Full-time Summoner

Chapter 267 Questioning

After writing the training plan in the morning, and before it was time for lunch, Zhaohua twisted Lei Xiong and went to the grassland of the zoo. Practice is the only criterion for testing the truth. If you just talk and don’t practice fake moves, you still have to let Lei Xiong Go for a walk or two.

Zhaohua ranks last, and has no resources at all. Apart from the right to use feed and grassland in the zoo, he has no other rights.

The animal trainers after 50 can only use the grassland of the zoo, so there are still many people to be seen on the grassland, but most of them are the camera team.

When Zhaohua came to the zoo with Thunder Bear, there were already many people here. Because it took Zhaohua a lot of time to write and formulate the plan, almost everyone else has already arrived at the zoo and started training against the clock.

The Beast Taming Project is a manifestation of the strength of a Beast Tamer. You can buy information about monsters and hatching methods in some monster shops, and even give training suggestions, but the suggestions are all general. What a trainer should do.

"Look, this is the Flame Rat that I got. The Flame Rat is an advanced version of the One-Eyed Rat. It possesses the power of flames. When it reaches adulthood, it is the strength of a warrior, even stronger than a mid-level mage." It's a bit like a mouse, said the man with sly eyebrows and mouse eyes.

"Wow, you are so amazing, you actually let you tame a warrior blood. I also took a fancy to a golden lion cub, but they ignored me."

"Ah, me too, that golden lion beast is so handsome, I want it too, but it's too arrogant."

"I'm so envious of you. There is a flame rat. This time the first place is definitely you. I heard that none of the top ten has the blood of a general."

When Zhaohua came in, he heard chirping chatter beside him. After listening carefully, he probably understood that someone had tamed a monster at the level of a warrior.

"It's okay, I think the top ten animal trainers can also tame the cubs of warlords, but they pay more attention to the ranking at the beginning, so they didn't spend too much time." Although the flame rat's animal trainer said very Humble, but with a look of pride, it can be seen that he likes to be praised very much.

"It's no wonder you are ranked low. If the target is a slave cub, you can definitely enter the top ten."

Zhaohua didn't say much, just quietly found a place and put Lei Xiong down. The cubs of the war generals are indeed very strong, and the price is still high. Although the cubs of the flame rats are not as expensive as the top war generals like the pseudo-terrorists, they still cost millions of cubs.

If it is infinite time and unlimited resources, the flame rat must be stronger. However, to advance from a slave to a warrior, even if the blood is enough, it still needs a lot of energy support. Like the flame rat, at least It must be equivalent to the ability of the spirit seed, and it cannot be directly fed to the spirit seed to advance.

Except for elemental demons and mages, other monsters will die if they eat spirit seeds, because the power of spirit seeds is too violent to be suitable for advancement. They can only slowly absorb the overflowing energy of spirit seeds to advance.

Zhaohua reckoned that the flame rat would still be in the initial stage of infancy in two weeks, and that the slave monster should be well-bred, and it should be able to reach the quasi-growth stage, or even reach the adult stage.

This is the law of nature, because the slave monsters are weak, if the infancy is too long, that race will have been wiped out, and only by passing through the infancy quickly can they have the ability to survive.

"Wake up. Don't worry about sleeping, it's useless for you to accumulate Leizhi like this."

The number of thunder bears is decreasing every year because of the habits of thunder bears. They can only sleep to increase the power of lightning, but they move slowly and their bodies are soft, so they can't withstand attacks and can't hit others. As a result, although they have strong destructive power, they are completely defeated by agile monsters.

Gaba Gaba.

After Lei Xiong yelled a few words, he moved his body and stood up. Stretched limbs, ran, ran, ran, ran around Zhaohua twice, then fell asleep on the ground again.

Zhaohua's face turned black, did the two circles just add up to one meter! ! Is it just so perfunctory!

"A piece of chocolate for 100 meters."

Heck, Lei Xiong moved his ears and stretched out two paws, he even bargained! ! It seems to be saying: I think you are embarrassing this baby, have you never heard of the bear boy, and you still want the bear boy to be obedient with this little chocolate? At least two yuan!

Zhaohua thought it was strange at the beginning. Does this guy have a high IQ? But according to Zhaohua's knowledge, Lei Xiong's IQ is only above the middle level among slave monsters, a little smarter than killing monsters like Spirit Wolf Beast and Withered Wood Scorpion, and he can understand the general meaning of the beast trainer, but Not to this extent.

Moreover, Zhaohua found it in the grass at the beginning, that is, the thunder bear escaped from the cage by itself, how did it escape?

Zhaohua said helplessly: "All right, two yuan is two yuan, but there is a condition. The calculation starts from one kilometer, and the less than one kilometer does not count."

As soon as Lei Xiong agreed, he immediately jumped up and happily started running on all fours. Lei Xiong can stand on two legs or run on all fours, but the young Lei Xiong can only run on all fours.

There are scales on the ground of the zoo grassland, which can show the distance. Zhaohua didn't eat lunch, and ran with Lei Xiong all the time, yes, just ran with him, and Zhaohua just used it to train his body, and ran 5 kilometers with Lei Xiong.

Fortunately, although Zhaohua has lost his cultivation, he still has physical strength. Otherwise, if you have four legs and you run with it on two legs, it's no wonder you don't die of exhaustion.

Lei Xiong was chosen by Zhaohua because of his good training. Zhaohua looked at the others, and saw that one person's taming beast was a spirit wolf, but that spirit wolf looked like a erha, so stupid, the master told it to go east, but it wanted to go west , and finally fell into the pet cesspool of the zoo.

At this time Erha, no, the owner of the spirit wolf realized it. Love is so fragile, it can't fight shit.

He actually had an urge to change a tame animal. Anyway, his ranking was low and he didn't use much feed, so there was still time to change it! But fortunately, in this case, the organizer is still willing to help it pick up the spirit wolf and wash it with water.

Zhaohua also noticed that the owner of the flame rat was also a fire mage himself, and used his fire magic to help the flame rat exercise.

"Be patient! You can become a master only when you have to endure hardships. Hold on, absorb the magic energy of the fire department, and exercise your body, so that you can become stronger."

Zhaohua didn't care what others did, because he didn't take care of himself. According to the normal training method, lure the thunder bear with sweets, and then train slowly to adjust the ratio of thunder fat in the body, so that the thunder fat and muscles maintain a balance, so that the thunder bear will not be too slow and weak. The most difficult thing is how to maintain this balance, how much Leizhi should be appropriate, this will test the ability of the animal trainer.

But Zhaohua looked at Lei Xiong, seeing it happily eating there, and couldn't help wondering, would it work? Is your training method right? For the first time, he questioned himself.

On July 1st, I received the monthly pass on the first day, happy! ! !

Thanks to [Frost] [Unrequited Love in the Red Dust] [Daily Reading] [Tian Ji Cang] [Shangqiong Ziling Tiangong Haofan Dongtian Great Emperor] [Wode Tianweisen Moramo Shuai Debu Yaobu ​​Yaode]【 748231218] *2 monthly pass.

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