Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1492 The Miracle Born in the World

Crackling, booming! ! !

Suddenly, on the top of Tiantangshan Mountain, in the sky higher than Tiantangshan Zongguo, suddenly, a purple divine thunder fell from the sky, and the thunder and lightning were only as thick as a human arm. Running towards the huge insect nest that envelops the entire top of Mount Paradise, it was like a punishment from heaven to wipe out the insect kingdom.

Boom boom boom! ! ! There is only thunder and lightning with thick arms, but its strength is terrifying. Shocking thunder resounded throughout the demon city. It was originally hiding above the clouds, but it was really like a bug nest on the top of heaven, and it was instantly enveloped in explosive flames.

The insect nest is inherently huge, and not only is it huge on the outside, the insect nest itself is a different space, and the interior can truly accommodate countless insect races.

However, the explosion produced by the lightning still covered the entire huge insect nest, one can imagine how terrifying the lightning is.

Seeing the purple thunder and lightning bombing the insect nest, Zhang Ning, who was resting aside, stood up abruptly, his face changed drastically, and he exclaimed in surprise, "That's the unicorn god thunder!"

Zhang Ning knew that there were only two people with such a powerful purple thunderbolt, and from the direction of Congcheng, the only person near Zongguo could be Zhaolang.

Zhaolang didn't deal with the Kraken on the battlefield, not because he wasn't there, but because Zhaolang told Zhaohua to keep the most dangerous place for himself.

Sea monsters, undead, Zerg, ligers, and wolves are all called monsters for one reason. Creatures of these races are full of hostility to humans, and they are all enemies of humans.

Demons are equal to the enemies of human mages.

Monsters of different races can't cooperate or even communicate. It's like the ghosts of the ancient capital won't cross the border to the Qinling Mountains. It's a reason why you can't see sea monsters on the Antarctic glaciers.

But human beings will appear in all places, and will compete with monsters in all places for resources.

Even the sea monster with the largest number and strength is actually very reluctant to declare war on all human beings.

Therefore, when human mages are attacked by sea monsters on a large scale, they know that monsters in other places may not join forces with sea monsters, but it is inevitable that they will fall into trouble.

Just like the experience of the past and present, the wild beasts of the northern plains in the Mongolian prairie behind the imperial capital also took the opportunity to attack the imperial capital, took the opportunity to divide the resources and land of the imperial capital, and killed human mages.

It was the same in the ancient capital. Not only did they have to deal with the crustal trolls of Emperor Shiyuan's strength, but also the Qinling Yu clan and the fierce undead around the ancient capital also took the opportunity to attack other places in the ancient capital.

Fortunately, the evil star bird that Mo Fan and Zhang Xiaohou placed in Qinling ruled one side, and brought the support of the magic bird tribe, and the dead kings of all directions took action to suppress the undead in other evil places, otherwise the ancient capital should have fallen.

And the demon capital is the same, except that the demon capital and Pengcheng are originally used to fight against sea monsters, the purpose of the existence of other base cities is to fight against other demon empires. There are powerful demon kingdoms around the imperial capital, demon capital, and ancient capital. There are a lot of monsters.

The Kraken Scourge obviously broke this balance.

The mage not only needs to resist the siren, but also needs to prevent other demon empires from making trouble.

In the Zong Kingdom, there is only Zhaolang.

Zhaohua hugged his mother, and said softly: "It's what you should do by his side. I'm so dumb by my side."

Zhaohua knew that it was not good news that Zhaolang took the initiative to attack, even if Zhaohua guessed right, the worst happened.

Zhaohua is not afraid of the Zongguo, Zhaohua calculated from the very beginning, if all goes well, Ding Yumian is promoted to the evil king and controls the undead, even if the Zongguo comes out, and the Zongmother is desperate to attack, Zhaolang will not be afraid of it.

but. . . It's not the scariest thing for the Zong Kingdom to come out, there are more terrible things, and now, this thing that makes Zhaohua helpless has happened.

Zhaohua looked at Zhang Ning who turned into a shadow and flew away, and calmly said to himself: "This time there is really no way, the other party didn't give a chance."

On the contrary, Zhaohua relaxed as if he was relieved.

He calculated, worked hard, and desperately not because he must succeed, but because he wanted to give himself an explanation and try his best.

He can only do his best, and the initiative has never been in his hands, even if Ding Yumian is now promoted to the evil king, he has not been able to grasp the initiative.

Zongren looked at Zhaohua. Of course, Zongren had his own ambitions, and his most urgent ambition was to kill his mother.

The Zerg and the Terran are different. Zerg children are just food and tools for their parents, tools produced for the purpose of cultivating the mother.

Just like the three sisters of Apasi, their purpose of intrigue is to inherit Medusa demon kingdom and become the emperor.

The same is true for worms. Its birth is like replacing the worm mother to become an emperor. The emperor is not only a title of strength, but also a status. Only the emperor who has both strength and empire is the real emperor.

Zhaohua shrugged and said, "Maybe I'm going to break my promise, I can't help you replace the worm mother. With your current strength, you should be able to surpass the worm mother in a few thousand years."

Zhaohua couldn't escape. If he really lost the battle, the Zhaohua monster who performed so well would not be able to give him a life, and it would be impossible for him to run away. And as a mage, Zhaohua has accepted all the resources of the country, which means that he needs to be responsible for this war.

Zhaohua is enlightened. The moment he became a leader, he had the despair of betting everything to win.

The bugman asked: "Who is it that can make you lose even the courage to fight?"

Zhaohua smiled and said: "Don't insult my personality by insisting on words, I plan to fight to the death right now. It's just that there is no chance of winning, but there is no chance of winning."

"Bug mother?" Sanwei asked.

Zhaohua looked in the direction of the worm's nest, and said in a deep voice: "Mother worm? No, if it doesn't take the initiative to attack, my father will never take the initiative. But now that he has attacked, there is only one possibility."

"A situation happened that made him have to take the initiative to attack."

Above the insect nest, amidst the endless sea of ​​lightning and flames, a figure stood above the insect nest.

The attack just now was not aimed at destroying the worm nest, it was actually this person that Zhaolang wanted to attack just now.

The figure waved his hand, and the endless darkness quickly swallowed the flames, and the black hole vortex turned into a huge mouth of the abyss, which could swallow everything, and cracklingly absorbed all the lightning and sea of ​​fire.

One was wearing a white robe, with a pair of clear eyes looking at Zhaolang standing in the sky like the sun, with a calm expression on his face.

If anyone in the Parthenon Temple can definitely recognize it, this dress is the costume of the great sage of the Parthenon Temple.

The man stood quietly above the insect nest, opened his hands and said excitedly: "Sure enough, you still showed up to stop me."

"A miracle once conceived by the wizarding world to save itself."

"A person who has an immature god in the magical world, the combination of the two worlds, the most taboo life, once the zeroth roof sequence!"

At this time, purple scales appeared all over Zhaolang's body, a purple tail appeared behind him, and his eyes were like dragons and snakes.


Zhaolang's eyes were fixed, and the purple air behind him came from the east to form a purple sky: "Wentai."

Do you have a monthly pass, do you have a recommendation ticket, I heard that the double monthly pass needs a little stimulation! ! o( ̄▽ ̄)d

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