Full-time Summoner

Chapter 266 Start Training

Simple and rude.

Early the next morning, after Zhaohua had breakfast, he took Lei Xiong to the gathering place, to be precise, he twisted Lei Xiong, because after eating, Lei Xiong was still sleeping, but the competition stipulated that he had to go with the beast tamer , so Zhaohua could only twist the thunder bear cub, which already weighed more than ten kilograms.

"You can sleep even if you twist it??"

The standing position is in order of ranking, the first one stands at the front, almost close to the camera. According to the conversations of some people, Zhaohua knows that because this is the reason for broadcasting the show, the higher the ranking, the easier it is to increase the popularity.

There are also some people here who are animal trainers from some small animal training companies in Yaodu, to increase their popularity, some want to be famous and make money, and some animal trainers come to participate as if they joined a family.

It's the same in the magic world, money is the measure of the success of other people's labor, even if you are a super mage, you still need money, because as long as you need help from others, you must have money.

Just like Zhang Ning, she has extraordinary strength, but shopping doesn't just cost money. Clothes, glasses, jewelry, and hair dye all cost money. Not to mention ordinary people, they are also working hard for a better life.

This world is not the end of the world. Although monsters are watching, but human beings are not without the power to protect the city, so most people still have to fight for their lives.

Even Zhaohua is the same, now he is making money.

Mu Donghan, Barabara, said a lot. To sum it up, one hundred and one animal trainers need to let their tamers grow up as quickly as possible within two weeks, and then start team battles on the fifteenth day. .

The grouping format for the first Beast Taming team battle was that the first place would choose ten people as their teammates, the second place would choose nine, the third place would choose nine, and so on, a total of ten teams. The first place will choose one, then the second place will choose one, and then the third place will be divided into ten teams, so as to ensure that the initial strength is fair.

Because Liang Ri revealed that he was a mage of the Summoning Department when he was selecting beasts, he was robbed by the first man named Gao Yang in the first round.

Gao Yang is the animal trainer of the Gao family, and more than half of the top ten are animal trainers from magical families, including the Gao family, Bai family, Ouyang family and so on.

Although Zhaohua ranked last, she was chosen as a teammate by a girl named Ouyang Namei who was third in the sixth round.

"Your thunder bear is very good." After choosing Zhaohua, Ouyang Nami said to Zhaohua lightly.

But Zhaohua has a black line on his face, you praise our Lei Xiong but you look at it, why are you staring at my face. Zhaohua couldn't help sighing, being handsome is annoying.

There are ten teams in total, but it is unknown who the opponents are. The opponents of the team are voted by netizens on the Internet, keeping the mystery and allowing netizens to participate to increase the ratings.

Zhaohua took a look at the other nine members of his team. Captain Ouyang Nami’s tamer was a blue cat beast, with a very good appearance, gray-blue coat color, and a slender body. His limbs were curled up and he lay on the ground. If you don't know it, it looks like a kitten.

But the blue cat beast is actually a speed-type monster like Ye Luosha, but the blue cat beast is just a slave monster, which is much weaker.

Zhaohua nodded secretly. He also thought about the blue cat beast at the beginning. It only has three months. If it is cultivated well, the blue cat beast has a chance to reach adulthood, and its strength can reach the peak servant.

The other teammates have weak and strong beast tamers, including wolf beasts, tiger beasts, and Zerg beasts. The one that attracts Zhaohua more is a cub of ice shell scorpion.

When training beasts, you can form a team or be alone. You can get the animal feed from yesterday. You can get it by just asking. The number is not limited, but the only requirement is that every time you feed the feed Sometimes it is necessary to record it with a camera, so that the audience can see the changes in taming the beast and its growth little by little.

Zhaohua twisted a bag of beast taming feed in his hand, and said, "It really is an advertising competition program, almost a competition for this feed."

It is good to have sponsorship. In previous years, the Beast Taming Contest had only 10 million prize money and no prizes. But this time there are not only bonuses, but also super rich prizes.

Zhaohua twisted Lei Xiong back to the dormitory. From today on, he will train and train Lei Xiong.

Beast taming is very difficult, because there is no standard formula for animal taming, unlike magic, when you release the elementary magic of the fire system, you just need to arrange seven stars into a star trail. Beast taming is different, even if it is the same monster, it may have different training methods.

It's like this Thunder Bear likes sweets, but there are many kinds of sweets. If it doesn't like chocolate, it's over. Also, artificially cultivated thunder bears must be different from wild thunder bears. Changes in the environment and different food may cause the lightning power in the thunder bear to be stronger or weaker. Needs vary from animal to animal.

Moreover, there are thousands of types of monsters in the world, and it is impossible for you to cultivate them blindly, and it is impossible to base them on the experience of your predecessors, and you need to think about them yourself.

An excellent animal trainer and a poor animal trainer produce two species.

"Thunder bear, let me think about it. The thunder bear's lightning power comes from the thunder fat in the body. The thunder fat can store the sugar absorbed into the body to generate electricity. The thunder bear's fur has a good ability to isolate lightning and preserve the energy in its body. Thunder and lightning, but the thunder bear's claws are just the opposite, with excellent electrical conductivity, it can transmit the thunder and lightning power of Leizhi to the claws and attack the enemy."

This is information about Lei Xiong, which is written in demon books.

Beast trainers have to figure out how to train the monster according to its characteristics.

Zhaohua picked up a pen and wrote his plan on the white paper: "Thunder bear is not like other thunder monsters, who need to absorb the power of lightning or be whipped by lightning to grow."

This is also one of the reasons why Zhaohua chose Thunder Bear, because most monsters will choose an environment suitable for them to live in, just like the famous Fengyan Thunder Eagle, which is a creature with three elements like Sanwei, and they will find Dwell where there are hurricanes, fire, and thunder, to absorb and exercise yourself.

This is also why beast trainers need to find monsters with the same magic system as their own to train, because you can provide such an environment. Therefore, where elemental seeds and soul seeds appear, there will also be monsters to absorb the leaked energy.

Zhaohua chose Lei Xiong because he didn't have the help of the magic department.

"But a thunder bear that just eats, drinks and sleeps will be weak in battle, and it needs to coordinate the fat content of the thunder bear. This is the difficulty."

Too bulky is not enough, if your whole body is full of fat, no matter how strong your thunder and lightning power is, it is useless, you can't hit people, and you can't resist other people's blows.

That's why there is a need for an animal trainer, nature is the best animal trainer, and without the help of nature, you need this position.

Zhaohua quickly wrote down some training plans on the paper, there must be Leizhi, but not too much, and it also needs to increase the athletic ability of Leixiong, so it is necessary to exercise.

"Okay, that's it, let's run a thousand meters and see."

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