The grimace mask is probably an important item of the Japanese side, probably some dark items left over from ancient times, keepsakes and the like. Zhaohua is not a mage of black magic, so he really doesn't know much about it.

Zhaohua saw that after the Japanese mage reached out and touched the wall of darkness, there was a black line extending along his arm to the mask, as if absorbed by the mask.

What surprised Zhaohua the most was that an amulet of the Indian mage turned the already dark skin of the Indian mage into a complete pitch black, as if he had turned into a dark creature, wrapped in darkness.

“It seems like every country has its own heritage.”

Although Zhaohua didn't know if there was any agreement reached between the country and their country, it would cost a lot to allow these mid-level mages to bring out such precious things.

On the American side, the girl with long curly hair named Mina was left behind. She was the most different because she was holding a laptop and using some unknown instruments to scan and analyze what these dark forces were.

"It seems that the country is not completely unaware that the United States is involved, and there should be some agreements."

While Zhaohua was still thinking, Shan Shancai said, "You don't know how to do it."

Zhaohua coughed lightly, and pretended to walk to the wall of darkness. What could he do? He didn't have any special magic tools or ancient artifacts in hand, so he could only pretend to run to the wall of darkness and reach out to touch it.

But obviously, if Ji Shao was silent, he should be able to do something, but he is neither familiar with black magic, nor has he awakened to black magic, so he really can't sense anything.

The Book of Moonlight in the body did not respond at all.

A few minutes later, Zhaohua opened his eyes, looked at Shan Shancai, spread his hands and said, "It seems that there is no other way, I'll walk around to see if there are any clues."

Shan Shancai clicked his tongue, waved to Zhaohua and said, "You can do whatever you want."

Shan Shancai has already made up her mind, and she will make a small report when she goes back.

Zhaohua took out the magic lighting equipment, and after walking for a while, he realized something was wrong.

"It doesn't look like a cemetery no matter what, why is it called the Tomb of the Thirteen Suns?"

This place is actually more like a city, an ancient ruined city, Zhaohua can still see the dilapidated clock tower, this place is more like a gathering place.

sand. . .

kindness! ?

Zhaohua heard some voices and hurriedly hid behind the wall. They are some weird-looking monsters, like the slimes in the TV, they are just made up of yellow sand and rubble.

Zhaohua didn't know what kind of monsters they were, but the actions of these monsters were very strange, they had no purpose, and they didn't seem to be looking for food, they seemed to be walking around aimlessly.

"No wonder the military is looking for middle-level mages to come here. It should be the reason for these monsters. The breath of high-level mages will attract them."

Zhaohua felt that these yellow sand slimes possessed the strength of warriors, and they should be monsters formed only in this place.

Boom! !

Just as Zhaohua wanted to avoid it, he heard an explosion not far away.

Sure enough, these yellow sand slimes just took a look at the elementary and intermediate magic, and then turned a blind eye and continued to walk aimlessly. As long as they do not exceed the power of the high order, they will not gather together.

But if you appear in front of them, they should still attack you.

"Wind track."

After Zhaohua used the wind track to bypass it, he came to the place where the explosion sounded. Zhaohua saw Deng Le and Mo Ze looking at Yakejie and Garcia angrily.

"It's the two of them again." Zhaohua could only say, it's not that enemies don't get together.

Zhaohua rushed over and asked, "What's the matter? Why did you guys start fighting?"

Deng Le explained simply. It turns out that those yellow sand slimes have a special inner core, and those inner cores have special earth-type magic power. If there are enough of them, they might be able to smelt good earth-type spiritual seeds.

Spirit Seeds can be smelted. The simplest and most common method is to use Spirit Seed fragments to smelt the most common Spirit Seeds without special effects, or add some materials to smelt better Spirit Seeds.

These soil cores are very good smelting materials.

Zhaohua looked at a yellow crystal in Yakejie's hand and a pile of yellow sand at his feet.

Deng Le cursed: "Damn, we are fighting, why do you want to grab it?"

Yakejie said disdainfully: "Do you have any evidence? Whoever beats the kernel to death belongs to whoever."

"I *you*! Shameless!"

Zhaohua held his breath but Deng Le, who wanted to get back the spoils, said, "Don't be impulsive."

"Damn it, if I don't beat him up, I won't be able to get along with it."

Zhaohua pointed to a ruin and said, "Six people are hiding there. They should be mages from other countries."

Sure enough, after Zhaohua finished speaking, six people came out from the shadow of the ruins and looked at Zhaohua and the others with malicious intent.

Zhaohua said: "Let's go, good guys don't suffer from immediate losses, and we will settle accounts with them later. There is one in the place where I just came."

After saying that, the three of Zhaohua went in another direction.

"Huh, unfortunately, they ran away." Yakejie said.

It's just that they didn't know that the three of Zhaohua stopped after walking not far away.

Mo Ze asked, "What's wrong?"

Zhaohua said with a smile: "They did the right thing. How can they fight by themselves faster than rob others."

As soon as Deng Le's eyes lit up, he knew that this guy had a lot of tricks.

Zhaohua closed his eyes and turned on the wind perception. Although the wind perception could not be very detailed and he could tell who was who, it was difficult for Yakejie and the eight of them to discover such a big goal.

The wind perception range of the little wind silkworm is quite large, and it can perceive a range of several kilometers. Zhaohua can also use the fourth magic of the summoning system - magic energy link.

After a while, Zhaohua smiled and said, "Let's go, they are already fighting, and they met three, just enough points."

Deng Le's major is Shadow, and Mo Ze's major is Wind. With Zhao Hua's perception, it's the best choice for robbing houses and stabbing in the back.

Yakejie and the others did not expect that Zhaohua would dare to kill a carbine.

Zhaohua and the others hid aside, and the sand slime was not weak. The soft sand dune-like body completely ignored the thunder attack, and the thunder mark and thunderbolt piercing through their bodies had no effect at all. And they can also spit out attacks like flying sand and rocks.

But those cores are their weaknesses, and they will turn into a pile of sand if the cores are taken away, and their weaknesses are more obvious.

Yakejie and the others were not vegetarians either. These monsters of ordinary warrior level had no power to fight back in front of them and were quickly killed.

"Shadow Spike!"

"Wind Silk - Binding Trap!"

"Mind Control - Void Claw~~"

Zhaohua and Deng Le used magic to control the six people, but it couldn't be said that they were under control, it could only be that they attracted attention and made them unable to react immediately.

And Moze's space system directly took the three cores from the air. The three of them snatched the fruits of victory from Ya Kejie without even showing their faces.

In a flash, the three of them disappeared.

Not long after, Shan Shancai called everyone to leave the underground cemetery, because the army of ghost bats was about to return to their nests. After all, it was the first night, and everyone didn't gain much.

Thanks to [Law Mark] * 2 [Bamboo] [Douluo Dalu Golden Dragon God] [A foodie passing by] [Little Steamed Bun] [White] [Feng Xiaolei] [. 】*3 monthly pass.

Thank you for your support, I haven't received a monthly ticket for a long time. crying~~~

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