Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1657 Chaos Abyss

"It seems like there is a choice, but there is really no choice."

This world seems to give him whether to choose whether to let Long Yi advance according to the method of the origin catalog, but in fact this is a multiple-choice question that has no choice.

It's like when Zhaohua was still in the ninth year of magic education, the multiple-choice questions in the exam seemed to be one of four, but in fact you had to choose the correct one to get points.

A test paper seems to be blank, and you can choose all the options, but if you want to get full marks, there is actually only one answer, and you can get full marks if you answer all of them correctly.

Zhaohua ranks first in the exam every year, and there are countless perfect answer sheets. How could he not understand this truth.

The so-called free choice and free filling are false, and the road to full marks has been framed early on.

It's the same now, in order to exchange for the perfect test paper to defeat Wentai, it is only possible to answer every question correctly and achieve the ultimate.

According to the advanced method of the origin directory, Long Yi may be able to become a high-potential creature qualified to reach the master level, but the origin directory can only guarantee that the potential must be strong, and the strength cannot be guaranteed.

Moreover, it is impossible for Long Yi to become the master directly, that is impossible, it just increases Zhaohua's combat power.

The way for the Chaotic Evil Dragon to advance is to destroy the two true dragons of darkness and light, the fusion and collision of the dragon souls, the balance of the power of the true dragons, and finally let Long Yi absorb the advancement from them.

So in fact, three dragons are needed, the evil dragon is dragon one, and chaos refers to the power produced when the dark and light dragons die.

However, Zhaohua has already gathered together, Zhaohua does not do things one by one, but finds a point for everything and completes it all at once.

Coming to the holy city is the balance point.

The Holy Dragon of Light also has the Black Death Plague Dragon. Zhaohua has obtained the dragon soul and bones of the Black Death Plague Dragon. Ji Shaohan transplanted it to Long Yi to strengthen Long Yi.

Long Yi will not die, it needs to do its best now, after killing the holy dragon of light, the dragon soul of the holy dragon of light collides with the dragon soul of the black death plague dragon, and then it becomes the legendary evil dragon of chaos .

Not only the seven angels, many things are within Zhaohua's calculations, and he has to do every question well if he wants to get a full score.

It's not that you can get a full score if you do one topic well, but you can get a full score if you do everything well.

Ho ho ho! ! ! The battle between Long Yi and the Holy Dragon of Light has come to an end. Long Yi's black death virus has weakened the Holy Dragon of Light to such an extent that his strength has fallen to that of the Emperor, but the armed bones on Long Yi's body are completely broken, and the golden dragons on the ground Blood mixed with broken bones and black venom.

The golden dragon blood mixed with black venom gave off a pungent and unpleasant stench. Not only the holy city, but the battle between the two emperors spread to the whole of Italy.

The mages of the holy city constantly protect people to leave and go to the sanctuary.

It is rumored that the battle between the Black Dragon Emperor and the Black Death Plague Dragon was even more terrifying. Even the mountains were destroyed, the mountain villages and rivers were changed, and the topography changed significantly.

Whoooo! ! ! A dragon made of black venom emerged from Long Yi's body. Ji Shaoan used the undead system to preserve the bones and dragon soul of the black death plague dragon, and used the poison system to fuse the dragon blood of the black death plague dragon to create the black death poison dragon body.

These venoms have been flowing in Long Yi's body.

Ho ho ho! ! The poisonous dragon transformed by the Black Death Plague Dragon turned into a long river, biting at the Bright Sacred Dragon, wanting to give it a fatal blow.

The poisonous dragon transformed from the dragon soul of the black death plague dragon entangled the holy dragon of light, and the venom penetrated into the holy dragon of light continuously through the body of the holy dragon of light. The severe pain made the holy dragon of light scream.

With a loud bang, the Holy Dragon of Light, entangled in venom, fell from mid-air. The extremely poisonous venom was corroding the body of the Holy Dragon of Light. All the dragon scales on the Holy Dragon of Light were corroded and fused. weak, it knows its own death is at hand.

At this moment, Zhaohua's voice reached the depths of Guangming Shenglong's soul: "If you don't want to die, blew yourself up, so that you can still be alive."

It is not too easy for Zhaohua, a genius like this, to let the two die at the same time and achieve a balance of power.

Just use your brain and sow discord, it's completely ok.

Sure enough, when dying, when hearing the hope of life, basically the brain can't turn, can't think, and there is no time to think so much when dying.

Zhaohua's voice seemed to be filled with magic power, no, it was with magic power. The Tianguanxin flower demon used the spirit demon skill to confuse the dying Guangming Shenglong.

The holy light from the distance suddenly exploded from the body of the holy dragon of light, and the holy dragon of light was about to explode itself, and the promoted light power in the body collided violently in the body.

The dragon soul of the Black Death Plague Dragon didn't have time to run away, even if it did, it would be useless, Zhaohua wouldn't let it run away.

Boom boom boom! ! ! A strong energy shock swept across Italy.

"Little Rainbow, use Colorful Dragon Realm."

Ho ho ho! ! The rainbow dragon unfolds its colorful dragon wings, and a magical colorful barrier wraps all the energy to prevent it from leaking out.

For a time, the colorful dragon world was filled with two kinds of energy, darkness and light, but these were not enough. To have an advanced method, you need a huge amount of energy. At the beginning, Sanwei advanced almost swallowed all the undead and resentful spirits around. of.

The advanced method is only to gather enough materials, and Zhaohua still needs to produce energy.

The source catalog is just for recipes.


Guigui appeared from the contract space, and with a light hook of its finger, the endless dead spirit and death power in the endless ghost city swarmed like a sea of ​​overwhelming sea, and all poured into the Rainbow Dragon Realm.

"Holy silver."

The contract space opened, and the white-feathered holy willow shot out white wicker branches, which pierced into the holy city like silver-white iron chains.

The wicker accurately hit the formation in the deepest part of the Holy City, which is where the Holy City absorbs and stores its vows.

The collected vows will be sent to the holy court every century when the seven archangels are handed over, and the vows collected by the holy city will be used as the energy source of the holy city.

The holy city is like a pierced balloon, and the holy power of vows gushes out. The holy silver that seals the holy souls of the seven angels is equivalent to having the power to control the holy city. It also poured into the rainbow dragon's colorful dragon world.

Buzz buzz! ! The origin directory emerges from Zhaohua's body.

Just like Mio's advanced stage, collecting all the materials is just a preparatory effort. What can really make Mio's advanced stage succeed still depends on the origin directory.

Weng! ! ! The origin catalog opened the page that recorded Long Yi, a glaring white light burst out from the origin catalog, the white light soared into the sky, the origin chain flew out, piercing the colorful dragon world with a crash.

Tear, when the colorful dragon world was broken, an endless abyss appeared in a different dimension.

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