Full-time Summoner

Chapter 1721 The Secret of the Antarctic Continent

Lelele, Mu Ningxue pulled the Jichen Ice Bow in her hand, and shot out a Blizzard Arrow.

Mu Ningxue's arrow condensed all her ice and wind magic energy onto the ice bow, and even the ice bow that reached the artifact level showed signs of cracking.

The destructive power of Mu Ningxue using the Jichen Ice Bow is even higher than that of Shi Xiao of the Western Military Region with the five series of forbidden spells.

Mu Ningxue's eyes are ice-blue, and the Snow God's Aoshi domain is opened. This arrow is like shooting the sun, aiming at Wentai, who is proud of the real god in the sky. When the arrow is shot, ice elements swarm from the Antarctic continent, endless The ice elements are all above this arrow.

This arrow cut through the void, with a long ice tail, the power of the ice expanded instantly, and shot towards Wentai and the holy court in the sky with terrifying speed and strength.

In an instant, the ice spread to the whole of Greece, freezing the entire Parthenon.

boom! Under the terrible ice storm, the entire Parthenon Temple was destroyed, and countless houses were smashed to pieces in an instant. In the whole process, it was destroyed and destroyed, which was very spectacular.

Palaces and high-rise buildings collapsed instantly and were frozen.

Mu Ningxue's arrow is already the most powerful magic attack of human magic. If this arrow hits the ground, a country may become an ice country in an instant.

It is conceivable how the Antarctic continent was frozen at that time, and how the monsters that existed on the Antarctic continent were instantly killed.

Kakaka, there was a bang, before the arrow arrived, the two combined Holy Court could no longer bear it, and the golden barrier was frozen. When Mu Ningxue's arrow flew across the Holy Court When Wen Tai was in Wentai, Peng Peng made two sounds, and the frozen barrier flew like fragments. Both holy courts were frozen, and some black metal angels in the holy court were all turned into pieces together with the barrier. Bing Shang disappeared.

Mu Ningxue's current strength has indeed reached the peak of human beings.

Zhaohua used the extreme speed of the wind element to avoid Wentai's death light for a moment, and Mu Ningxue's ice arrow came in response.

Although it sounds slow, it actually happened in an instant. Mo Fan awakened the white magic, Zhaohua avoided Wentai's death light, and Mu Ningxue's arrow was almost a matter of milliseconds.

However, this arrow is as fragile as a human being.

Phew~~~Wen Tai just took a look, Mu Ningxue, the arrow representing the limit of human beings, turned into ice powder in the air.

Not to mention shooting Wentai and freezing Wentai, you can't even touch it. That height exceeds the limit of all human beings.

Even characters like Zhaohua, Mo Fan, and the ancient king can only be reached by relying on the power of other planes. The human mage once again recognized the reality of the world.

Humans are very weak, even mages are weak. After reaching the forbidden curse, it is impossible to fight against the emperor, let alone the ruler and the power of theocracy above the emperor.

However, Mu Ningxue's arrow still had some effect. Zhaohua avoided Wentai's lock while Wentai was diverting his attention, and landed on Xuanwu's tortoise shell, standing between Ji Shaoan and the other two.

"That is the theocracy of death, is there a way?" Zhaohua asked.

Ji Shaoan and Xiao Ji shook their heads at the same time, and Ji Shaoan wrote in the small drawing book: [There is no way. 】

"There is no way. If it just got the theocracy now, maybe there is still a way to grab it, but this guy got it ten years ago, and the theocracy is just an unconscious power now."

Originally, the theocracy of death was conscious, just like the soul of the Parthenon, but the former consciousness became Xiao Ji. At the beginning, Xiao Ji was separated from Ji Shaoyin of the body, one in the magical world and the other in the scientific world.

Now the two Ji Shaohan are more like human beings, their limit is also the limit of human beings, and now it has nothing to do with the theocracy of death.

Zhaohua used the perception of wind and found that Mo Fan was still comprehending God's Domain.

Wen Tai glanced at Mo Fan and Zhaohua, it didn't break Mo Fan, but appeared at the Tiantang Mountain, and saw that the soul was being entangled by some kind of seal.


Boom, boom, when Wentai used the theocracy of death to pull the seal of reincarnation, the sea water of the entire Atlantic was trembling, but soon, Wentai stopped cracking it with brute force, because it already understood that the seal was not a seal of the soul, but because of Paradise Hills reason.

Feng Ling's voice sounded from Zhaohua's heart: "It is accelerating the consumption of Tiantangshan's power. Once Tiantangshan disappears, the seal of reincarnation will pull me back to the summoning plane."

Wentai's wisdom is beyond imagination, and he only needs to look at it to understand what Zhaohua has done. Although he doesn't know what the seal of reincarnation is, it has already understood the principle.

The reincarnation seal is not for sealing Tiantangshan and Shenhun at all. It is because Tiantangshan suppressed Zhaohua, causing Tiantangshan to be entangled in the seal. Just let Tiantangshan disappear, and the reincarnation seal will disappear naturally, and Shenhun will be unsealed at that time.

Wen Tai, who has mastered the soul and divine power, will be unstoppable!

After Zhaohua pondered for a moment, he suddenly said, "Sister Fengling."

A gust of wind appeared behind Zhaohua, and Feng Ling's figure appeared instantly. Even if it is assimilated, Zhaohua can't control this master, it just gives power to Zhaohua.

Feng Ling bouncingly said: "What's the matter, Xiao Huazi, I have already taught you the control power and the spirit magic method, now I have no strength, and I have no ability to help you deal with it."

"I want to use the one you guys hid in Antarctica."

Phew~~~ Suddenly a gust of cold wind blew, Feng Ling's originally smiling expression suddenly changed, the whole atmosphere changed, Feng Ling looked at Zhao Hua with a little indifference.

Ji Shaohan and the two were at a loss, why is the atmosphere suddenly a little strange.

puff! Feng Ling suddenly couldn't help laughing, and said, "Such a serious atmosphere really doesn't suit me."

Feng Ling approached Zhaohua, and the two looked at each other. Feng Ling said with a bright smile: "If it was someone else, I would doubt if it was a trick, but if it was you, Xiaohuazi, what do you know? Well, I'm curious how you know, it stands to reason that there is no one other than the three of us who knows about things on the Antarctic continent."

The battlefield seemed to disappear suddenly. Wen Tai did not stop Mo Fan, but unsealed the soul. Mo Fan was comprehending the four-element integration of white magic, and Zhaohua did not stop Wen Tai or help Mo Fan, but suddenly said said some strange words.

It's as if the original two-on-one fight has now become a three-legged confrontation, each with its own thoughts.

Zhaohua looked at Feng Ling calmly with that signature smile and said, "Sister Feng Ling, there are not only three masters in the Thousand Clan Elf Pagoda, but four."

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