Full-time Summoner

Chapter 154 Spiritual Weapon

The weapon of the elves, referred to as the spirit weapon. Unlike spirit-level and soul-level magic equipment, this weapon has no level. Its power comes from the elf itself, and its essence is the deeper application and development of elf magic.

Different from other monsters, Xiao Fengcan, who is an innate elf, has a huge advantage over other monsters, unparalleled advantages, bloodline and inheritance.

Fengling also has its own weapons. Xiaofengcan's elven magic comes from her own blood, but the method of using it is derived from the Elf Tower of Thousand Clans and the Elf Island. There is no doubt that this is an advantage, because inheritance is the knowledge handed down from ancient times. The knowledge that has been developed and improved can be learned and used more quickly and regularly without you needing to explore.

Originally, Xiao Fengcan would only learn the spiritual weapon when he advanced to the warrior level, but the battle with the Vengeful Mantis was urgent, and Zhaohua guided Xiao Fengcan intentionally or unintentionally, so that he could use it in advance. The elf magic has advanced, and the prototype of the spirit weapon has been summoned.

At this time, Xiao Fengcan was floating in mid-air, pushing forward with both hands, he was refining the alchemy and the weapon. Different from the last time, this time the forming speed was very fast. In just a few seconds, a handful of emerald green, long strips of objects appeared. The bottom is like a cross like a hilt, but the sword body is a bit curved like a sickle, and the sword body is not flat, but branched like many branches of a tree.

But it is such a strange-shaped weapon, its sharpness can be called unparalleled. When Xiao Fengcan was still in the advanced stage, this spiritual weapon could cut the warrior-level revenge mantis in half. Now this Bi The green spiritual weapon is obviously more formed and more stable. It no longer disintegrates with one hit, but can really be used as a weapon.

Xi Xi Xi!

"You mean this weapon can continue to grow, you are still young, the weapon has not been finalized yet?"


Fengling's elven weapon has been completely finalized, it is said that it is a sword, so the shape of Xiaofengcan's weapon looks most like a sword. But Little Windworm and Fengling are two individuals after all, they can't be exactly the same, so what will become of Little Windworm's elven weapon will be known later.

Zhaohua took a closer look, this weapon is much longer than it was at the beginning, and the hilt is more than two meters long, which is close to the length of a long spear, but some long swords and giant swords are also like this length.

Zhaohua remembered that the fire-pointed gun magic tool that Deng Le threw to him was about this length.

Zhaohua observed closely and found that the reason why this weapon is so sharp, because its essence is flowing wind. This weapon is not made of steel, bone and other substances like magical equipment, it is wind in essence, just like the wind blade like the silver blade spirit.

Although this weapon is formed, it is not fixed. The wind that composes it is always swirling, like a weapon composed of countless sharp silk cuts.

"No wonder it's so sharp, it's equivalent to the wind attribute version of a chainsaw, a wind blade that's sharper than a sharp blade."

Zhaohua carefully held the hilt of the sword, although it was two meters long, it was weightless in the hand, it was like grabbing a handful of air, and it didn't consume energy at all.

Huh, huh, huh, huh, huh. Zhaohua held this long weapon with three different shapes, and started to play according to some basic spear skills taught by Zhaolang. Throwing guns, sticking guns, picking guns, piercing guns, pressing guns, drawing guns, shooting guns, and gun-hanging guns, etc., each has its own style, and it’s really the same thing. Then I tried swordsmanship, including piercing sword, cloud sword, hanging sword, lifting sword, pointing sword, collapsing sword, twisting sword, holding sword, and stabbing sword.

But the more I tried, the more strange Zhaohua felt, because I used nothing like it. I tried all the moves with other weapons, including the stick method, but it didn’t work. Because of the strangeness of the weapons, these traditional moves were nondescript. hurt yourself.

But later Zhaohua experimented and found that this weapon would not hurt him. When the weapon pierced his body, it was a gentle breeze that gently brushed against his skin.

Although the moves are not good, the weapons are really awesome. This is a dedicated laboratory for the summoning department. Because the school knows that Zhaohua has a warrior-level summoned beast, the three-tailed jade scale scorpion, so Zhaohua is assigned an intermediate-level summoning. Laboratory for mages.

There is a protective barrier inside, which can withstand multiple attacks at the level of a small warrior. At the beginning, the silver bull of the summoning mage rebelled. If it weren't for this protective barrier, the silver bull would have rushed out. How could a mid-level mage stand up to the violent Silver Bull who was already close to him.

Zhaohua asked Sanwei to use wind slash to attack the protective barrier. Although obvious damage could be seen, there was no way to break it all at once. Sanwei was rated as a general because of the special nature of having three monster skills. There are no generals.

The barrier will be repaired automatically in a short while, as long as the magic stone still has energy, then this protective barrier will continue to be repaired.

But Zhaohua used this spiritual weapon to scratch lightly, and a hole was cut in the barrier, as if it had no protective ability at all.

"This is really amazing. The Blessing Holy Shield of the intermediate level is completely unable to defend against it, not even the second-level painted wall."

Zhaohua calculated in his mind that to completely defend against this spirit weapon, at least a second-level painting wall with a light-type spirit-seed is required, or a high-level defensive magic without a spirit-seed. In front of the spirit weapon, it is no different from paper.

Such a powerful power naturally has its disadvantages, and it consumes a lot.

In just three or four minutes, most of Xiaofengcan's mana energy had been consumed. Zhaohua clearly felt that Xiaofengcan was getting tired, and now he was lying on his shoulder listlessly.

"The maintenance of the spiritual weapon depends entirely on the magic energy of the little windworm."

Zhaohua dissipated the spirit weapon, and then replenished a lot of mana for Xiao Fengcan through the nebula of the summoning system, so that Xiao Fengcan regained a little spirit.

Finally, there are the three spiritual seeds of Xiao Fengcan. It is a pity that Xiao Fengcan cannot combine the special effects of the spirit seeds. For example, when using the silver blade, Foehn cannot be used. Zhaohua still thought that if It can have the effects of silver blade and foehn at the same time, and when using the wind disk, it can achieve the terrible effect of "scraping the outer ring and burning the inner ring".

Zhaohua roughly evaluated himself. With his current combat power, if he broke out with all his strength, he should be able to annihilate a group of twenty or thirty monsters by himself.

Time passed, and more than a month passed quickly. During this period, Zhaohua did not go to "provoking trouble", but went to class in the school in peace, because he missed two months of courses, not only to call the major After making up the departmental courses, you have to make up the secondary and elective courses again. After passing the exam and having enough credits, you can grab the next semester, otherwise, even Zhaohua Intermediate will not give you the elective.

Zhaohua’s minor major is wind, and his electives are fire and water. You don’t have to be a mage of that department to take these classes. You can take classes if you are interested in learning about them, and you want to awaken them. After graduation, you have to take classes and take exams, so few people will take electives, and it is even said that he took two electives like him.

The university will have winter vacation a little earlier, because it is close to home, Zhaohua did not go back to Congcheng immediately, but ran to find Feng Zhoulong.

And during the freshman holiday, in another international metropolis, the Demon City, the Scale Demon Mother incident happened which shocked the whole country.

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