Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1674 Chaos Evil Dragon


Woo! Roar! ! ! Suddenly, a terrifying sound of dragon chant interrupted Zhaohua's thoughts.

The roar of the dragon seemed to come from the abyss, like a crouching dragon waking up, and the roar resounded throughout Italy. When Zhaohua guessed what happened, he saw a black shadow rushing up to the sky and disappearing in the blink of an eye. .

"Is that guy going to run away or is he being stupid?" Sanwei was speechless, and a black shadow flew out, who else could it be.

But at this time, at a height of more than 10,000 meters, in a certain place in the pitch-black endless void, there was an endless roar of dragons.

At this time, the breath of the real dragon in the space permeated the surroundings, as if something was stirring up trouble.

A giant dragon stands above the sky. The whole body of this giant dragon is pitch black, and the dragon scales exude black light like cast iron. The dragon scales are extremely hard, and the five claws glow red and are extremely sharp. The dragon's claws can tear everything in the world.

But when this pitch-black giant dragon opened its eyes, when it saw these eyes, it could be understood that it was definitely not a real dragon. These eyes were extremely deep, with a strange evil light, and everything escaped. But its eyes, it is not a good thing, it has evil nature.

No matter who it is, when he sees this pair of evil eyes, he will be horrified, as if these eyes can swallow you up. This evil dragon does whatever he wants, without rules.

Ho ho ho! ! The evil black dragon roared towards the higher sky. The chaotic dragon's breath seemed to destroy everything above the sky. The overbearing and powerful dragon's breath was like a storm, announcing its own appearance.

The pitch-black evil dragon standing above the clouds seems to have traveled through infinite time. Hidden under the black-gold-like dragon scales is a powerful force beyond chaos. When it stretches its wings, space and chaos tremble. Voices.

Sanwei blocked the sun with his hands, looked up at Long Yi who had shaken away all the clouds, and said dissatisfiedly: "Hey, it's very sunny after shaking the clouds away."

Behind Sanwei, three tails emerged from the space. Of course, Sanwei's tail was not hidden under the clothes, but hidden in the space.

The three tails kept shaking, the poisonous tails pointed at Long Yi like poisonous needles, coupled with the smiling expression of the three tails, it was full of provocation.

Long Yi could naturally hear what Sanwei said and could see the provocation in its eyes, with a hiss, Long opened his mouth, it was laughing, wisps of black ominous gas leaked from Long Yi's mouth, making it look even more Ferocious and terrifying.

With a whoosh, Long Yi's figure disappeared in an instant, and appeared in front of the small room in the next instant. Long Yi's giant body covering the sky and the sun seemed to be moving in an instant, and appeared in front of him in an instant, blocking all sunlight, making everything All were shrouded in darkness.

Zhaohua saw it, this is the time sequence of the chaos system, Long Yi accelerated his own time, that is not space magic.

The talent of monsters is much stronger than that of humans, and some very powerful monsters can even be born.

Feng Zhoulong's research on magic fusion and the three-tailed green-scaled scorpion that was still the dead wood scorpion was advanced into the three-attribute three-tailed jade scale scorpion was because of a kind of sea monster.

This kind of sea monster is very weak, but it has four attributes in its body, and it is born with one mind and four functions.

Feng Zhoulong researched the final magic fusion based on this sea monster.

Zhaohua has only seen two people use the time acceleration of the chaos system. One is Mo Fan who fuses the space system and the chaos system by means of fusion magic, and the other is Shi Xiao, the leader of the western military region with the strongest chaos system.

They all learned it after a long period of comprehension and fighting, but Long Yi, just advanced.

Is this reasonable!

Long Yi bared his teeth, and slightly approached Sanwei with his head, and said in a deep voice: "Can this block the sun?"

Although Long Yi said that he was helping to block the sun, his tone and eyes were not at all.

For dragons, spreading their wings is a gesture of warning and confrontation, just like a gorilla beating its chest.

"Oh, you can speak human language."

The tail of the three tails is shaking, and the tail of the three tails is like a rattlesnake, making three different sounds.

Zhaohua didn't pay attention to the provocative words of these two guys, suddenly gaining great power will naturally become arrogant, after all, whether it is Sanwei or Longyi, what they used to have was only wildness, and then slowly grew up, but they are also monsters.

The advanced method of the source directory seems to pay more attention to the wisdom aspect.

But in the end, Long Yi and Sanwei did not fight. Although Sanwei and Longyi would often fight in the magic stone space when they were at the warrior level, when Sanwei advanced to the Great Wild Witch Scorpion, they were just ordinary evil spirits. The dragon's Longyi couldn't beat the three tails at the beginning, and even if he reached the monarch, he was still no match for the three tails.

Even Long Yi has only reached the strength of an emperor now, and he was a supreme monarch before. It only reached the strength of a sub-emperor by relying on Ji Shaohan's death power and bone strengthening.

Of course, the main reason is that Zhaohua is here.

Zhaohua carefully observed Long Yi, who has now advanced into a chaotic evil dragon. Its appearance has not changed much, but the red destruction orbs from before have all disappeared, and it has obtained dragon scale defensive armor, and its appearance is more similar to dragon family.

The body size is even bigger than the Black Dragon Emperor and the Holy City Golden Dragon, not to mention, the wings are even more exaggerated, twice the size of the body.

If Zhaohua hadn't arranged the space barrier in advance, Long Yi would definitely cause a big commotion.

Zhaohua looked at Long Yi's head, its neck was a bit more slender now, before Long Yi was more like a big fat man, the kind of giant dragon without a neck.

But now the body has become wider, and the neck has grown out instead, and it looks a little bit small and big, which is a bit weird.

"Long Yi, do you have three heads?"

! ! ! !

The moment Zhaohua's voice sounded, the tense atmosphere between Sanwei and Longyi disappeared in an instant.

Whether it's Sanwei or Longyi, they are all Zhaohua's animal tamers, that is, they don't have any contract, let alone a life-and-death contract like Xiaofengcan.

In other words, Zhaohua has no power to limit the two of them.

There are four beast tamers in Zhaohua, among which Xiong Da has the best temper, has no ambitions, and is the weakest in strength and is still the king of China.

The death knight is a knight created by Xiao Ji to protect Zhaohua when he was about to disappear. It is more like a bodyguard arranged by his wife beside her husband, and there is only the supreme monarch.

Only the Three Tails of the Great Desolation Witch Scorpion and Long Yi who has now advanced to the Chaos Evil Dragon, they both have ambitions, but also have terrifying strength and potential.

When he heard Zhaohua's question, Sanwei folded his three tails and stood silently behind Zhaohua. On the contrary, Long Yi's eyes were fixed, and a red light flickered.

With a sound of hula la, Long Yi's head emerged from his body with two dragon heads, one on the left and one on the right, and approached Zhaohua extremely quickly.

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