Full-time Summoner

Chapter 156 Artificially cultivated

"But you don't have to worry, your life is really good. You just need to work harder and join the school team, then the resources will be at your fingertips." Feng Zhoulong suddenly thought of something and reminded.

Zhaohua tilted his head and said, "School team? Although I also want to join the school team, Zhongshan University only has two votes. Even if I win them all, I still don't have enough votes."



Feng Zhoulong stopped his work of helping Sanwei to check, looked at Zhaohua and said, "You don't know?"

"What do I know?"

"You already have a vote."

! ? (⊙_⊙)

Zhaohua was suddenly puzzled, and asked, "One vote for what?"

"A ballot for the school, the Demon City Trial has already voted for you, don't you know?"

"I don't know what the trial will do to me."

Only then did Feng Zhoulong realize that Zhaohua didn't know that his parents had won a vote for him, but he didn't bother to gossip about others.

On the contrary, Zhaohua wondered if it was because he contributed hot spring water and solved the mystery of Baixue last year.

At this time, the internal phone in the laboratory suddenly rang: "Professor Feng, a member of the trial committee, called to inquire about the 'Bai Xue Incident' that happened in the Demon City a year ago. It is said that there was a demon attack in the Demon City. , her younger sister compared the maternal blood data and found that it was similar to the snow worm vaccine."

"Now when her sister and her partner are chasing the mother demon, they find that the mother demon may have the ability to infect, absorbing magic energy in the human body to grow and mutate."

Zhaohua and Feng Zhoulong looked at each other, and they both sensed that something terrible was about to happen in the capital.


On the other hand, the campus leisure area of ​​Pearl University, because it is already the winter vacation, many students of Pearl University have gone home to prepare for the New Year, only some students who stayed at school or whose home is in the local area, and now this group of students Most of them are concentrated in the gymnasium, helping a certain campus idol star prepare for a performance rehearsal or go to the sidelines to eat melons and make road shots.

The entire leisure area was quiet and geese were flying, only a little loli and a young man were looking at the laptop.

Lingling downloaded the data of the shedding mother demon from the hunter alliance database. Although this kind of female demon is rare, it is not unheard of. Their weaknesses have been exposed, so based on these data, Lingling can quickly make Tracking database.

Hunters will report every time they deal with monsters, especially some special monster incidents, so that they can share information when they encounter them again.

According to the information from the Hunter Alliance, the Shedding Mother Demon is a very terrifying monster. Its frightening feature is that it can be like a painted skin. The human skin of the victim is mixed with the crowd to live a normal life.

Back then, there was a small village where a few shedding monsters got mixed in, and many villagers were killed. Finally, with the bravery of a hunter, all the shedding monsters mixed in were killed.

According to this story, someone in later generations designed a board game called Peeling Demon Killer, which is still popular all over the world.

However, the mother demon also has a weakness, that is, the body temperature of the parasitized human body will be three degrees higher than that of normal people, and it is in a state of fever, so you can look for it based on heat sensitivity.

"Huh? Why is this red dot so close? It's near me." Mo Fan pointed at the laptop screen.

Lingling is still fiddling with the data, because she just discovered that after comparing the data, it is 70% similar to the parasite seedlings that happened in Yaodu one year ago.

Hearing Mo Fan's cry, Lingling looked at the computer suspiciously, because the thermal inspection takes time, and the electronic map has just started to work, and red dots appear one after another, more and more red dots, the electronic map is fast It turned into a red spot.

Mo Fan held back his smile, he knew that this teenage little loli had such great skills and could make something like this, isn't it wrong?

Lingling frowned, this tracking system is not too difficult to implement, the data is ready-made, but hacking into the campus monitoring will be more troublesome, but for her genius, this is not difficult, and there is no reason to do so Son.

"No, the laptop is just a display. The real tracking is the thermal surveillance in the school. Logically, it can't be wrong."

Suddenly, both of them realized what was possible at the same time, if the computer was right. . .

Mo Fan didn't hold back his laughter, but asked with a serious expression: "What if... this mother demon has the ability to contagious."

There is no need to ask what will happen, if there is no cold medicine, all human beings may die of colds!

Lingling has checked the database, and the peeling mother demon is not contagious, they can only parasitize, but Lingling just noticed that the data of the skin and flesh cells of the peeling mother demon were compared with the data on the hunter alliance database. It is highly similar to the insect seedlings of the demon capital 'Bai Xue' event a year ago.

The last parasite was deciphered by magic researchers in the Demon City, but it was a highly contagious parasite with a small size and a wide transmission route. It will be more terrible than the virus.

"Wait a minute, I'll call someone."


Feng Zhoulong received the call, and after understanding the ins and outs, he immediately compared the data obtained by Lingling's analysis with the data he had cracked the seedlings at the beginning, and found that if the data of the seedlings were combined with the data samples of the Hunter Alliance on the shedding mother demon, it would be the same as the current one. The data of the new type of shedding mother demon found in the magic capital is basically the same.

Even a layman like Zhaohua knows that the shedding female monsters that appear in the magic capital are cultivated with special treatment from the parasitic seedlings back then. The spreading ability of insect seedlings has been added to the shedding mother demon that can parasitize the human body.

In this way, the insect seedlings can parasitize the human body through the shedding mother demon, using the human body as a breeding ground.

Feng Zhoulong and Zhaohua felt chills when they saw these data. The insect seedlings have a strong infectious ability, but the human body will repel them (go into epilepsy). The shedding monster is difficult to find, but it is not infectious. Combining the advantages of human beings, this is a mutant monster that can destroy human beings.

"In the past, the insect seedlings were transmitted through water sources. If the mother demon wants to infect other life, the most likely reason is that the insect seedlings are fertilized eggs, but this cannot spread over a large area. The mother demon's ovaries cannot store so many eggs. How does she store a large number of fertilized eggs."

Zhao Hua thought for a while and said: "Blood, the blood contains a lot of water. There was a male demon that was killed before, and the female demon stored the fertilized eggs in the blood for preservation, and parasitic hatching through operations similar to exchanging blood."

"Does the mother demon have the habit of drinking and bleeding blood?" Zhao Hua asked.

In Feng Zhoulong's laboratory, the hands-free is turned on, and the discussion between Zhaohua and Feng Zhoulong has been shared on Lingling's mobile phone, and she can hear everything.

Lingling asked Mo Fan: "She asked you, does the shedding mother demon have the habit of drinking blood?"

Mo Fan immediately replied: "Yes, I saw it hang a girl up and put it down when I was chasing it, and opened its mouth wide to suck the falling blood."

After Feng Zhoulong got the affirmation, he typed on the computer and started the simulation analysis. With the calculation speed of the Tianhe computer in Yaodu, he got the answer in a few seconds.

The result is that the new type of shedding monster can put the hatched worms into the human body through blood exchange, and then transform into a new shedding monster by absorbing magic energy and nutrition. Once you wear it, you are human.

Thanks [ @for coming @confused @] [Shadow Hacker] [Ball Ball] *2 [1203] *2 [little handsome guy] *2

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