Full-time Summoner

Chapter 150 Zhongshan school bully Zhaohua

Hiss hiss~~~ The three-tailed green scaled scorpion suppressed Liang Ri lying on the ground with its tail, and at the same time whispered as if to please Zhao Hua.

"You!! What the hell are you doing!!" Liang Ri yelled angrily, spitting out blood and baring his bloody teeth.

He has already worn the magic armor on his body now. If the three-tailed jade scaled scorpion didn't do its best, the magic armor that can only withstand the attack of slave monsters with its middle and lower levels, the three-tailed magic armor can directly take Liang Ri and the magic armor. They smashed into broken copper and iron together.

"You are my summoned beast! You actually betrayed the master!!"

Hissing, the three-tailed green scaled scorpion lowered its head, looked at Liang Ri who was being crushed by him, with disdain in his eyes, and hissed a few times, meaning that we have been in a transactional relationship from the beginning, after you give me the resources to take me away Shan, I will help you fight, I will do what you love, everyone don't be moved.

We are all adults now, please be more mature.

Liang Ri is a mage of the summoning system. Although he can't communicate with the summoned beasts like Zhaohua, he can understand the summoned beasts' words and understand their emotions, but Liang Ri can roughly guess a little bit.

During the military training, because it had a blue-patterned giant-toothed pig at the advanced stage, it was not unreasonable to meet the servant monsters who were alone. Liang Ri had no idea of ​​​​provoking the warrior monsters at all, until the last day. Liang Ri felt that it was almost over, so he sneaked to the place where Zhaohua disappeared.

When Liang Rilai saw the corpses all over the ground, he wanted to run away immediately, especially when Sanwei was eating the corpse of the double-headed sandworm, Liang Riri was so frightened that he was out of his wits.

It's just that Liang Ri underestimated Sanwei's thermal perception and was caught by Sanwei.

It's just that Sanwei didn't think about eating Liang Ri, because of Zhaohua's reason, Sanwei heard Zhaohua say that there was a psychedelic formation here, so he couldn't get out. So Sanwei was quick to think, and thought of using Liang Ri to take him out.

The result became the current situation.

Even Feng Zhoulong and Zhaohua didn't expect that the three-tailed jade scaled scorpion, which was advanced in a special way, has gained a lot of improvement in wisdom. In terms of wisdom alone, the three-tailed jade scaled scorpion may already have a commanding level, although it is not as good as a human being. , but already has a certain IQ.

Hiss! ! Hiss! ~~

Zhaohua could feel what Sanwei said, it kept saying that it hadn't betrayed, its heart was always on its master, and it didn't sign a summoning contract with him, and it was still single, what a place! ! ! !

This is where Sanwei is the smartest, no matter how Liang Ri tries to lure it into signing a summoning contract, Sanwei still refuses to agree. If it really has a summoning contract relationship with Liang Ri, then compared to Zhaohua, Sanwei is a traitor.

There is also the theory of rebellion in beast taming. Sanwei is a monster registered in the Beast Taming Association. It is a six-star beast tamer certified by Feng Zhoulong. Reasonably, Sanwei is Zhaohua's beast tamer. The rebellion is likely to be dealt with.

Even if Zhaohua is really dead, what about Ji Shaoan, Ji Shaoan is still in Sun Yat-Sen Academy, how can he escape.

Zhaohua shook his head speechlessly, he was also a little surprised that Sanwei was so smart and knew to use Liang Ri to get out of the back of the school.

"Too smart is not necessarily a good thing." Zhaohua was already thinking of a way to warn Sanwei, who is its owner, there is no contract between them.

Zhaohua waved his hand and said, "Okay, come here, if you press him down again, he will die."

Liang Ri's magic armor has disappeared, and I'm afraid it will be crushed when he steps on it, and Zhaohua's purpose is only to recover the three-tailed jade scale scorpion. By the way, it's really just a way to report the little revenge the night before the military training. No intention.

Pa, as a gesture of affection, three tails and one tail swept Liang Ri out of the arena. During the whole match, Zhaohua did exactly as he said, sitting on a chair without casting a single spell. And Liang Ri, who majored in summoning, did not release magic either. The game ended with everyone tilting their heads.

Not to mention the audience and referees, even Jiang Heping was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped and his eyeballs protruded.

"This... Could this be the psychic system? I heard that the psychic system can make summoned beasts rebel and have the ability to bewitch."

Everyone saw Zhaohua walking down the arena, and the three-tailed green scaled scorpion hurriedly followed behind, and carefully hooked the chair with the tail pin of its tail, like a servant to please the master, whose summoned beast is this? ah.

Before Zhaohua left, he said to Jiang Heping with his mouth, "I really didn't cause trouble, he did it first." '

At this moment, the audience in the audience came back to their senses and began to discuss. For a while, no one cared about Liang Ri who was swept out of the stage.

"Psychic system? Did you see the magic light and feel the fluctuation of magic energy just now?"

"Eh... I didn't feel it, could it be the special effect of his one thought of Star Path?"

"Fart, reading Star Trail is the result of a mage's strong mental power and proficiency in magic. There is no special effect. My uncle can read Star Trail once. There is also magic light, and there are also fluctuations in magic energy. And I watched it last time, I'm sure He just doesn't use magic."

"Could it be..."

Some who knew Liang Ri better guessed it, because Liang Ri and Sanwei did not use the summoning contract, but put it in the space magic equipment, which made some people feel strange, obviously the middle-level summoning magic comes with it A summoning space, why spend money to buy space magic equipment.

Now everyone understands that the powerful warrior scorpion probably belongs not to Liang Ri, but to this handsome man in front of him. For a while, the entire Sun Yat-Sen University started the 'person-hunting mode'.

'The mysterious wind-type man defeated Guo Xiang, Gao Cen, and Gao Yan with one against three, played tricks on the referee, and used magic to take away Liang Ri's general Demon Scorpion. ’, ‘There is no such person in the wind system, but the mysterious man has such a shocking history! ? ','the truth! The school announced that the mysterious man turned out to be a freshman of the Summoning Department who had died two months ago! ’, ‘Hell messenger, come back from rebirth? ! What do you want! ','Shock! Ji Shaoan, the goddess of death, traded her soul for her lover's soul from the underworld to resurrect her. Life and death are in harmony with each other, and they are happy with their children. Hold your hand and grow old with you. The pioneer of modern women's love. '

Zhaohua checked the school news with his mobile phone, all of them were headlines like this, which made him speechless and helpless.

[You have become a school bully. 】

After Ji Shaoan and Zhaohua left Douguan, they found a place to sit and chat, especially what happened in the past two months, Zhaohua wanted to study the 'gossip'.

Zhaohua saw that Ji Shaohan's mobile phone displayed "vote for the strongest school bully of Sun Yat-Sen University", which was made by the News Department of Sun Yat-Sen University. There were only three people in total, one was Zhao Hua, the other was Ji Shaoan, and the other was a person named Mai Jiaxi.

Mai Jiaxi just came to school not long ago. Legend has it that he is already a super genius monster with strong natural talents. Mai Jiaxi was first in the first place. Later, Zhaohua appeared, so the old vote was cancelled. Yes, others such as Guo Xiang and Liang Ri were canceled directly, leaving only the three of them.

Moreover, the remarks of the vote were also very detailed with the information of the three of them. For example, when Zhaohua was in Congcheng No. 1 Middle School, it was revealed that his natural talent was Yi Nian Xing Gui, and he also had a natural talent. These news are all recorded.

An analysis by the Department of Public Information is also attached.

Zhaohua clicked on Analysis.

"Zhaohua, a middle-level mage of the summoning system and wind system, a dual-system middle-level, has a warrior-level summoned beast, and the wind system does not rule out that it has reached the second level, and has a silver blade of the wind spirit species. Considering it comprehensively, having a warlord-level summoned beast is not ruled out. Zhao Hua, who summons beasts, is stronger than Mai Jiaxi."

Then scroll down, and the vote is undoubtedly Zhaohua's first place, accounting for 70% of the votes.

And Zhaohua didn't expect that his being number one would put down the local and out-of-town battles in Sun Yat-Sen University, because Zhaohua abused the leaders of both factions, making other clamoring people dumbfounded.

Thanks to the three big brothers for their rewards yesterday! ! But the name cannot be seen in the background???? I can only thank you in this way. ???? There is still a lot of rewards, I don’t know who it is ヾ(`Д) is mad at me

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