Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1720 Conditions of the God of Law

"Brother Mo Fan, you can only defeat Wen Tai if you become a true Dharma god!"

Sharjah and Ye Xinxia suddenly flew from the temple to Mo Fan.

Seeing Ye Xinxia appearing on the battlefield regardless of the danger, Mo Fan stood up with difficulty, regardless of his injuries, and said worriedly: "Xinxia, ​​this place is too dangerous, you go back first, Wentai can be left to me to deal with it."

Ye Xinxia stood on the ground and trotted towards Mo Fan. After losing her soul, Ye Xinxia's body has fully recovered and she can walk.

Ye Xinxia looked at Mo Fan seriously, and said, "Brother Mo Fan, if we lose, it will not be safe to go there. This is the world of magic, and only a true god of magic can defeat it."

"Complete the real magic domain, magic is the strongest in the magic world."

Hearing Ye Xinxia's words, Mo Fan sighed, and said with embarrassment: "I know what you mean, but I really can't comprehend white magic."

White magic, Mo Fan has not been able to awaken white magic until now, even if he doesn't have one line, even Mo Fan, who has the plant system in the magic world, can't awaken it.

Although Magic claims to be the god of magic, the god of magic, and possesses fusion magic, the current Mo Fan is at best an elemental magic god, or half a magic god, because he still has four elements that cannot be awakened.

Even though Mo Fan has obtained divine power and reached the level of domination, he still cannot awaken the white magic.

Although white magic belongs to the holy plane, humans can also awaken, and the other masters of the holy plane are just as they say, they will not stand on any side, will not do any unreasonable things, and let things go smoothly. its natural.

The holy plane is not closed, and the white magic mages in the magic world can still use white magic.

Mo Fan didn't awaken white magic, it's just simple, very simple, he won't.

He couldn't grasp the essentials of white magic.

Magic has a total of 7+4+4+4, nineteen magic systems.

When Mo Fan fully comprehended fusion magic, he had already awakened the eleven magic systems, elemental systems, and dimensional systems that the magical world possesses.

Because Mo Fan is a human mage, and also a real mage in two worlds, these two magic systems are within reach for Mo Fan.

But the black and white magic Mo Fan did not get the essentials at the beginning. After entering the dark plane, Mo Fan realized it through continuous fighting. Not only did he awaken all the black magic with the help of Sha Yuan, but he also completed the evil god domain of black magic.

But white magic is not good, Mo Fan has studied it for a long time, but he can't get the essentials.

In fact, the main reason is that Mo Fan is not suitable for white magic.

In addition to being unable to awaken through the Awakening Stone at the beginning because he has the blood of the evil god, which caused black magic and white magic to collide, Mo Fan himself is not that kind of character.

Mo Fan is definitely not a kind person, he can't even do hypocrisy, he has always been straightforward, and the characteristic of white magic is to absorb other beliefs and make others believe in himself.

Mo Fan has never done such a thing since he was a child, and he will not do it.

Sharjah looked at Mo Fan with a look of embarrassment on her face. She originally planned to promote herself to Sixteen Wings, and then give Mo Fan the Angelic Soul of Gabriel, which possesses the power of four series of forbidden spells, to replace Mo Fan's white magic. After Mo Fan merged, he became a real Dharma God.

But now she understands why Zhaohua directly took away her angelic soul.

Angel Soul is too rubbish and too weak.

If Mo Fan really uses the angelic holy soul as white magic, the black magic in Mo Fan's body is the evil god, and the fusion of the four black magics is the evil god's domain, which is at the master level.

Not to mention the sixteen wings, the angelic souls with twenty wings will be swallowed by black magic, and it will even destroy the balance of Mo Fan's spiritual world and kill Mo Fan.

Mo Fan must awaken a powerful natural talent and divine endowment of white magic, and integrate it with a white magic domain that is not weaker than the evil god domain, so that he can become a full-line magic god.

It's just that Mo Fan can't even do the initial awakening, and he's completely stuck.

Ye Xinxia grabbed Mo Fan's hands with both hands, wrapping the hands that were much bigger than her own and already scarred, a warmth spread to Mo Fan's heart.

"Brother Mo Fan, do you still remember the first time you cast magic?"

Mo Fan was stunned for a moment, wondering why Xinxia suddenly asked this.

"Remember, those gangsters in the community snatched your wheelchair back then, and I taught you a lesson with the Thunder Seal." Mo Fan blurted out, that was the first time he used magic to deal with others, of course he remembered.

Ye Xinxia's body exuded a warm white light, and Ye Xinxia's smile was so pure and clear: "Brother Mo Fan at that time was the white magic in my heart, you have always guarded me."

"Now it's my turn to protect you, brother Mo Fan, let me be your soul."

Mo Fan suddenly felt his heart become hot, and muttered to himself: "The white magic in my heart. The protection in my heart!"

"The protection of each other is the white magic in my heart!!!"

A word awakened Mo Fan, and he suddenly realized the essence of white magic, and Mo Fan became extremely holy.

Mo Fan has always thought that white magic is belief, hypocrisy, and deceit. Do some good things to make ordinary people believe in themselves, and then absorb their power to strengthen themselves.

But Mo Fan was wrong. The holy plane and the dark plane are actually one plane and one big world, and there is no distinction between good and bad power.

Same goes for white magic.

White magic is not one-sided, white magic is mutual protection, I protect you and you protect me, regardless of each other!

Not only Ye Xinxia guarded Mo Fan, Mu Ningxue, Mu Nujiao, Zhao Manyan, Mu Bai, Qin Zhan, Leng Lingling and other friends Mo Fan knew, but also totem beasts and Qinglong stood in front of Mo Fan, forming a human wall, Not afraid of death.

The white star has appeared from Mo Fan's spiritual world. Mo Fan has already broken the law that only one department can be awakened, and he is a unique true mage, and the spiritual world is extremely powerful.

But Mo Fan still needs time. Although the low-levels of elementary, middle, high and super are for Mo Fan, they can absorb full mana in one breath and directly break through, and even have the enhancement of the evil god domain. Curse is not a problem.

But the biggest problem is the domain of the gods, and the integration of the four systems of the domain of the gods, and it must be weaker than the domain of the evil gods. This will take time.

And Wentai will not give Mo Fan time.

"Brother Mo Fan, my healing department, blessing department, and spiritual department all have God's Domain because of the relationship between the spirit and soul, which can help you understand the God's Domain, but my plant department is the fourth department, and I haven't reached the forbidden curse yet."

Ye Xinxia became a Forbidden Curse Mage only after awakening her spirit, and the fourth element is the plant system. Ye Xinxia's plant system can be said to be very weak, and the soul does not have the power of the plant system. The plant system is the one shared by the two worlds. Tie.

Mù Nujiao gritted her teeth, jumped off the black totem snake, and said, "Mo Fan, I majored in plants and have reached the level of forbidden spells. My plants talent should be able to help you, but I don't have God's Domain."

Mo Fan said happily: "Thank you Jiaojiao."

"Everyone, give me a moment!"

Mu Ningxue summoned the Jichen Ice Bow. Although she didn't say anything, she responded to Mo Fan with practical actions at this moment.

Even if she dominates, she will not back down!

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