Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1493 The Man Who Changed the Rules of the World


Zhaolang stared at the man standing above the insect nest.

As a person of the same age as Wentai, even the children of both parties were born in the same year, how could Zhaolang not know Wentai, the holy son who once flourished in the west.

Bring light to the world and save people in dire straits. Solving countless problems with his own strength, he became the only one, the only male great sage in the history of the Parthenon, and the only male recognized by the Parthenon, the only holy son.

During the time when the son Wentai was alive, the belief in the Parthenon was already able to threaten the Holy City, and even under the leadership of Wentai, more people believed in the Parthenon than the Holy City.

At that time, many high-ranking magicians understood that the reason why the angel sent down the sin stone to vote for an unwarranted crime, secretly controlled the vote, and summoned Wu to kill Wentai was actually because of a dispute of faith.

The Holy City fears the Parthenon overtakes the Holy City.

So at that time, many high-ranking magicians were deceived by Wentai, thinking that the holy city had set Wentai up, and they were afraid that Wentai would lead the Parthenon beyond the holy city, so they killed Wentai.

As a result, it was a game within a game.

Wen Tai is actually the mastermind behind the scenes. Wen Tai deliberately made a high profile. He knew that the angels of the holy city would kill him for his own supremacy, so that he could enter the dark plane as an innocent and framed person. Fool everyone.

In fact, the main purpose is to deceive Zhaolang.

As Wen Tai said, Zhaolang is a miracle of life conceived by the magical world for self-saving.

How could the unicorn and the human mage who summoned the plane give birth to life, not to mention that these are creatures from two worlds, and it is impossible for the magic world to allow such monsters to appear.

As a result, Zhaolang not only has the physical strength of a unicorn, but also possesses the powerful magic of a human mage.

Normally, this is impossible, and Apas only inherited Medusa's spiritual power, and her physical body is much weaker than her two older sisters.

All this is because of the self-help behavior of the magic world, and even the immature god position was given to Zhaolang, which became his natural talent.

Because the wizarding world senses an external danger.

All human mages, including Zhaolang, think that this danger comes from an uncrowned king of the dark plane. , the magical world will be shrouded in darkness.

As a result, the whole world was deceived.

The one who has the world in his heart and guards the world, was framed because of the jealousy of the angel of the Holy City, and his wife became insane and became a cardinal of the Black Vatican, killing everyone to avenge his husband, the sad son is the biggest behind-the-scenes.

After it feigned death and entered the dark plane for decades, it became the Queen of the Fallen Saint, and everyone came to their senses.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

Crackling, crackling, there are more and more purple lightning around Zhaolang's body, the purple air behind him becomes a starry sky of thunder and lightning, and the place Zhaolang walks will become the center of lightning, and all the lightning will be pulled away by him .

Looking from a distance now, Zhaolang's whole body is covered by dense lightning, and each of the purple scales on his body carries endless purple electricity.

If you think that the purple unicorn is an auspicious beast and will not hurt people, then you are wrong. Qilin used to control the thunder and lightning beast.

"You are too dangerous to exist in the magical world."

"Zi Lei is coming from the east."

With a loud bang, the magical world couldn't resist such a powerful force, the void shattered, and Zhaolang punched Wen Tai below.

The domineering thunder and lightning fist overturned all the forests and trees on the top of heaven like a storm. The forest vegetation on the top of heaven was overturned by the power of thunder and lightning like a tyrannosaur, and the mountains were blown to pieces. Curse magic is even more frightening, even reaching the highest level of esoteric magic of thunder magic, and the scene is so spectacular that it is a mess.

Especially when the vegetation in the mountains and forests is bombed, it feels like the end is coming. It is so real that people can't help watching it with fear.

It looked more violent than the initial thunder and lightning, like a purple unicorn hissing, the unicorn stepped out step by step, biting with the power of heaven and earth.

The unicorn came rushing, and the thunder and lightning stepped towards Wentai with all four feet, the majesty was incomparable, this thunder and lightning was more terrifying than the punishment of heaven, under the unicorn, it would be crushed by electricity at any time, even the emperor was no exception.

Wen Tai smiled slightly, the holy light bloomed on his body like the descending of the holy son, a big golden hand covered the sky and the sun, and the star structure was no longer needed after reaching the forbidden curse, let alone these two people.

Wen Tai's big golden hand slapped the purple unicorn, the light and thunder were clearly separated.

Even if Wentai was alive, he was not a vegetarian. He could almost kill the King of Asia with the practice of a semi-forbidden curse. If he pierced through his heart, he knew that Wentai was extremely powerful.

And Wentai majored in the Department of Light.

The light and lightning canceled each other out, and Wen Tai still stood calmly on the insect nest, and said: "It's a pity, although the god position is not yet fully mature, and the plane barrier has not disappeared, even I can't fully come to the magic world." The world is severely suppressed. If you were in your prime, I might not be able to win against you."

The maturity of the god position has reached the final stage, and the barrier between planes has gradually weakened. Wen Tai used to be a person in the magical world, and he is very special.

Although the current Wentai is only a clone, its clone is already perfect, unlike other dark masters, the clone is just a black shadow.

Once Wentai obtains the soul of the Parthenon, then Wentai can really enter the magic world and take away the gods of the planes before the gods of the planes are fully matured. At that time, no one knows what will happen to the Trinity .

This is what Wen Tai desires. The theocracy of darkness cannot be used at the same time. In the dark plane, the original owner of theocracy, the Dark King, is still the most powerful, because the King of Darkness controls the darkness.

But if Wen Tai gains the power of the three planes, then the barrier between the planes of the magic world will disappear, and even the Dark King will not be Wen Tai's opponent. Wen Tai can truly dominate all the planes and become the supreme god.

"That's not necessarily true." Zhaolang's voice came from all directions.

A chaotic black hole vortex appeared behind Wen Tai, and a chaotic unicorn rushed out of the chaotic vortex.

Chaos Forbidden Magic - Chaos Order! In the realm of chaos, distort time and reality, and develop towards the result you want.

Zhaolang changed the thunderbolt that Wentai resisted, instead of coming from the sky, it changed it to rushing out of chaos, and copied it again.

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