Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1499 Blood Ritual

Suddenly, in the night sky that had already fallen, there was an imperceptible dark red light flowing, as if, there was a sky where blood flowed!

In the sky, the red light is like clouds and fog, changing from time to time. If you look up at this time, you will give people a creepy feeling, as if the blood is preparing for something.

This is the last resort, but it is not used to deal with sea monsters, but to buy time and give ordinary people a chance to escape.

"I am Zhao Hua, the commander-in-chief of the Battle of Yaodu. Now 90% of the energy of the Jinyao barrier in Yaodu has been consumed, the dream tree spontaneously ignites, and the last 1% of the undead flame is left. All the magic stones and resource reserves in Yaodu It's exhausted, and outside aid can't turn the situation around."

"We lost this battle."

Zhaohua's voice spread into the hearts of all the mages on the front line. Although the Meng Dao tree and the last Meng Dao tree spontaneously ignited and increased the undead flames, combined with the power of the phoenix fire and Ying Yan's healing curse, many mages were protected. s life.

Let the occupation look balanced, but there are no resources now, so the result can be imagined, this time it will undoubtedly fail.

Even without the need for the worm mother to delay Zhaohua and Ji Shaoan, the sea monster was able to kill all the mages, including breaking through the last Jinyao barrier.

All mages also know that Zhaohua has really tried his best and has created too many miracles, but it is still irreversible, and the enemy is too powerful.

"All we can do now is buy some time for the 100 million people behind us to escape."

Boom boom boom! !

The blood mist suddenly changed in the sky, and the blood-red liquid oozed out of the flooded earth, and the blood of sea monsters, Zergs, and human mages when they died was mixed in the sea water.

Gulu Gulu, Ding Yumian's blood sea merged into the sea water, turning the sea water into a pool of blood. At this time, the blood pool on the ground emitted bursts of light, echoing the light of the sky.

In the blood pool, there seemed to be a dark red liquid flowing. If you look closely, it doesn't look like liquid, but like drops of demon blood.

boom! After Ding Yumian and Leng Yuemou demon god confronted each other, they used their strength to return to Ji Shaohan's side and nodded.

Ji Shaohan's poison magic exploded.

This is not just as simple as poisonous ultra-level magic. What Ding Yumian performs is the most powerful ritual of vampires, and it is the most common ritual for vampires, but it is also a ritual for vampires to survive.

It was because of this ceremony that Mo Fan's little maid Liu Ru was turned into a vampire.

Blood Ritual.

This is a ritual that can turn human beings into vampires. The principle is poison magic, which destroys human bodies and turns them into vampires.

Blood poisoning, an evil ritual that changes people's bodies, is similar to the evil holy king ceremony and summoning assimilation, except that this blood poisoning relies on the poisonous blood of the upper vampire.

But now, Ding Yumian integrated her own blood into this ceremony.

"The blood ritual of vampires. All the mages who are old and have broken spiritual worlds, enter the blood pool, and fight for the last time for the descendants of human beings."

Poison magic is actually the blessing magic and healing magic of the dark plane. For dark creatures, poison is a great tonic, and it can even make the flesh and blood of creatures stronger, giving them a temporary effect like a stimulant. .

If the poison is used properly, it can save lives. It's just that the reason why poison is poison is because poison is poisonous, and the side effects are very serious.

The blood ritual this time is not just turning into an ordinary vampire, but forcing out the magic energy hidden in the mage's body and strengthening the body with poison.

Such side effects are irreversible.

Zizizi, Tian Qingbai's phonological mana is almost exhausted.

"This instruction will not be repeated. The Xinyin Network will be closed soon. Thank you for your sincere cooperation and trust in the past six months. It is a pity that we were unable to win. For the younger generations, for the future of our country, do your last bit of strength. Goodbye."

Nourish! The heart sound network is closed, and even the most important phonetic connection network has been disconnected.

With a bang, the undead flames on Hua Zhanhong's body disappeared after resisting Sea God Ji's blow. His body was already tattered, bloody and bloody, and his magic energy was gone.

Pfft, Hua Zhanhong crashed into the ground. He didn't say anything after hearing Zhaohua's words. He was lying in the pool of blood, and he didn't need to cut the main artery to bleed himself. His whole body was already riddled with holes. The wound collapsed immediately.

Of course, Hua Zhanhong couldn't be the opponent of Sea God Ji. He used his life, body and other curse mages to stop Sea God Ji for half a day.

Gulu Gulu, the blood from the Blood Ritual penetrated into Hua Zhanhong's body through the wounds on his body.

Immediately, the veins popped up, and the sound of the body exploding, as if a bomb was buried in the blood vessel, the body kept exploding blood holes.

This blood ceremony is not as gentle as Liu Ru's blood ceremony at the beginning. Liu Ru's blood ceremony was to make Liu Ru an ordinary vampire, but this time, it is not a vampire, but a ghost that sells its own soul.

There was a bang, and when Zhaohua finished speaking, he hardly hesitated, and all the old mages threw themselves into the blood pool without hesitation. In an instant, the whole blood pool was like a volcano erupting, and endless blood spewed out. Get up, and instantly make the whole demon bloody.

Ying Yan and other younger mages couldn't help trembling when they saw the old men standing in front of them, surrounded by blood, showing a pair of bloody teeth and long fingernails.

Young mages like Ying Yan will not give up their human identities, because after many years, when humans need to counterattack and regain lost ground, that is when they become old mages and they sacrifice themselves.

These old mages were once young. When they were young, they also saw the scene where their elders sacrificed themselves, fought desperately with demons, saved young offspring, and saved hope.

Human beings have always relied on such sacrifices to maintain peace, generation after generation of reincarnation, the old protect the few, the young grow old and continue to protect the few, and then the few grow up, and continue to use their lives to protect the survival of mankind environment.

Life is endless, reincarnation is endless.

Hua Zhanhong and all other mages did not look back at the young mage behind him. Hua Zhanhong turned his back to Ying Yan and asked, "I'm not ugly, am I?"

"Not ugly, you have always been the most handsome in our hearts, military chief."

Hua Zhanhong raised his cheeks.

Hoo hoo hoo, shadows are flying across the sea. These shadow monsters have lost their power as mages, but their souls are incomparably noble.

They want to clear some obstacles for those who come later.

Hua Zhanhong knew that in five or ten years, there would definitely be more mages like Mo Fan and Zhao Hua appearing to regain the lost ground.

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