifully weak.

The stars cannot compete with the bright moon, but the stars, the bright moon, and even the sun cannot show their brilliance in the endless dark universe.

When Huangsha Skeleton and the Dead Emperor tore off the disguise, revealing the true face of the Dark Pyramid, there was nothing inside the entire Dark Pyramid except darkness and the sea of ​​magic.

Unlike the Pyramid of Khufu, unlike Shayuan, there are at least some altars, palaces and other buildings, but the dark pyramid is black, there is no evil spirit, no undead, no trials, no mazes, only endless Darkness and the sound of the waves.

This kind of darkness is depressing, and it will make people crazy and collapse.

Outside the Pyramid of Darkness, I saw that the Pyramid of Darkness was shrouded in a burst of black mist, and the space cracked, revealing a dark land, which was the dark plane, and it seemed that there was the most terrifying dark power in the world!

Both the Pyramid of Khufu and Shayuan can link to the dark plane and absorb a little dark power from it. With the sound of roaring, the dark pyramid is not so simple to absorb, it is simply like a bandit, and it is robbing the dark power.

"How is it possible! Why is the dark plane so easy to open!"

It is not very unusual to open the dark plane. Sulu and the Holy Sepulcher have both opened it, and even sent creatures from the dark plane.

But the dark pyramid of Huangsha Skeleton and the Dead Emperor is not to that extent. It almost shattered the entire sky and broke the barrier between the two worlds.

Inside the pyramid, Zhaohua looked at the imposing Huangsha skeleton dead emperor, of course Zhaohua knew what the most difficult thing about the undead was.


Back then, in the national competition, Egypt swept the UK, the United States, Egypt, and even Mo Fan almost couldn't beat the sea of ​​undead because of the undead's immortality.

If you can't kill it, the undead is already dead, so how could it die again.

Of course, the undead have weaknesses, and the biggest weakness of the undead is the consumption of energy. That's why Egypt and other talents had to rely on the Pharaoh's Spring.

And undead emperors like Khufu and Emperor Xiekai, their undead palaces are the treasure house of dark power. Khufu is in his own pyramid, unless he can break his pyramid or exhaust the dark power in the dark pyramid, Otherwise, Khufu is also immortal.

If Zhan Kong hadn't focused on seeking death at the beginning, instead of living as a dead man, it would not necessarily lose to the Holy City with Sha Yuan.

Papa, Zhaohua, Xiaofengcan and others landed on the branches of the White Feather Sacred Willow rooted in the void, and Sacred Silver shrank its body. For Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor, light magic is equivalent to poison, and it is the same for Holy Silver. The damage of dark power to Holy Silver is extremely huge.

"How about the injury?"


Zhaohua couldn't help frowning, the dark power of Huangsha Skeleton and the Dead Emperor sealed the purification power of Shengyin, and it took a while for Shengyin to crack and heal.

Zhaohua looked at the dark spear inserted on the white-feathered willow. It was the white-feathered light spear that Zhaohua threw out to pierce the body of the emperor's skeleton and dead emperor. Now it has been polluted by darkness, and the light of the white-feathered willow has also weakened. There are many, and it is necessary to divide the power to suppress and purify this darkness.

When Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor didn't give Zhaohua to think, Huangsha Skeleton Dead Emperor stood on the sea with his hands spread out and slowly moved upwards. Hurrah! ! The sea was boiling, and the sound of bones sounded. At this moment, an extremely strange thing happened. In this magical sea, countless white bones rushed up from the bottom of the sea.

Originally, the seabed was the largest cemetery in the magical world, with countless bones, and no one knew how many things had been collected in the dark pyramid on the black bottom.

At this moment, when Huangsha Skeleton and the Dead Emperor really showed its power, looking around, there were a vast expanse of bones everywhere, and there was no telling how many bones were hidden in the bottom of the sea. At this moment, countless bones flew out, forming a group of ancient bones evil spirit.

There are undead dragons with skeletons extending tens of thousands of meters, undead apes as huge as mountains, and rare birds with only bones and wings but no flesh and fur.

Skeletons and undead piled up like a mountain. Undead, undead, undead, undead, undead, undead, all undead, and these are not ordinary undead. Every undead is probably a monarch or even an emperor who once dominated one side.

These bones were all powerful and invincible monsters during their lifetime, but in the long years, with the changes of the years, they have long been forgotten by the world.

If the beast mounds of subjugated countries are the catalog of monsters, then the sea is the burial place of all the monsters in the magical world, and it is the real beast mounds!

Click, click, click, click, knock, knock, there was a sound of piecing together bones, and the speed of piecing together was very fast. After piecing together, Huangsha Skeleton and the Dead Emperor shouted: "The history buried under the sea, Follow my orders and wake up from the endless darkness of the bottom of the sea!"

"Kaizuka is reborn!"

When Huangsha Skeleton and Dead Emperor shouted, and endless death energy gushed out from the sea, even Zhaohua was taken aback. The death energy was too huge, more than when Huangsha Skeleton and Death Emperor appeared. In the blink of an eye, you can cover the sky with dead energy!

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