Full-time Summoner

Chapter 151: The National Powerhouse

Zhaohua clicked on Mai Jiaxi's introduction and it turned out to be a mid-level mage from the Thunder and Chaos systems. It was the first time Zhaohua had seen someone from the Chaos system. Although the Chaos system is not very rare in China, it is more powerful than Summoning. The Magic Department and the Space Department are more difficult to cultivate, because the effects of the Chaos Department itself are confusing and strange, and the resources of the Chaos Department are very few, so the improvement is very slow.

However, Mai Jiaxi has cultivated to the middle level of the dual system, which has to make Zhaohua curious, and the innate talent of Mai Jiaxi is not very specific, only said that it is speculated to be related to the chaos system, but there is no actual combat data support.

The reason is simple, no one can force out his natural talent, that is his trump card.

This list is still useful, and there are many people who pay attention, because this year's school is already in progress, and the next one has already started preparations, and many people have already begun to study some candidates who have the opportunity to enter the national team.

Zhaohua and the others are the most likely to be candidates for the school, because just when they started their senior year, the competition for the school started. They are the oldest and naturally cultivated the longest. Of course, geniuses don't look at the time, and they also tried to make freshmen into the school team.

The national battle is not only a grand event for young mages in the world, but also a world-famous event, because during the national battle, more than half of the people in the world participate in it.

Gambling, betting on winning or losing, betting on the remaining number of teams, and betting on time, as long as they can bet and are reasonable, all can be placed on the gambling table. According to incomplete statistics of the last school dispute, legal gambling in the country, underground mafia organizations Illegal gambling, organized gambling without permission, and the battle of universities for about a year, the amount of gambling in the world due to the battle of universities is as high as one trillion US dollars.

A lot of so-called "school gamblers" have been born because of the gambling event of the school competition. They don't work, and they spend all their lives studying the school competition every four years. The gamble of the year in contention. Of course, most losers go bankrupt.

Zhaohua didn't think too much about it, and clicked on the top news of Sun Yat-Sen University's News Department. The headline read, "National School Freshmen's Echelon Ranking." '

Inside is a triangle, which is a list that classifies and ranks the strongest players from some well-known universities in the country again, which is equivalent to the national strength ranking list for freshmen this year.

The triangle is divided into four gradients, T3, T2, T1, T0.

T3 reads: The strongest in a non-renowned school, the strength is acceptable, and there are very few strong people with natural talents. Zhaohua glanced at it roughly, and there were so many names in it that Zhaohua didn't even bother to read it.

T2: The strongest in the top 20 prestigious schools in the country, or ranked second, with strong strength but there are new stars in the school who have been covered up. Zhaohua saw that Mai Jiaxi was at the T2 level, probably because he was suppressed by himself.

T1: The strongest player in the top ten prestigious schools in the country, not only powerful, but also creating myths and legends in the school, well-deserved number one.

Zhaohua is at T1, and this column not only has the name and photo, but also some information about this person.

For example, Zhaohua saw the first man named Mo Fan in the Pearl Academy, nicknamed the Great Devil of the Pearl, who defeated nearly 200 people in the freshman competition without losing. He robbed the entire school of resources and caused public outrage. The summoning system has only released the spirit wolf beast in the advanced stage. With some mana energy consumed, it defeated the shepherd girl of the magic city one-on-one. Possessing good combat experience does not rule out having special natural talents or powerful contracted summoned beasts.

"Two hundred for a dozen?!"

Zhaohua was slightly startled, now Zhaohua can naturally fight two hundred people at a time, but that is only now, this pearl big devil defeated two hundred people when he entered school two months ago, Zhaohua was a little boy at that time Wind Silkworm has not advanced successfully, and he does not have an intermediate level. Although there is a three-tailed jade scale scorpion, it is not that simple to defeat a dual-system intermediate-level mage.

[One dozen and two hundred, I can do it too. 】Ji Shaoan wrote in the painting book.

Zhaohua continued to look at others, he was still very interested to know what happened to some strong men from other schools and what powerful methods they had.

Zhaohua noticed that there were two women in T1, one of them was Mu Ningxue, the Ice and Snow Empress of the Imperial Academy that Zhaohua often heard about, she had the innate talent of the natural spirit species, and had the field of ice, and the middle-level of both ice and wind , such an empress-level figure is naturally on the list.

But Zhaohua paid attention to another person named Nanjue instead.

"People from the military academy."

Naturally, there are military academies in the country, and the admission to military academies is even stricter. To be selected for military academies, one must not only have enough cultivation and courage, but also require full marks in field training courses, and no one in the immediate family has a criminal record. It can be said that it is a mess of strictness. If Zhaohua wanted to, he could actually have entered the Southern Military Academy.

Military academies are not divided into cities, only regions. For example, this woman named Nanjue is from the Western Military Academy, and what Zhaohua cares most about is that she is majoring in phonology.

Ji Shaoxuan pouted at the side full of envy. What she most wanted to awaken was the sound system of dimensional magic, but the two awakenings were all weird black magic.

The reason why Nan Jue was selected was very bloody. He led the team to wipe out a group of young warriors. He didn't need to talk about his cultivation base, but he was slapped in the face with his record. The hero of the female middle school probably meant such a person.

And another person who caught Zhaohua's attention was the person who also majored in the summoning department, Jiang Yu from the Central Academy of the Imperial Capital. The reason for being selected was that he owned a very rare contract summoned beast, Ye Luosha. (A peerless creature that inhabits the dark forest. It is good at hunting in the dark and is famous for its extreme speed.)

When Zhaohua went to the summoning plane for the first time, he was attracted by a black cat demon called Night Owl. Even when Zhaohua was asked to choose a contracted summoned beast not long ago, Night Owl also did not let go of his pride. Hua chooses. I'm afraid this Night Rakshasa will not be weak, otherwise he wouldn't be able to make it to the T1 list with just one summoned beast.

Everyone who can rank high is not a good person, and these information are only on the surface, no one knows if they have some cards that have not been exposed. Just like Zhaohua, he still has two summoned beasts that have not been made public, the little wind silkworm and the blue fox, and the three-tailed jade scaled scorpion don't even have the chance to be contracted by Zhaohua, so they can only be raised as taming beasts.

"T0 is still from the military academy? Central Military Academy!?"

There is only one person in T0, and the side introduction is more concise, T0: God.

Ai Jiangtu, if there is no accident, the dispute between the schools is decided by default, and he may be the captain. The last three generations of Ai's family are national soldiers, guarding the area north of the Great Wall, and annihilating dozens of miniature demon colonies with one person's strength. The first space system is unknown, and the second system is unknown. No one can force out the second system. The realm of mental power may have reached the third level, and it is more likely to break through the middle-level barrier within a year or two, and become the fastest young man in the country to reach a high-level. mage.

Xiuhua Zhaohua was not too surprised, but Zhaohua was quite surprised when he saw the state of spiritual power. When a mage reaches the middle level, he has the spiritual power of the second level, but this is defensive power, because the human spiritual world itself is very strong and will not be easily damaged. But the realm of spiritual power mentioned in the space system, psychology system, and curse system is attack power, which needs to be cultivated, and it is extremely difficult.

Don't underestimate this third-tier realm. If the soul system and curse system have reached the third-tier realm, mid-level magic can be effective against high-level mages, and has a weak effect on commander-level monsters. This is already a leapfrog!

Although the spiritual realm is divided into small, medium, big one to nine realms, people who can cultivate to the big realm are rare. There are even rumors that no one can cultivate to the great nine realms of spiritual power. There is no such mage in history. exists in theory.

It is conceivable how terrifying Ai Jiangtu's cultivation speed is, and it is a rare system such as the space system, so it is no wonder that it is put into T0, which is not unreasonable.

Thank you for the monthly pass of [My Lady Queen] [Hip-Hop/Stranger]*2[Little Handsome Guy]*2[Frost]*2[White Horse is Not a Horse]*2. Thanks! ! ! ! !

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