Full-time Summoner

Chapter 296 Overbearing American

As soon as Zhaohua and the others got off the tram, a wave of heat hit their faces and scratched their cheeks, which surprised them.

Because it took half a day to fly, it is already evening. They all know that in the desert, in the morning, the sun is scorching, the sky is clear, and the temperature can even reach 40 to 80 degrees, which can dehydrate people.

But the opposite is true at night, when the temperature can drop sharply below zero. The temperature difference is astonishing.

It's night now, Zhaohua and the others are all prepared for the bone-chilling cold, but who knows that there will be a heat wave coming, and they don't know what to say for a while.

Looking at Zhaohua, this is a city of rocks. The city walls are made of brown rocks, 12 or 13 meters high, and these rocks are not ordinary rocks, they are high-strength rocks specially designed to resist demons.

Zhaohua gasped, as if he was full of anticipation for the unknown, but then said in amazement: "Is this wall of rock originally built in the ancient city of Loulan?"

Zhaohua found traces of history from the rock, which is very old.

Zhang Yuan nodded excitedly, his love for Loulan surpassed everything else. Excitedly said: "Yes, this city wall, like the ancient city, was buried in the yellow sand."

Deng Le also sighed: "No wonder it is safe, with this rock wall, it is indeed safe enough."

With Zhang Yuan present, Zhaohua and others entered Loulan New City one after another, and were even more frightened by the sight in front of them.

If you look carefully, you can also see a monument carved from the rock that fell from the rock wall, with the two characters [Loulan] engraved on it, as if the whole city has been reborn.

The two outer doors standing on the rock wall merged into a huge triumphal arch. Zhaohua and others entered through the folding door.

Moreover, the construction of the entire Loulan New City is not modern at all. After Zhaohua and others entered, they saw a huge obelisk standing in the city at first sight.

Even though they were far apart, the few of them could still clearly see some rock-carved statues in the city, as well as glass paintings made of smelted sand.

Art, the atmosphere of art fills the entire Loulan New City, making it full of magical artistic sense.

Even though it is already dark at night, the entire new city is a little reddish at dusk. This is because of the candlesticks that can be seen everywhere in Loulan New City. These candlesticks burn with a substance unique to this desert.

"What is burning on the candlesticks? I feel that the reason why the new city is warm and not hit by the cold wind is because the material of those candlesticks burns and glows." Deng Le asked carefully at the candlesticks beside him.

Zhang Yuan explained: "The body fat of those fire wax sand worms, their body fat can continue to burn and generate heat."

"See that obelisk? It's because of its existence that it protects the new city from the cold at night."

Several people looked at the red obelisk, which could actually provide the heat of a city. That obelisk might not be simple.

It is also this huge obelisk that illuminates the city with a warm red light, so that many people can be seen coming and going on the street, busy.

Moreover, the architectural style here is more ancient, such as taverns, inns, post stations, etc., but the appearance is retro, but the inside is modern, with a lot of TVs, refrigerators, and air conditioners.

Seeing this building with different styles, Zhaohua also said happily: "Not bad, this place is very distinctive, like the different world style in games and novels."

"To see such a miraculous thing with my own eyes is not in vain on a six-hour plane ride."

Zhang Yuan also nodded, and said: "Thanks to these candlelights and the protection of the rock wall, this city can be established and maintain a sunset scene."

Just as Zhang Yuan was about to take Zhaohua and the others to the inn to rest and put away their luggage, a voice in a foreign language came from the side tavern.

"Hahahaha, this country is still as dilapidated as before."

"It's exactly what I see in my history books."

"Yes yes, and you look at these people, they act like a dog."

"Look at them, they are still flattering us, look at those who are laughing, they are very cheap."

Zhaohua and the others frowned and looked in the direction of the tavern. Most of the people living here were ordinary workers dispatched by the magic family to open up wasteland, rebuild, and build. There were only a very small number of ordinary people and mages. Can't hear foreign language, don't know what to say.

But Zhaohua and the others were different, they could all understand. How could the college entrance examination scores for being admitted to Sun Yat-Sen University and South China Leihuo University be so low, but they were even more puzzled when they looked at the few people who came out of the tavern.

Because coming out of the tavern were a few drunken, blond curly-haired, fair-skinned Caucasians, with a typical Western appearance.

"Huh? Didn't you say that there are only seven countries in Asia, namely India, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Thailand, and Pakistan?" Liang Ri asked strangely.

But Liang Ri's voice was not low, and those people just happened to walk out of the tavern. Chinese is the second most spoken language in the world. We need to learn foreign languages, and others also need to learn foreign languages. So they can understand it too.

One of the curly-haired blond men looked over after hearing what Liang Ri said, and smiled disdainfully, and said in a foreign language: "Oh, isn't this a mage from a poor mountainous area? Look, he's wearing so much dirt."

Zhaohua ignored their ridicule for the first time, but instead noticed the things these people were wearing on their chests.

Loulan New City has not yet opened, and it is still under construction. There are still many dangers and unknowns that need to be further determined, and this is the purpose of their visit this time.

Only the unknown can have a chance.

So to enter, you must wear a certificate. Everyone living here will have an ID card, which must be hung on the chest, but Zhaohua and others are different, but don't wear a badge, a temporary ID card.

In order to better distinguish the mages of the other seven countries, the badge is the pattern of the national flag.

The badges of Zhaohua and the others are bright red.

Zhaohua found it strange that the six Caucasian faces here were wearing badges of India, Vietnam, Korea, and the Philippines, and the other two were the most drunk people without wearing them.

Zhaohua said: "They should have temporarily acquired the nationality of six other countries, and then took their rights to come in."

Deng Le and the others showed surprised expressions, did they just take their nationality? Nope.

You must know that the nationality of their country is extremely difficult to obtain. Even if you are a super mage, it is not easy to get it, and you have to go through a lot of reviews and various conditions.

"Hahahaha, for us Americans, the nationalities of those countries are the same, we want it if we want. It's the same with yours, we want to come in, we can do the same."

"Ha ha ha ha."

We are all young people, so we are naturally outraged when faced with this kind of thing, but we also suffer from having no excuses.

After hearing this, Zhaohua smiled, and said to the two people who did not wear badges: "What other countries do is their internal affairs, and it is none of our business. But since you are here, you must abide by the rules. Put you Put on your badge, otherwise you will be treated as an illegal trespasser."

The two of them didn't notice when they were drunk, two thin threads quietly took the badges from their clothes bags.

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