Full-time Summoner

Chapter 321 The Forerunner in the Desert

Outside the rock wall, there are overwhelmingly the yellow sand monsters who want to resurrect their ancestors and give birth to their own tribe, as well as the monsters secreted by the Kunlong in the sky, twelve sand giant soldiers like gods.

There is a giant dragon in the sky, a large number of monsters on the ground, and thirteen unstoppable monarch-level monsters.

Even the Loulan New City, which was being rebuilt, was dealt a devastating blow by the yellow monster that fell from the sky. In the face of the powerful monster, human mages were so vulnerable.

The army of demons is slowly leading Loulan New City to destruction, and even the XJ Anjie not far away has been threatened. The distance from Loulan New City to XJ Anjie is only ten kilometers. With the footsteps of demons, it takes less than ten minutes You can reach Anjie.

On the security border of XJ, all military mages, mage children from magic families, hunter masters and hunter kings from the hunter alliance gathered.

Everyone looked at the terrifying figure on the clouds in the distance. It happened to be a few days after the night of the full moon, and the moonlight was bright. But the bright moonlight made their hearts even more uneasy.

Such giant dragons are by no means comparable in number.

A mage in military uniform said in a deep voice, "What will the forbidden curse say?"

Chen Tian, ​​the supreme commander of the XJ military mages, is a powerful mage with four lines of ultra-level, with the rank of lieutenant general.

Even such a mage still feels trembling when he sees the giant dragon in the sky. Emperor-level monsters must be shot by Forbidden Magicians, and Forbidden Magicians are extremely scarce. XJ just happens to have no Forbidden Magicians.

And to deal with an emperor monster often requires several Forbidden Curse Mage.

Forbidden Curse Club, as the name suggests, is an organization of Forbidden Curse Mage. The Forbidden Curse Association is also one of the criteria for measuring the strength of every big country. All Forbidden Curse Mages need to be registered, because after reaching the Forbidden Curse, the responsibilities that need to be shouldered will become very important.

The biggest reason is because of the emperor monsters, a single monarch can destroy a small country, not to mention the emperor monsters above the monarch, even if it is a superpower, if the emperor monsters appear, there is a danger of destroying the country, so the Forbidden Curse Mage will be so important.

"The Forbidden Curse Society has agreed to send three Forbidden Curse mages, and they are on their way now. But the Yellow Sand Monster Beast Tribe still needs to be dealt with by us. They are only responsible for the giant dragon."

Chen Tian frowned, but the three forbidden spell mages were probably not enough, although according to the content of the game, the dragon only had a body, no soul and lost its power crystal core.

However, if Loulan New City loses, the result is that the emperor-level Kunlong will be resurrected, and then he will face a pure-blooded giant dragon, the emperor monster.

Just when Chen Tian was about to apply to the Forbidden Curse Association for more Forbidden Curse mages, the dragon moved.

"What's wrong!?"

"It...how did it attack itself?"

"Could it be that Loulan New City won the game!!"

"No, that's..."

"Oh my God, even an emperor-level monster cannot generate a monarch-level creature."

But the result was obviously not. When the twelve monarch-level sand giant soldiers appeared, the human mages of the magic family and the hunter alliance had already withdrawn.

Chen Tian's body was trembling, and he said, "That's its imperial demon skill."

Forbidden curse mages have forbidden curse magic, and emperor monsters also have exclusive demon skills that belong to emperor monsters. Legend has it that there are emperors and monsters that can turn hundreds of millions of bones into hundreds of millions of undead, and there are emperors and monsters that can split the sky, ignoring the safety barrier, and tearing apart violently.

The demon skills of the emperor monsters are unimaginable, even predicting the future and exploring the past. Unless they fight directly, no one knows which kind or several emperor monster skills possessed by the emperor level monsters.

Obviously, Kunlong's imperial demon skill is that his own dragon blood can absorb the power of the earth and become a monarch-level sand giant.

Originally, there was only one monarch monster in the Yellow Sand Monster Beast Tribe. In an instant, the number of monarchs was more than the number of leaders.

"God, please wake me up if it's a nightmare."

"Go... let's go... XJ has fallen."

"Impossible, how can we defeat the thirteen monarchs and demons, even the Forbidden Curse Mage cannot defeat them."

The hunter kings of the magic family and the hunter alliance are already preparing to leave, and they will not fight in the face of a death-stricken battle.

"Lieutenant General... People from the Magic Family and the Hunter Alliance have already..."

A military mage reported to Chen Tian that those aristocratic mages and hunting kings didn't even bother to hide it, they didn't care about the lives and deaths of the people, and it was stupid to fight in the face of no chance of winning.

To be a human being, to be a master should be more wise, and the world should be entrusted to "wise" people.

Chen Tian ignored it, and didn't even say a word of anger.

Because he knows that it is not to persevere when you see hope, but to persevere to see hope.

"Please, Lao Jiang."

Chen Tian looked firmly into the distance. This world needs mages, but mages are not power, but a kind of faith and persistence. Only those who have faith and persistence are mages, even if you have no cultivation base.

It seems that there is a saying, no matter how old you are, you must believe in magic and fairy tales. That is the hope in your heart and the white moonlight in your heart.

Those who are greedy for life and afraid of death, and choose to run in the opposite direction in the face of demons, are just people with some strength, not mages.

In the sandy sky, a man wearing a windbreaker and a hood braved the sandstorm and approached Loulan New City step by step.

The appearance of this person is somewhat similar to that of the dead Jiang Shaojun.

But at this moment, at an altitude of one thousand meters, the strong wind blew across Zhaohua's cheeks, even if he used the wind track, it was difficult to resist the biting cold.

There was a mark on Shan Shancai's forehead. Zhaohua didn't know what it was or magic, but Zhaohua could feel the dragon power buff of the Obelisk from inside.

But that is definitely not the bonus effect of the obelisk. It is likely to be the mysterious magic developed by the ancient Loulan country based on the power of the obelisk, or a part of the inheritance and magic equipment left behind.

Originally, according to Shan Shancai's strength, it was impossible for her to take Zhaohua to a thousand-meter altitude even with the Winged Magic Tool, but now she did it forcibly.

Tick, Zhaohua saw that the corner of Shan Shancai's mouth was bleeding. This kind of power is definitely not something that can be used casually, and even mages can hardly survive in the place where they are now.

However, Zhaohua didn't say anything. It's not up to him to make irresponsible remarks for other people's awareness. Apart from quickly cracking the game, keeping everyone in Loulan New City alive is the best reward.

Even at an altitude of a thousand meters, you can still see the thirteen Sand Giant Soldiers wreaking havoc.

Just when the Sand Giants were about to enter Loulan New City, the obelisk exploded again, but this time the rock wall was strengthened.

The rock wall rises from the ground and turns into an invincible barrier, which can resist even the attacks of the monarch and monsters.

Because he was attracted by the situation on the ground, Zhaohua didn't realize for a while that he and Shan Shancai were being targeted.

Red, that's the glow of magic.

? !

With a bang, the red fierce fist rushed towards the two of them.

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