Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1675 Sea Dragon Leviathan

With two popping sounds, two faucet heads drilled out of Long Yi's broad body with blood on his belt, one was golden and exuded the ultimate holy light, the other was black with purple and was composed of countless viruses.

Long Yi's advancement didn't devour the battle soul!

You must know that no matter what kind of monster it is, the battle spirit will be eliminated when it advances. Mo Fan's old wolf almost overturned and was taken away by the warrior-level wolf soul for the first time. order.

The same goes for Zhaohua's other tamers, whether it's Sanwei, Xiong Da, or the former Long Yi and Death Knight, they will devour higher-ranking battle spirits to make themselves stronger when they advance.

Three tails is even more frightening, it directly devours all unjust souls and evil spirits in the entire pyramid, and even eats up all the dead souls and remnant souls around it.

But this time, the advanced method of the origin catalog turned out to be surrender!

Zhaohua can feel that both heads have consciousness and independent souls, but Long Yi, the head of the evil dragon in the middle, is the main brain.

But they are not born with twin souls like Mo Fan, the other two dragon souls are more like servants and tools, completely surrendered, the power is absorbed by Long Yi, but the consciousness is left behind.

Hurrah! ! ! The two heads on the left and right rushed towards Zhaohua, with two bangs, the two heads pressed against the ground, as if kneeling in front of Zhaohua.

"I, Long Yi, swear with dignity, I wish you to be my master in this life. This word, this oath, will be witnessed by heaven and earth."

Huh, Long Yi folded his wings and pressed close to his body, looked down at his head and approached Zhaohua, only an arm's distance away from Zhaohua, Zhaohua could touch Long Yi's head with his hand.

The arrogance of dragons is their symbol, all dragons are the same, dignity is more important to them than life.

But Zhaohua knows that Long Yi is a different kind, and those who can become evil dragons are all different kinds, because they have given up everything in the dragon family, including dignity, in order to obtain stronger power from the very beginning.

For Long Yi, dignity is only second, and the pursuit of strength is the first.

Moreover, Long Yi now seems to have learned Zhaohua's hypocrisy, and his words are high-sounding. This oath seems to be loyal, but in fact, Zhaohua as a human being has only a short lifespan. The average life span of a human male is only over seventy years old. Ten, almost halfway through.

For the emperor, decades are really just a nap.

But Zhaohua doesn't mind these small flaws, as a genius, he understands the thing of 'heart' better.

How can it be possible to pay for you unconditionally, everything in this world is about profit, those plots that will die for you unconditionally are simply impossible to happen.

Long Yi can say this, firstly because he is really grateful to Zhaohua, without Zhaohua, he would not be who he is today, as Long Yi who still values ​​dignity very much, he must repay Zhaohua, this is sincere.

The second point is naturally the same as Sanwei, strength!

What about the Chaos Dragon? The man in front of him can now unscrew the heads of three dragons to make soup.

And Wen Tai's coming is just around the corner, compared to Fallen Saint Wang Wen Tai, Zhao Hua is obviously more worthy of Long Yi's trust.

Betraying Zhaohua and joining Wentai will definitely die faster, Wentai can't let Zhaohua's summoned beast go.

Zhao Hua smiled slightly, and stroked Long Yi's head, the coldness of the metal spread through the skin.

"I only have a short life span of a few decades, let's talk about it if I can survive Wentai's test."

Although Long Yi and Sanwei have never really fought, Zhaohua deduces that their strength cannot be very strong. Sanwei has two divine eyes. Apart from not having his own demon empire, Sanwei's strength should be similar to that of the Leng Yueyan demon god. It all depends on whether the battle takes place in the sea or on land, who has the home court advantage.

And Long Yi's strength should be a little weaker than Sanwei, stronger than the evil armored emperor back then, and should be about the same as Khufu who became Hades.

It is impossible to reach the strength of a roof emperor or even a ruler just after advancing.

Being above the great emperor is not achieved by racial potential, even if the blood is the purest, and in the summoning plane, it is the Azure Dragon of the Sky Dragon King. In its heyday, it is the peak of the great emperor, and the totem can compete with the demon god who cannot use the divine power Chiyou.

The supreme emperor means having the qualifications to step into the dominion, which cannot be achieved by relying on bloodlines and other things. It needs to completely break the rules of the plane and break the chains of the world. To be a dominator is to dominate the world, control the world, and become the dominator of the world.

Bloodline comes from the talent given to you by the world itself, if you can't break the limit of bloodline, you can't become the supreme emperor, let alone become the ruler.

Generally, those who become supreme emperors are those invincible powerhouses who can control a part of the power of the plane, or are bestowed by the master.

It's like when Zhaohua became the roof, and the summoned beast gained the power of the plane to advance. If Zhaohua can become the master, its summoned beast can become the supreme emperor.

After Long Yi advanced, Zhaohua returned to his own country, back to the Demon City, and there was still no movement in the whole world during this time, as if the four roofs were silent and waiting.

but. . . . Tranquility will not last.

In the first month after Zhaohua returned to China, the sea suddenly shook violently. In the Bermuda Triangle, which was covered by white sea fog all year round, the white fog disappeared, because the vortex caused by the largest pyramid on the bottom of the sea also The same disappears.

Because the submarine pyramid in the Bermuda Triangle was opened!

When the submarine pyramids in the Bermuda Triangle were opened, the sea water was glowing with a faint sea blue light, which made the sky of the entire Bermuda Triangle look like a vast and boundless sea.

The sky above the pyramid was covered by a thick blue light, and the endless sea water flowed upstream in an instant. covering the entire sea.

The waves rolled in the sky, as if they were going to bury the sky.

A huge blue sea dragon comparable to a blue dragon appeared in the sky. It seemed to be provoking the blue dragon that used to be the roof of the sky. It seemed to be saying that it would bury the sky with the sea.

The first sea dragon in the wizarding world, the sea dragon Leviathan!

Once created an invincible natural disaster, the sea water of the whole world flowed up to the sky, and it rained heavily for 30 days, submerging the whole world.

The sea dragon is the same as the blue dragon. It was the peak power of the great emperor at the beginning, but now, the god position in the magic world is finally about to mature. After the magic world becomes stronger, this original sea dragon, the roof emperor with the most extensive territory, took the lead in breaking through the world. The shackles, became the first living being to achieve Supreme Emperor.

Looking up from the ground, there is a feeling of a deep aquarium, because at this time there is a deep blue ocean above your head.

Not only is there an unimaginably huge dragon with a royal blue body, but there are also countless sea creatures above the head.

Sea monsters, all of them are sea monsters, and even Leng Yuemou, the demon god, stands in the middle and looks down on the whole world, especially the place in the east.

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