Full-time Summoner

Chapter 155 The Scourge of the Mother Demon

Dingling, dingling, dingling, the phone rang. A man with a short haircut had just returned to the dormitory after practicing, and someone came looking for him before he had even chatted.

He glanced at the incoming call from his mobile phone, which was an unfamiliar number, and sighed silently in his heart. As the most famous school bully in Pearl Academy, some classmates and senior sisters would often get their mobile phone number from various channels and confide in him. That impossible love made me very upset.

Slide your thumb to the right smoothly and quickly, pick up the phone and say, "If it's a dinner appointment, it's best to be at night."

The man said narcissistically.

"Sir, we are on credit loan, do you need a loan?"

Petrochemical, Sinopec, the man said to the mobile phone: "I want 100 million to buy magic wing equipment, can you take a loan, the kind that you don't have to pay back."

The other end of the phone hung up after cursing a word of insanity.

"Huh? Mo Fan, do you want to buy magic wing equipment?" Hearing that the short-haired man wanted to buy magic wing equipment, the long-haired blonde who was also his roommate asked curiously.

Mo Fan nodded and asked: "Why Zhao Manyan, your Zhao family sells magic wings?"

Zhao Manyan showed a foolish expression and said: "Of course our family sells magic wing equipment, but let me tell you first, now the market is copying magic wing equipment, and the price of magic wing equipment has been copied a lot. It is estimated that buying the cheapest one for 100 million yuan is not enough.”

"Damn, you evil capital."

The few people hadn't chatted a few words when Mo Fan's cell phone rang again.

"I said..."

Before Mo Fan could say a word, the pure loli voice came from the phone.

"Fanmo!" He knew people by his voice, and he could tell from the voice that there must be a cute little loli on the other end of the phone.

"Huh? Oh, little girl, I thought it was about a loan. What's wrong?"

The little girl Lingling said: "I have analyzed some data from that banshee's skin and flesh cells, and I am going to do a thermal tracking, hack into your school's thermal surveillance, and help us track the location of that banshee."

"You can still make these things?" Mo Fan was stunned, how could it be like this?

"I'm going to find you now. The data module is about to be analyzed. The master said that we will give us an extra million for saving her wife, and we have already collected the money."

Hearing one million, Mo Fan was dumbfounded at first, then immediately rolled up his sleeves, don't say anything, just do it!

"You are at school now. I'll wait for you nearby. Come here quickly, before it's too late."

"Come right now!"

On the other side, Feng Zhoulong's special research room under the Yaodu Tower. This time Ji Shao was absent, and Zhaohua came to Feng Zhoulong alone. He wanted to check his nebula and stardust. After being together for more than a year, Zhaohua felt that Feng Zhoulong was so People can still be trusted. The most important thing is that Feng Zhoulong doesn't pay much attention to things like power and interests. His mind is only research and research.

However, Feng Zhoulong is indeed a busy man. I heard that he has been doing research abroad and in magic research teams in other countries for the past few months. Zhaohua has been looking for him for more than a month, and Feng Zhoulong finally replied to himself recently.

Pa, Feng Zhoulong grabbed Zhaohua's shoulder and asked, "You really awakened two summoning systems!?"

Zhaohua had already talked to Feng Zhoulong about the situation on WeChat. Zhaohua did not tell the book of moonlight, but said that he did not know how to awaken the second summoning system.

"Don't shake, I'm here for a physical examination."

In fact, it is the same as the hospital's examination, but Zhaohua awakened two identical departments, which is unprecedented, at least according to Zhaohua's knowledge, there is no second case, so he didn't want some hospitals to do a comprehensive examination, he didn't even Tell your parents to know.

Announce good news but not worry.

Feng Zhoulong gave Zhaohua a full-body examination. Whether it was the nebula of the first series or the second series, or the data of various physical indicators, it all showed that Zhaohua was a young mage who was healthy and in good health.

If you don't see that he has two summoning systems.

Because of Feng Zhoulong's contact with Zhaohua, Feng Zhoulong also learned about Zhaohua's parents from various channels. After knowing that these two people were some kind of monsters and ghosts, he didn't feel too surprised that Zhaohua had two summoning systems.

"There is nothing wrong with your body, and the two magic systems are also independent of each other. Although the two magic systems are very close, they are also parallel to each other and do not interfere with each other. Except that both of them are summoning systems, your spirit There is no problem in the world, it is better to say that your mental power is much stronger than ordinary people, which should be the reason why you cultivated the summoning system so quickly."

Feng Zhoulong projected Zhaohua's inspection data, and showed Zhaohua item by item. Zhaohua also learned a little from Feng Zhoulong, and could barely understand what the data meant.

Zhaohua frowned, then relaxed again, isn't it the best thing to be fine. Isn't it just the awakening of two summoning systems? There are many strange things in this world, and I have elf magic, so it's not that I can't use other types of magic. In the later stage, when I summon tens of thousands of beasts, I don't need to do it myself. With a wave of his hand, he will crush the demon empires everywhere and dominate the world, just around the corner.

Zhaohua summoned the Three-tailed Jade Scaled Scorpion, Wind Spirit Silkworm, and Blue Star Fox. Now Zhaohua's shoulders belonged to Little Wind Silkworm, and his arms belonged to Blue Star Fox.

Seeing so many summoned beasts, Feng Zhoulong was quite speechless and said: "Isn't it true that every time you wake up, you kid will be a summoning type?"

┑( ̄Д ̄)┍

Zhaohua spread his hands and said that he didn't know either.

"Help me see Three-tailed and Blue Star Fox, how it should improve in the future."

Feng Zhoulong said angrily: "You treat me as a specialist in the Summoning Department, you don't ask your university professors, why do you come here to ask me?"

"Didn't you advance Sanwei, of course I'm looking for you."

Feng Zhoulong gave Zhaohua a white look, this kid really tried to take advantage of it.

"Three tails, I can think of a way for you, but don't think about your other two, those two are not ordinary dimensional summoned beasts."

Feng Zhoulong is a super mage, and he is also a famous magic researcher in Yaodu. At a glance, he can see that the bloodlines of Xiaofengcan and Lanxinghu are not simple.

Feng Zhoulong continued: "Your two summoned beasts are like elemental monsters, also called elemental holy spirits. They are extremely rare creatures, and their bloodlines are extremely high. There is no need to change the bloodlines like the dead wood scorpion did, as long as enough Energy and time should be able to advance."

"Of course, if you want to be fast, it depends on luck."

Zhaohua asked puzzledly: "What depends on luck? Does summoning a beast need luck?"

Feng Zhoulong showed a meaningful smile and said: "The advancement of monsters requires natural materials and earthly treasures, and these natural materials and earthly treasures are only found in wild monster areas. If you dare to go to some fierce places and beast lairs After two laps, you may be able to find some natural treasures with corresponding attributes, and then you can easily upgrade."

Zhaohua is not in a good mood, no one knows this, but this must have that fate!

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