Full-time Summoner

Chapter 152: All Zhaohua's Summoned Beasts

the next day. Ji Shaoan skipped class for a day yesterday, and blocked the WeChat of the two professors. In addition, she is an only child, and the two professors from the Department of Undead and the Department of Cursing teach one-on-one, so the result of Ji Shaoan's skipping class can be imagined. She was the only one in the class, she skipped class, and the whole classroom was empty.

So today Ji Shaoyin can only obediently go back to class, and although Zhaohua has resumed his student status at Sun Yat-Sen University, there is no class in the Summoning Department today, leaving time for the students to cultivate summoned beasts freely, so Zhaohua still has no classes.

After walking out of the hotel, he ran to the teaching building of the Summoning Department and reserved a laboratory. He planned to take a good look at the strength of his several summoned beasts today. Especially the blue fox, Zhaohua didn't know why he chose it in a daze at that time, but now he remembered that he didn't even know what it was called, what its race was, and what power it had.

Blue Fox is just Zhaohua's name based on his appearance.

Coincidentally, the laboratory assigned to Zhaohua this time is still on the eighth floor, but it is not the one destroyed by Yinniu, but the one next door. When Zhaohua passed by, the destroyed laboratory had been repaired, the doors and windows were closed, and the roar of beasts could be faintly heard inside, probably students were inside.

The laboratory assigned to Zhaohua is empty, it is specially used for testing and inspecting summoned animals. The space is not too big, about 50 square meters, and there are some special appliances placed on the shelves.

Zhaohua made an appointment for the smallest space, because his summoned beasts are not big. The biggest one is the three-tailed Jade Scorpion, and the others are like small pets.

Zhaohua used Dimensional Summoning to call out Xiao Fengcan, who was still dozing off. Xiao Fengcan was in the state of an elf, with wings flapping behind her back, and her body floated out of the dimensional crack, lying on Zhaohua's body. There was a slap on his shoulder, and he continued to sleep again, wondering if he had dreamed of something, but Xiao Fengcan's face was filled with a happy and silly smile.

Zhaohua smiled and gently touched Xiaofengcan's face with his fingers, like teasing a cat.

According to Fengling, the body of an innate elf like Xiaofengcan can change from virtual to real, Fenglingcan is its original race, and the appearance of the elf you see now is changed by Xiaofengcan according to its own preferences (refer to Fengling's Appearance), it can also be said to be the fighting form of the wind spirit silkworm, because it is easier to avoid skills and release magic because it has limbs and wings.

The second one is the three-tailed jade scale scorpion. The three-tailed scorpion came out of the watch and prepared to roar habitually. Seeing that the little windworm was sleeping soundly, it hissed softly and then disappeared.

This is bloodline suppression. According to Zhaohua's conjecture, Xiaofengcan's bloodline is terrifyingly high, and the three-tailed jade scaled scorpion is already quite special. It is the only one in the world. He didn't dare at all, even if Zhaohua wasn't there, Sanwei might lie on the ground and dare not move.

Zhaohua and Sanwei Jade Scale Scorpion are all connected by strength and interests. As long as Zhaohua is the contractor of Xiaofengcan for a day, then Sanwei will not dare to rebel, even if Sanwei goes to the commander level or the monarch level. dare.

Think about it, Sanwei can reach the monarch, and how far Xiaofengcan will go, this is what Sanwei dare not think about, that is too far away and too scary.

Zhaohua looked at these two familiar old buddies and nodded in satisfaction. The most important thing for Zhaohua is to observe Sanwei. It cannot be said that Sanwei's strength has improved, but the abilities of other monsters in his body have finally stabilized.

"The rest is the contract summoning of the first summoning system and the dimensional summoning of the second summoning system."

Zhaohua first tried the dimensional summoning of the second department. Although Feng Ling said that Zhaohua was too weak to summon the commander-level Tianyan, Zhaohua had to try no matter what, and Zhaohua wanted to quickly get the second department The cultivation base is pushed to the elementary level three, otherwise there is no way to use the fourth and fifth magic.

Tianyan is also an innate elf, and is of the fire element. Zhaohua is quite looking forward to what the elf magic of the fire element will be. Zhaohua is not stupid, he knows that elf magic is the ultimate skill compared to the Huozi who can use the elementary fire element.

Whether it's Xiao Fengcan's three wind silk moves or the domain, they are extremely terrifying, especially the weapon that instantly kills the Void Mantis, this is one of Zhaohua's goals today.

"Second dimension call."

The moonlight transparent star trails emerged, and the dimensional rift appeared. Zhaohua could feel an indescribable heat coming from the depth of the dimensional rift.

But Zhaohua hadn't seen Tianyan coming out of the crack, a heart-piercing pain rushed straight into his mind, Zhaohua's star track broke, and the dimensional crack quickly closed.

Zhaohua gritted his teeth tightly, the sweat on his forehead was like water droplets, and his back was already wet with cold sweat.

After a while, the pain finally disappeared, not only the mana, but even the mental power was not enough to bear Tianyan's coming to this world. Although the spiritual power is not as important as the space system, the summoning system, which is also dimensional magic, actually needs spiritual power. From the initial entry into the summoning plane, it can be seen that finding dimensional summoned beasts is closely related to spiritual power.

"Huh... It seems that before the second department reaches a high level, it is impossible to summon Tianyan. My mental strength is too weak."

Zhaohua took a deep breath and signaled that he was fine. Just now, Xiaofengcan and Sanwei were startled. Xiaofengcan touched Zhaohua's cheek with a worried face, and kissed like a blue fox.

Zhaohua rested for ten minutes, and was about to call out the blue fox. The difficulty of summoning the middle-level magic summoning contract of the summoning system was more difficult than that of other magic systems. Even Zhaohua took ten seconds to complete the drawing of the star map .

Zhaohua drew the star pattern of the moonlight on the ground, shining on the ground like a magic circle, and the exit of the summoning space can be in the air or on the ground. Different from Sanwei and Tianyan, the breath in the summoning space is very peaceful, tender and tender.

Blue, elegant. When the blue fox walked out of the star chart step by step, Zhaohua only thought of these two words. The blue fox's tail was very fluffy, and a pair of flexible ears were erected to listen to the surrounding sounds. The body is slender, the hair is long and thin, and the hair can be seen to be well combed, without a single split hair.

The summoning space was closed, the star map disappeared, and the blue fox slowly opened its eyes. His eyes are full of doubts and curiosity about the strange things around him.

The eyes are a bit larger than other foxes, more like human eyes, with whites and pupils. Even the pupils of the eyes are sky blue, which makes people intoxicated like the sea of ​​stars.

almost? Almost! !

I was a little confused at first, but when I saw Zhaohua, even ordinary people could read 'happy' from Lanhu's face, he stepped forward, smiled and bumped into Zhaohua's arms, and rubbed hard Twice, looking up at Zhaohua from his arms, like a lover reunited after a long absence.



Little Wind Silkworm is not happy now! What's the meaning! !

The little windworm immediately lost all sleepiness, and flew over to grab the blue fox's neck hair, trying to pull it away, but the blue fox firmly grasped Zhaohua's clothes with its claws, and refused to let go.

The scene once became very enviable.

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