Full-time Summoner

Chapter 297: Gambling

"Hahahaha, it's just a broken place like yours, do you still think it's the past, your country is no longer good, and you still talk to me about the rules."

On the contrary, Zhaohua was not angry, because what he said was indeed right, the strongest country in the past was only in the past, and now is now. Nothing else is needed, the results of the national competition can explain the rise and fall of a country.

It is indeed difficult for a country that is difficult to enter the top eight to say that it is good.

Zhao Hua said: "We invited you to come, and he and I are both judges of the Tribunal, we have the right to eliminate potential dangers to our country."

"Outsiders are not allowed to enter here. Since you don't have a certificate, go back."

The curly-haired man took a step forward and said in a deep voice, "How dare you?"

Weng! The whole body was affected by a single hair, and a green magic light appeared on Zhaohua's body. Naturally, the five of Moze would not sell their teammates. No matter what the relationship was before, they must be consistent with the outside world now.

"Guess if I dare."

The same is true for the six people on the other side, six magical rays of light appeared, and the momentum of the two sides was matched.

"Wait a minute! Wait a moment! Don't do it!"

Zhang Yuan was also experienced, knowing that something would happen in this situation, he hurried to find the team leader who had brought them here.

A dark-skinned man was running behind Zhang Yuan, sweating profusely, wearing the team leader's badge on his chest, which seemed to be their team leader.

Foreign countries are different. There are seven countries, and each country only has three places, so only one team leader is needed, and there are six places on my side.

"Yakejie. Don't do anything. I have something to say. I can't bear it if I get kicked out." The dark-skinned team leader hurriedly said from a distance.

The blond curly-haired man named Yakejie who took the lead made a cut, put away his magic and said, "Hmph, I'll show my face to our team leader Shi Xiu, open your eyes to see clearly."

But Yakejie and another man named Garcia searched all over the body but couldn't find their badges.

This is natural, because the badges they put in their pockets were secretly taken away by Zhaohua with wind silk.

Spray an apology and act as if nothing happened. How can there be such a good thing. Stabbing you and putting a Band-Aid on you, that's the end of it.

It is a situation where there are many monks and few meat. If there are two fewer people, this is definitely a good thing. Zhaohua and the others are all here to find resources, especially Zhaohua, the things that can help Ji Shaohan wake up are here.

Zhaohua didn't want any accidents to happen, so if he could rule it out, he ruled it out first. If they found it first, it would be troublesome.

He didn't know it himself, in fact, he himself was quite black-bellied, at some point.

After waiting for a few minutes, Zhaohua put on an impatient expression and said, "Have you found it? Do you want to take off your clothes and look for it?"

"You!" Yakejie said angrily. But there was nothing he could do, for the chest that had been in his coat pocket just now disappeared.

Ya Kejie was wearing a Japanese badge. When he entered the tavern, he complained that the Japanese flag was ugly, so he took it off and put it in his pocket. But I didn't expect that it was gone now, and I couldn't find it no matter how I looked for it, even I searched all the taverns and couldn't find it.

"Hmph, I don't know where that thing went, you can ask our team leader, our identity." Yakejie said.

The person named Shi Xiu nodded sharply and said, "Yes, yes, Yakejie and Garcia are from Japan and Thailand, and they came to explore together."

Zhaohua just smiled, shook his head and said, "I only recognize badges."

"You're finding fault on purpose, aren't you!" Yakejie said angrily.

But how could Zhaohua accept this, and said: "I just acted according to the rules. If you want to find fault, it's because you didn't control your mouth well first."

Fifteen more people came, all of them wore badges, it seemed that they were the rest, and the other three should be Pakistani mages.

After all, Zhang Yuan made a lot of noise when he was looking for someone.

After Shi Xiu glanced at Zhaohua, he said, "Shui Nai, Li Linna, give Yakejie and Garcia your badges."

! ? ! !

Zhaohua looked at Shi Xiu in surprise, and what surprised Zhaohua even more was that a Japanese and a Thai girl really gave up their badges.

I don't know what the team leader said to them. Zhaohua can see that the two are struggling. After all, this opportunity is really rare. The Tomb of the Thirteen Suns is indeed a little magical, and maybe they can really get something , and then made it to the sky, but they still handed over the badge.

It's just these two people who talk cheaply, and Zhaohua hasn't hurt the innocent yet.

With a snap, he patted Yakejie on the shoulder and said, "You are blind, isn't the badge stuck on your shoulder all the time?"

Zhaohua pressed the badge to Yakejie's shoulder and touched it. He just came so clearly. I really thought that where is this place, as if I need to get used to you.

Yakejie's eyes are about to burst into flames. This is a blatant insult. You stole something from someone else, but you dare to call a thief and "stop the thief", and return it to you in front of you, saying that you are blind, which makes Yakejie's blood pressure go crazy It's almost over.

Shi Xiu grabbed Yakexi who was about to rush forward, and shook his head cryptically at him.

"Let's go. We've been on the plane for so long. Let's put our luggage in the hotel first. Mr. Zhang Yuan, which one is our tavern?" Zhaohua asked as if nothing happened.

If he didn't understand the matter, Zhaohua would be just like a gangster who is looking for trouble and bullying foreigners.

That's how it looks, it's the worst thing to beat, especially in the eyes of Yakexi and the others, they can't wait to go up and do their best.

Liang Ri walked up to Zhaohua, gave a thumbs up and said, "You still have a way of torturing people."

Mo Ze nodded: "You are more professional than the judges."

"But it's really relieved." Deng Le said.

Zhaohua looked at Mingyue and said: "Mingyue is still so melancholy, it is better to be open-minded and go through wind and waves. This is how teenagers should be."

Deng Le complained speechlessly: "You still pretend like this."

"Ha ha ha ha."


In the middle of the night, in the dead of night, all the lights in Loulan New City have been extinguished, only the crimson obelisk still exudes its warmth, bringing a little warmth to the sleeping city, so that the people who have been busy all day can rest assured Get a good night's sleep.

Standing on the empty street, Zhaohua looked at the contract in his hand and said, "Confirm the rules. Whoever gets the badge pinned to the other party's clothes first wins, right?"

Yakejie stood opposite Zhaohua, with a distance of ten meters between the two.

Yakejie sneered: "Yes. If you win, this is yours."

Yakejie put a container containing the earth spirit species on the ground. This earth spirit species was obtained by chance when he and his team entered the desert while hunting monsters. He took this as a bet.

Zhaohua took out a box from the space watch, which contained 10 million.

The bet, 10 million, was just withdrawn from the bank. There is also a bank here, so Zhaohua naturally has a deposit of 10 million.

It turned out that after everyone rested at night, Yakexi sent a message to Zhaohua, and the two had a gambling fight in the middle of the night. The person who grabs the opponent's badge first is the winner. The bet is 10 million, and the person who wins takes the things away.

"Why, don't you dare? The sick man of East Asia?"

Zhaohua was not angered, because he found that there were other people watching the battle, probably his teammates.

Zhaohua nodded, and threw a box of money to the side. How can someone not give money?

Thanks to 【Liao Xiaoxian】【Wa】【Lin Chizhan】*2 monthly pass.

Thank you for your great support! !

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