Full-time Summoner

Chapter 307 No clue

"How is your harvest?"

Liang Ri asked with a smile when he saw Zhaohua and the others. It looked like he had gained a lot.

Zhaohua spread out his palm, revealing a brown crystal and said, "I didn't gain anything, so I just beat a little wild monster and took such a smelting material."

The others are similar, there is only one core, and one core of this kind is about a million or so. Ten pieces can be combined into one earth spirit species. It mainly depends on the special effects of the combined earth spirit species and how much it can add. magic effect.

Even if the materials are the same, the effects of the combined earth spirit seeds are all kinds of strange, so in the magic shop, there are those spirit seeds that have no effect.

Liang Ri smiled and took out a spiritual plant and said, "Hehehe, I found this."

"Earth Ganoderma lucidum, yes, you can find it here." Mo Ze glanced at it and said.

Earth Ganoderma lucidum, that is, acceleration resources, cultivation resources, and magic spiritual plants, can accelerate the cultivation speed of the corresponding magic system. Ganoderma lucidum is obviously a spiritual plant resource used by the soil system.

Not all training resources are stones and crystals. In fact, more are plants, and there are very few non-attribute resources, and most of them are used corresponding to magic attributes.

Earth Ganoderma is a resource used by mid-level earth mages. Add five bowls of water to submerge the Earth Ganoderma lucidum, boil the five bowls of water into one bowl and take it, and then meditate immediately, and you can absorb the earth essence of Earth Ganoderma through meditation. , The effect of meditation is generally ten times a day, ten times faster. The effect of the second level of the intermediate level is halved, and the effect of the third level of the intermediate level is invalid.

If you practice in other departments, you can speed up five times at the first level, and it will be invalid at the second level.

The most important thing is that the effect of Ganoderma lucidum is mild and will not cause serious physical damage. The price is between 3 million and 5 million, depending on the quality. If the quality is good, it may speed up in more than ten days.

You know, when you go to the holy place of practice, the acceleration is only a few dozen times, and it can be hundreds of times. However, the holy place of practice is not something you can go to with money, and Zhaohua spent tens of millions to go there. Although the ground ganoderma is only ten times faster, as long as you have money, you can buy it. A few million is really not very expensive.

However, it cannot be used indefinitely. The more you use it, the higher the resistance and the worse the effect, so you have to find other training resources.

Mo Ze and the others cut Liang Ri, who was laughing loudly. As for Yakejie who was robbed by Zhaohua, causing eight people to share one core, Zhaohua didn't even look at it. Anyway, there is no evidence, you bite me.

After returning to the inn, except for Zhaohua, Mo Ze and Mai Jiaxi all took out a camera-like thing, and took out a magic tool for storing images from it.

After Zhaohua connected to the computer, he sent the image to Lin Mo for him to process and synthesize a complete 3D plan of the ruins.

The main reason why the five of them did not gain much is to record. Now it is no longer necessary to draw the map by hand, only need to use special video magic equipment, a few people record while walking, and after processing, you can get a completed map. map.

Naturally, Lin Mo would not do such a professional thing, but he is an intermediary, as long as there is a need, he will provide it. It is enough for Lin Mo to send the data to the professional people who do these things.

Hunters and mages are not just hunting monsters alone, especially in some unknown and dangerous places. Mages need a lot of help, and have even formed an industrial chain. Mages are just the vanguard, responsible for fighting and killing, but this kind of magic technology , mainly relying on the support of ordinary people.

When Zhaohua asked Li Guan of Shanshan for a map, he gave a hand-painted one. Zhaohua was stunned on the spot. What kind of ancient practice is this? Zhao Hua had to spend money to make a map of the kind drawn by hand.

This kind of professional three-dimensional map is not necessarily needed. If you are exploring some places in the wild and out of the nest, you don't need it, and there is no way if time does not allow it. But this time the underground Tomb of the Thirteen Suns is not in too much danger, and there is still plenty of time. Most importantly, if Zhaohua guessed correctly, the key this time will be the 'location'.

It didn't take much time to make the map for the first time, and it was completed in one night. The work of hunter support needs to be done extremely quickly. They don't have so-called working hours. They work all day and all year round. They are as hard as novel writers.

Although the production of the map has been going smoothly, the overall progress is less optimistic than expected.

First of all, the Japanese mage, the grimace mask was broken in half because of the dark power on the third night. The same goes for the amulets of India, which set themselves ablaze.

Needless to say, other countries are less reliable than these two.

"It seems that this is indeed the seal of the Dark King, and the power of other dark creatures cannot be cracked."

Zhaohua looked at the three-dimensional map in front of him. It was the result of Mo Ze and Mai Jiaxi in the past few nights. The mages of other countries didn't think about how to crack it as early as the second night, but grouped together to hunt those yellow sand slimes in the Tomb of the Thirteen Suns.

The core of these monsters is very valuable. The most important thing is that these yellow sand slimes do not have the characteristics of monsters. They will call friends and friends. They are like machines that you can kill.

And every night, new ones will appear again. With the strength of ordinary generals, everyone here can deal with it. If you are lucky, you can even have three or four cores in one night, and one earth-type spiritual species in a few days.

This is not counting some other natural treasures. It can be said that entering the Shisanyang Tomb every night is a proper way to pick up money.

Originally, this kind of local state would definitely strictly control it, and the only way to make money is now.

Boom, boom, Zhaohua knocked on the table thinking.

Zhaohua sat in front of the table, and the three monitors displayed the data obtained in the past few days and a three-dimensional map.

What Zhaohua can confirm now is that the Tomb of the Thirteen Yangs is definitely not a cemetery, but an ancient city inhabited, and the construction of this city is regular, which means that the placement of those buildings is regular and purposeful .

"This is a huge formation? But... thirteen? Why is it thirteen, the star track is seven, the star chart is forty-nine, and magic was thirteen in ancient times?"

"And no matter how you look at it, there is no Thirteen here."

Confused, Zhaohua can probably be sure that this underground city should not have completely released the seal.

That's why the military is in a hurry to crack the wall of darkness and open up new areas. The military must re-strengthen before the dark seal is completely lifted. It's a race against time now, and we can't let the whole picture appear before taking time to think about it slowly.

Boom, knock on the door.

"Mr. Zhaohua, Mr. Li Guan of Shanshan welcomes you." A voice came from outside the door.

Zhaohua's eyes froze, and he thought to himself, finally it's here.

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