Full-time Summoner

Chapter 157 That's a good material for magic armor

It's true that Lingling is a master hunter, but she doesn't have the power to find the national researchers who cracked the bug seedlings, so she can only contact her through her sister.

"Fan Mo.. Forget it, it's already dark, we'd better contact the people from the Hunter Alliance, and wait for the people from the Hunter Alliance to come." Lingling looked at the red dots on the electronic map are still increasing, His face turned pale.

Even if she is a master hunter, she has never seen such a terrifying contagion. Where is this campus? The mana can't be used up, and the demon mother is probably not as simple as a servant now.

Mo Fan looked at the red dots on the laptop, the whole map was a mess, and most of them were concentrated in the gymnasium.

"Today there was a rehearsal for a campus idol performance. Many people went to help and watch."

Mo Fan thought of Bo City. He was powerless in the face of monsters. He could only let the monsters slaughter the residents and watch his classmates die in front of him. Today he is an intermediate-level mage, and he is an intermediate-level three-line. Do I have to turn around and go home, obediently sit on the sofa and wait for others to come to rescue me?

Mo Fan secretly made up his mind, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and asked in a low tone: "Is there any way to prevent them from molting and turning into monsters?"

After hearing this, Lingling knew that Mo Fan was going to stop them, so she quickly called up the information on the computer and said, "Yes, just cut their thumbs and squeeze out the parasites."

"Okay, you are here to contact the Hunter Alliance and the school to support me. I will get rid of those disgusting things and complete the million tasks." Mo Fan rushed to the direction of the gymnasium after speaking.

On the other side, Feng Zhoulong's laboratory under the Yaodu Tower.

Zhaohua watched Feng Zhoulong send the data and some information to someone in the trial meeting and said: "That new type of molting monster is not simple."

Feng Zhoulong nodded. Judging from these data, the new type of molting monster mother has become a new monster species, and its strength is probably stronger than that of ordinary warriors. In addition to its unstoppable ability, it is more powerful than commander-level monsters. threaten.

Zhaohua sighed secretly, if Fang Shaoli hadn't been released back then, how could such a terrible thing come from.

Needless to say, Zhaohua could have imagined that this new type of peeling demon was created by that guy Fang Shaoli, but Zhaohua didn't expect how long it took, only a year, and Fang Shaoli actually managed to create such a terrifying mutant.

"The people of the Black Vatican are really scary. The red clothes are already difficult to deal with, and now there is another Fang Shaoli."

"However, that mother demon should be able to make good magic armor." Feng Shaolong muttered to himself after seeing the characteristic data about monsters.

! ? Um? ! !

Feng Zhoulong is reminding Zhaohua that Zhaohua has always wanted to buy a magic armor or build one, but it is hard to find.

Because the magic armor equipment Zhaohua needs is very special, he needs magic armor equipment that can match the magic wind coat of the little wind silkworm.

Because the defensive skill of Fanfengyi is too weak. Zhaohua has tested it, even if Xiaofengcan has already advanced, the defense of Fanfengyi can only barely resist the first-level and second-level thunder seals, and the third-level Huozi has obvious burns, let alone the third-level thunder seals , completely unstoppable, although it is not fatal, but if there is a middle-level cultivation base and a spirit-seed bonus, then the third-level thunder seal can make Zhaohua lose his fighting ability.

The skill of Fanfengyi is more of an acceleration. It can make Zhaohua's body lighter and move faster with the wind track. It is not defensive in nature.

But the peeling demon has a characteristic, that is, this kind of monster has no body, it is just a piece of skin. After being parasitic on the human body, it will shed its skin like a long fingernail, and form a demon skin under the human skin, turning into a demon, and the body is still the human body.

Zhaohua is now thinking that the Vatican windbreaker is the same as the clothes, it is close to the skin, which is very suitable for the molting monster. If there is such a magic armor, filled with the Vatican windbreaker and combined together, the defense will definitely be greatly improved. This kind of magic armor is not like the magic armor of heavy armor. It moves quickly and will not affect the activities. In addition, the windbreaker strengthens the defense, so it is probably not weaker than the magic magic armor of ordinary heavy armor.

Zhaohua had already thought in his heart that when the mother demon was dealt with, he would go to the Demon City to buy the corpse of the demon mother, and then make it into a magic tool.

Sure enough, the whole network is reporting about the peeling demon. According to the report, in the end, the mother of the scale demon was killed by Zhao Manyan, the middle-level light mage of the Pearl Academy, and Zhao Manyan, the second son of the Zhao family, got the head, and Mo Fan, the big devil of the Pearl Academy assists.

Through the phone call given by Feng Zhoulong, Zhaohua finally got in touch with the Qingtian Hunting House in Shanghai and found the whereabouts of the Scaled Demon Mother's body.

Generally, when encountering this new type of monster, the corpse will be studied by the Magic Association for a period of time before returning the corpse to the person who killed it. This monster corpse can be a considerable income.

"The demon mother also burst out her soul...it will be auctioned at the auction in Shanghai on Sunday."

After Zhaohua told Lingling the ins and outs, Lingling revealed that her partner Mo Fan would sell the spirit of the demon mother on Sunday. Although soul essence is not necessarily required to make equipment, it may be useful to buy it, and soul essence is a hard currency. It is not necessary to make magic armor, so it can be sold.

Originally, Zhaohua wanted to go to Demon City with Ji Shaoan, but Ji Shaoan was thrown into the military cemetery in Yaodu by two professors, and asked her to exorcise demons.

The military cemetery is not in the safe zone, but in the land of demons, and the soldiers were mages before their lives. The undead born there are more powerful than ordinary undead, and even the undead of generals will appear.

Because Ji Shaohan awakened both the Undead Department and the Curse Department at the same time, her cultivation path is different from others. Two professors from the school specially studied a new method to practice. Moreover, Ji Shaoan still has to strive to reach the intermediate level of the double department in the next semester, so that it will be more stable for her to enter the inner school or the main campus.

All universities in the country are divided into youth campuses and main campuses. The youth campuses are freshmen who have been enrolled for half a year or students who have not reached the intermediate level. .

Because the fundamental purpose of the academy is to research, to research new paths, to research new things, and after a mage reaches a high level, he can slowly walk out of his own path, and the academy is to pave the way for the high level path.

You haven't even reached the intermediate level, what are you laying out for? That's why every university has a main campus, and the students in the main campus are like dragons.

Students like Zhaohua and Ji Shaoyin, who belonged to the category of geniuses, were pre-selected as students from the main campus to be cultivated when they entered school, and they would enter the inner school to study and do research in the second half of the first semester.

Ji Shaohan needs to work harder now, she plans not to go home during the Chinese New Year this year, because Zhaohua is already stronger than her.

"Inner school... It seems that I have to advance the second department, the summoning department, to the middle level. The second department needs to break through the barriers. It should be much easier with Tianyan and Xiaofengcan."

Thank you [Qiaoqiu] [1203]*2 for the monthly pass. Thank you [I, Xilin, Jungle] for your reward. Thanks to the book friends who donated eight times in a row from the starting point the day before yesterday, breaking the record for the most times in one day.

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