Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1658 Natural Eyes

The chaotic abyss looked like a crack in the distance, and what was exposed after the chains of the origin directory pierced through the colorful dragon world was not a terrifying ability, but an abyss crack embedded in the space.

Zhaohua raised his head and looked at Long Yi, who had been seriously injured in mid-air and could even be said to be dying after exerting all his strength, and said: "Long Yi, this is not necessary, although every time you monsters advance, it is a matter of desperation. A kind of transformation. But this time the advancement is different from the past, and I can't guarantee your life or death, and I don't even know if you will be you or not after you come back, and I can't be sure about how long you will stay in it."

Zhaohua can feel that this chaotic abyss is very terrifying, time is distorted, and the order of time is chaotic.

If it can't be broken, Zhaohua deliberately let Long Yi fight to the brink of death, because Long Yi's advancement needs to be put to death and then reborn. The origin catalog records that the evil dragon is reborn, not that it becomes stronger and advanced like Sanwei.

Need to die first.

Every time the monster advances, it is life-saving. Unlike human mages, failure to break through is just a waste of resources. If the monster fails, it will even die.

When Zhaohua first entered Sun Yat-Sen University, he saw examples of failures in his advancement. Mo Fan's first advancement to Laolang only had an 80% success rate. If he failed, he would be taken away or his soul would be swallowed.

The higher the level, the higher the chance of failure, so now Mo Fan, like Zhaohua, will not give Laolang and Xiong a big level, because the failure rate is too high.

Whether a summoner is good or not depends on how much he can reduce the failure rate. The usual diet, training and resource feeding are all tests.

It's not that Mu Ningxue doesn't want to help the little white tiger, but that Mu Ningxue really doesn't know anything about the summoning system, and Mo Fan's knowledge of the summoning system may not be as good as Mu Ningxue's. Mo Fan's old wolf can advance so many times safely, it is really a choice wolf.

Zhaohua's usual research is on summoned beasts, so the success rate of advancement is very high, but the advancement method of the origin catalog has no way at all.

Long Yi landed in front of Zhaohua, the dragon wings spread slightly, facing Zhaohua's proud head underground.

Ho Ho.

When Zhaohua heard Long Yi's pledge of allegiance, he just smiled faintly. Long Yi's meaning was very simple, that is, no matter what he would become, he would never betray him.

Zhaohua smiled and waved his hands and said, "Go, the time inside is distorted by chaos, I shouldn't wait long, but you don't know how long you will stay."

Roar! ! ! Without the slightest fear or hesitation, Long Yi flew directly into the abyss.

The chaotic abyss is not a good thing. The time in it is distorted. In theory, it would be more cost-effective to practice in it, but the distorted space means that there is no concept of time. You don’t know how long you have stayed there. There is nothing in it. will go crazy.

Zhaohua turned his head to look at Sanwei who was hiding in the dark and said, "If only you were as loyal as Long Yi."

Sanwei waved his three tails, walked up to Zhaohua with a treacherous smile and said, "Master, what did you say? When did I betray you?"

Zhaohua smiled wryly and shook his head, summoned Lan Xinghu and said, "Narcissus, you and Sanwei, Tianguanxin Flower Demon and the others will go to the Amazon rainforest."

Huhu? ?

Lan Xinghu squatted on Zhaohua's shoulder with a puzzled look on his face, where are he going?

Sanwei is also very puzzled, if the Tianguanxin flower demon is okay, after all, it lives in symbiosis with the seedlings of Shenmujing, and may get some great opportunities from the great Shenmujing when it goes back, but where does it go?

Zhao Hua said: "The body of the Amazon God Witch is still frozen there, and the Eye of Time and Space, one of the six natural eyes, remains on the Amazon God Witch. Your strength needs to be improved."

The main reason Zhaohua didn't completely annihilate the souls of the Amazon witches and turn their bodies into fly ashes was because he also kept a hand.

The Amazon witch possesses the eye of time and space, which allows him to possess the power beyond time and space, and has the special ability to see through barriers and space.

Although it does not increase the combat power, but as one of the six divine eyes naturally born in the magic world, there must be more mysteries in it that have not been discovered.

Sanwei's thousand-eyed tail seems to have appeared to collect all kinds of god's eyes. Sanwei has now collected the eyes of deceit and the eyes of petrification.

Zhaohua reserved it for Sanwei to improve his strength early in the morning, but considering Sanwei's character at the beginning, Zhaohua just froze it and didn't give it to him immediately, but now, Zhaohua even Long Yi let him advance to deal with Wentai , naturally the stronger the strength, the better.

Before Wentai's matter is resolved, it is impossible for Sanwei to have problems. Sanwei is Zhaohua's beast tamer. If Wentai dominates the magic world, all creatures related to Zhaohua will be wiped out.

The Ice Age of the Emperor on the Glacier Roof can only be lifted by the Blue Star Fox, so Zhaohua also sent the Blue Star Fox.

After Sanwei heard Zhaohua's words, his eyes slightly bent, and he said with a smile: "Master, you are finally willing to give it to me."

"There is also a devil's eye in the Sahara desert, which is one of the six god's eyes created by nature, which is opposite to the tidal eye of the cold moon eye demon god. It has the power of exhaustion and fire. Now the emperor of the roof of the Sahara should not make a move. Wait for me to come back from the Holy Plane to grab it together."

Zhaohua is going to the holy plane, which was arranged early in the morning.

Unlike Mo Fan, Zhaohua went to the Holy Plane not to fight, but to go back to visit relatives. The Holy Spirit of the Seven Angels did not improve the strength of Shengyin. The Holy Soul cannot be improved too much. Zhaohua needs strength to deal with Wentai.

Shengyin turned into a small dragon and wrapped around Zhaohua's arm, the soft feathers were very comfortable.

That's right, Zhaohua went to the Holy Plane because of the Holy Silver or the Holy Winged Species.

The little wind silkworm also flew out and lay on Zhaohua's head. It would definitely be impossible to accompany him to the holy plane, just like the old wolf who couldn't summon Mo Fan when he entered the dark plane. Fengcan's identity is too special to be like Little Flame Fairy, and there is something behind Xiaofengcan, so it's hard to guarantee that there won't be any trouble.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon, nothing will happen, Shengyin is now the emperor and there is also Baiyu Shengliu."

Although it is dangerous for Zhaohua to go to the holy plane this time, he is much better than Mo Fan. Mo Fan is equivalent to going to the dark plane to conquer the world. He not only wants to save people but also fights for divine power, so he will definitely provoke many enemies.

Zhaohua is much better. The Holy Pure Realm where Shengyin is located has a master, and having a master means that there are rules. Moreover, Shengyin is also a member of the master race and an emperor, which has a very high status.

It is equivalent to the true emperor dragon in the Valley of Ten Thousand Dragons, and the existence of the Elf King in the Elf Tower of Thousand Clans.

"Eat!" Xiao Ji yelled in the room.

Zhaohua touched Xiao Fengcan and said, "Let's eat first, and be careful not to have diarrhea."

Xixi! !

Before Zhaohua entered the room, he glanced in the direction of the Parthenon Temple, his eyes were slightly condensed with a fierce light, and there was the Parthenon spirit there.

This is yesterday, and today's three chapters are now coded.

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