Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1676 Breaking the Chains of the World

That was the place where Leng Yuemou's demon god smashed his halberd into the sand. Not only was he seriously injured, but even his brain was killed. Merged, promoted to evil king, and became a dark creature.

The sea monsters suffered heavy losses in that battle.

However, even if they were defeated once, the Kraken's overall strength and number are still the strongest in the world.

And after countless years of deep sleep, with the help of the undersea pyramid created by the dark plane in the magic world, the sea dragon Leviathan also recovered from his injuries, and the fatal wounds severely injured by the green dragon and the first guardian of the blue dragon, Emperor Xuanyuan, also recovered. Yes, even the strength has been broken through.

But unfortunately, Qinglong is not in the magic world now.

It is estimated that the sea evil dragon also knew that Qinglong used his remnant body to resist the sea monster during the Kraken natural disaster, and also felt that Qinglong had been fully resurrected not long ago, so he turned against the sea to challenge Qinglong and declared war on the sky.

Only Roof is qualified to challenge Roof. Back then, Qinglong also had the Totem Tribe of the Dragon Kingdom that did not lose to Siren Empire.

It is estimated that there is also the meaning of revenge in it.

Supreme Emperor! The first supreme emperor!

The four series of forbidden curses, comprehending the profound meaning of the forbidden curses and possessing the gods of the four series can compete with the Shiyuan emperor, and the roof of the great emperor can be said to be invincible one-on-one, only the five series of forbidden curses can compete.

For human mages who are inherently deficient, under the premise of one-on-one, the Supreme Emperor is unrivaled. In the magic world, the Supreme Emperor is synonymous with invincibility.

Yes, if only in the wizarding world. . .

"Endless chaos, the evil power hidden in the place where chaos was born in the world, giant black wings trembling in the mutual ringing of darkness and light, come out of the abyss of chaos—chaos evil dragon!"

Ho ho ho! ! ! ! Long Yi spread his huge wings and broke through the space wall from the chaotic depths of space. Zhaohua stood on Long Yi's forehead, and Long Yi stood in the air above our country's territorial waters, facing each other from a distance.

It has to be said that Long Yi of Chaos Evil Dragon is the most domineering among so many summoned beasts in Zhaohua, with his Wujin-like appearance, huge dragon wings, and evil eyes and momentum, although Long Yi's strength is not necessarily It is the strongest, but in terms of momentum and appearance, it is definitely the number one card in the hearts of countless summoners.

A 4 appeared on Zhaohua's forehead. Standing on the head of the evil dragon of chaos, holding the catalog of origins in his right hand, he looked towards the sea dragon Leviathan to the west, and said with a slight smile, "Want to fight?"

If it is only limited to the magic world, human beings will not be able to defeat the Supreme Emperor anyway. But today is different from the past, it is no longer the prehistoric period, the period when humans or pigs raised in captivity by demons.

There are three other planes besides the magic world. For the three planes, although the Supreme Emperor is also very powerful, he is not the most powerful. The power that humans can possess is not only magic.

Boom! In a blink of an eye, the huge elven demon gate descended, looking from a distance, it looked like Long Yi was carrying a huge stone tablet, and this stone tablet was engraved with some elven patterns.

"Yellow-skinned monkey!!"

The sea dragon Leviathan roared, and the roar of the supreme emperor resounded in every corner of the world. As the first sea dragon, the king of the sea, Leviathan, who is like the incarnation of the sea, human beings are monkeys, and Zhaohua is naturally a yellow-skinned monkey.

Back then, human beings were just ants and pigs, but now these disgusting creatures like cockroaches have risen.

For it, it's like sleeping in a clean home. After waking up, the house is suddenly full of cockroaches, and the whole house is full. The main reason is that it has no way to coexist.

This is simply disgusting.

Of course, this is just a metaphor. To Zhaohua, sea monsters are just self-righteous, ugly things that flaunt themselves as so-called aristocrats with noble blood, except for them.

Originally, there were two opposing forces, and everyone was fighting for the right to live and dominate the wizarding world.

The sea dragon is just venting its anger, and the gods haven't really appeared yet, so fighting will only benefit the fisherman. Moreover, the elven magic door that Zhaohua summoned made it extremely fearful.

Qinglong is a powerful creature from the summoning plane, and Qinglong is not the strongest. Others cannot summon summoned creatures that surpass Qinglong, but this five-line forbidden spell is not necessarily the case.

Crashing, the sea water in the Atlantic Ocean quickly returned to the Atlantic Ocean like a meteorite falling.

"No matter what, you humans will eventually die under the power of the three planes. This is the same for success and failure."

The sea dragon did not launch a world war, and it actually knew that it would be the most stupid to fight with humans. Humans would pay a heavy price for their use and expulsion of the three major planes, and they don't need them at all.

Seeing the Kraken leave, Sanwei was the most uncomfortable.

The eye of the tide and the eye of the sea!

Legend has it that there are six divine eyes created by nature in the magical world, but in fact, Sanwei can get it, and there are only four that have a chance to get it. Apart from the two that have already been obtained, only the Tide Eye of the Leng Yue Mou and Cang Hai are left. eyes.

There is also a natural eye that can control the growth of plants and creatures. It is rumored that it is in the innermost part of the Shenmu well, but even the seedlings of the Shenmu well are not known, so it is almost gone.

There is also a black night god eye. I don't know where the specific ability is. There are legends that the ancient king entered the black forbidden zone to get it, but it is just a legend. Even if it is true, the ancient king is now the ruler and still in the dark plane. That is tantamount to nothing.

So Sanwei is very heartbroken, if it really starts to fight, it can steal chickens and grab it, but now, it is equivalent to nothing!

It is expected that the sea dragon will not fight.

However, things got out of hand, and they were far from calming down. Twenty days later, at the southernmost tip of the Sahara Desert, there was a restricted area of ​​life that no human being had set foot in. Here, yellow sand was flying, and empty dunes were everywhere.

Like the Antarctic continent, it is not only the Lost Realm that will lose its way, but the water in the body will be drained unconsciously after staying here for a long time, and finally turned into a mummified corpse.

A yellow sand tornado rushed into the sky. In the desert tornado, a pair of eyes opened, and the aura of the supreme emperor burst out.

On this day, all the deserts in the world are billowing with yellow sand, and the yellow sand spreads to the surrounding city-states, as if to desertify the land.

Not just the Sahara Desert, the Taklimakan Desert in the west of my country, the Nafud Desert in Arabia, the Rub Khali Desert, the Gurbantunggut Desert, the Victoria Desert in Australia, the Karakum Desert on the east coast of the Caspian Sea, and the Thar Desert in India. desert.

It was almost the second day after the emperor on the roof of the Sahara reached the supreme emperor, a huge aurora suddenly appeared on the Antarctic continent, covering the entire continent, and the aurora lasted for a long time.

Although not as overbearing as the other two roof emperors, looking around the world, there is no doubt that the third roof emperor, the Antarctic roof emperor, also broke the chains of the world and became the supreme emperor.

Like Sea Dragon, none of the three Roof Emperors started a world war by becoming Supreme Emperor.

The turntable of history finally turned the most violently in the third month.

Over the Parthenon, the insect nest descends!

It was supposed to return yesterday's third watch, but there are always various surprises on the first day of a holiday.

Anyway, three more first. And Happy National Day.

Have a monthly pass? One? ~(~ ̄▽ ̄)~

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