Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1500: The Insect Mother Dimens

The Blood Ritual is just like taking forbidden drugs.

Mages use the magic power of the spiritual world to use magic, but the magic power of human beings is not limited to the spiritual world, and some small vendors can also use some small magic, such as a small flame coming out of the palm.

Human blood also has magic power, but these magic powers are rare and difficult to use. Ding Yumian's blood sea combined with Ji Shaoan's poison magic is not to turn them into vampires, but to use poison to force out the last magic energy in the body, and use poison to strengthen the bodies of these old mages, and use poison to use their souls as fuel , concentrate all vitality, and fight to the last moment.

And the price is to disappear together with the soul.

Zhaohua and Ji Shao stared blankly at the three huge insect emperors in front of them, and the insect mother Dimengsi who stood above the three insect emperors and looked down.

This is just doing their best, and there is no way to change the situation of the battle. For the older generation of mages, it was the difference between dying on their knees and dying standing.

Zhaohua is dragging a few worm kings or worm emperors to hell at most now. The endless zerg have rushed to the inner city of Yaodu and destroyed the Jinyao barrier. Once the Jinyao barrier is broken, it depends on how many 100 million people can run How much can these heterogeneous Zerg and Kraken eat.

Although Ying Yan and other young mages will also retreat, but the young mages are only a little bit, and they still don't have much magic power, so it is difficult to protect themselves.

"Three Tails, Long Yi, Xiong Da, Haiyuan Emperor Dragon, Sea Serpent, Sea Front Mammoth, Three-Eyed Liger, Green Fire Demon Grasshopper, Garuda, and Tianguan Zilin Sacred Tree, you deal with Chongjun and the three Zhiya Diwang Zongdi, keep fighting at a distance, don't love to fight, run away if you can."

These are tame beasts, Zhaohua has no way to throw them into the summoning plane, only those who have a summoning contract with Zhaohua, when dying, the summoning mage can have a chance to release the summoning beasts to the summoning plane middle.

Twelve wings of wind appeared behind Zhaohua, holding the origin catalog in his left hand. Zhaohua has no mana, and the last four series of ultra-level mana, no matter whether it is a dimensional summoned beast or a contract summoned beast, has no mana.

Zhaohua also doesn't have the power of a demon like Mo Fan, so he can borrow it. Zhaohua has neither theocracy nor power, and with Wentai around, it is even more impossible for Zhaohua to borrow power.

Ji Shao held Zhaohua's hand silently, and the two flew into the air with all the dimensional summoned beasts and contracted summoned beasts. The opponent of the two of them could only be the strongest worm mother, Dimous.

But Ding Yumian was restrained by the demon god with cold moon eyes.

"Two ultra-level mages... If I hadn't been watching all this on the worm's nest, even I wouldn't believe that two ultra-level mages could create such a miracle."

The worm mother, Di Mengsi, looked at Zhaohua and Ji Shaohan. The worm's nest was on the top of the heaven. Of course, she had been paying close attention to the situation, and she also knew that Zhaolang had been leaving the city.

The worm mother wanted to add insult to injury early in the morning. The sea monster is not necessarily the enemy, but humans must be the enemy. And with Wentai around, it's useless for the Kraken to win. In the end, Wentai won.

It was only later that the worm mother became more and more frightened. The Emperor's Skeleton Dead Emperor was devoured! The Huangsha Skeleton Death Emperor couldn't be killed at all, but in the end he swallowed the consciousness of the Huangsha Skeleton Death Emperor with the help of the promotion ceremony left by the evil god in ancient times, and became the evil king.

This made the insect mother frightened, but also took it for granted.

A hundred years ago, it felt that human beings were unbelievable, as if they could create any miracles, so it took a hundred years to create the worms, but the worms rebelled, and they didn't even know they were contracted.

The insect mother has an insect net, and can know the thoughts of all the different species of insects, but Zhaohua uses the dream tree's different world space to isolate it, making the insect mother think that the insects are dead.

There are so many different kinds of Zerg, it is impossible for the Zerg Mother to go back and deliberately pay attention to a dead Zerg.

Zhaohua looked at the worm mother, Medis, and said with a slight smile, "Maybe we can kill you."

On the side, Ji Shaoan's dark power burst out, Ji Shaoan's magic power was running out, she did not make a move but strengthened Gu Suoyu with the remaining magic energy.

The worm man was wrapped in dark flames, and his body mutated. His silver-white hair hung behind him, his teeth became sharp and sharp, wrapped in dark flames behind him, and a phantom appeared behind [Demon Mo Fan].

"Summon - Origin Directory."

With a sound of boarding, Zhaohua flew out seven stars, summoned by the dimension, and Xiaofengcan stood behind Zhaohua, and a green contract appeared behind Xiaofengcan, which was the life-and-death contract between Zhaohua and Xiaofengcan, Represents the promise of the lives of both parties.

There was another sound, forty-nine stars, and the Blue Star Fox appeared, just like Xiao Fengcan, the life-death contract appeared, the difference was that the Blue Star Fox was aqua blue.

Two more clicks, Tianyan and Guigui appeared, the pure white Tianyan's life and death contract and the pure black Guigui's contract.

Afterwards, the Holy Silver with eight wings, the Heavenly Crown Heart Flower Demon exuding its beautiful appearance exuding purple holy light, and the rainbow dragon of seven colors. The silver-white contract, the bright purple contract, and the contract written on the seven colors of the rainbow.

There are seven in total. The seven summoned beasts who have signed a life-and-death contract live and die together in accordance with the content of the contract.

Zhaohua put his left hand on the cover of the origin catalog, and said piously: "The catalog records the origin, the book records the contract, contains the latest contract, and shows the origin power of magic."

"Original magic - full assimilation!"

Immediately, the Origin Catalog erupted with dazzling moonlight and transparent light.

I'm afraid even Zhaohua himself has never thought about what it would be like to fight side by side with [Devil Mo Fan] one day. Although the bugman is not the real Mo Fan, and he has no divine right to use the power of darkness, at this moment, at least from outsiders look.

Zhaohua and Mo Fan stood together.

One with twelve wings spread out behind him, and the star rings formed by the seven life and death deeds behind him continue to provide mana, and the effect of mana link is activated to provide mana.

The other head has two horns, and the dark Sin Yan Ji goddess stands behind, embracing the demon. The demon lines on the face are exactly the same, and the appearance is exactly the same.

Oh oh oh! ! !

The insect man raised his right hand to the sky and said, "Yan Jue——Black Flame Sword."

There was a whirring sound of swords, and suddenly a huge black flame sword descended from the sky, just like the Holy Breaking Heaven Sword of super-level light magic, but with the improvement of the bugman's cultivation base, this sword It is much bigger than when he fought Zhaohua back then.

call! ! The worm man is also irritable, he knows that he must die, but before he dies, he also wants to slash this worm mother who has always been aloof, his own mother!

"Double Elven Domain—Fengyan Twin Swords."

boom! Zhaohua was shocked violently, and the two of them, one on the left and the other on the right, slashed at the worm mother.

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