Full-time Summoner

Chapter 322: Determined

The first person to notice the danger was the Blue Star Fox in the summoning space. After absorbing a large amount of Wenze in the Spiritual Soul Hall, the Blue Star Fox had a powerful perception ability, and could even pass through the space. Use skills directly in it.

Although the effect will be a little weaker, but hiding in another space to give auxiliary skills is too thief.

! ! ! ! !

The fierce fist blasted the sky, and the fierce fist bombarded from the edge of the dragon's back.

Huh~~~ A water-blue hexagonal shield appeared in front of Liequan to block the blow.

boom! ! Only the mid-level Fierce Fist naturally couldn't penetrate the defense of the Blue Star Fox. But the explosive wind of Fierce Fist stopped Shan Shancai from flying, and the forced stop also caused some backlash, causing Shan Shancai to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Are you OK."

Shan Shancai didn't say a word, but silently wiped away the blood stained on the corner of her mouth.

Zhaohua looked in the direction of the attack, there was a man there, and Zhaohua recognized him, the man named Garcia who was drunk with Yakejie back then.

Shan Shancai was silent for a moment and then said: "He is a high-level mage."

Zhaohua wondered, "He's hiding his strength?"

Shan Shancai shook her head and said: "I don't know, but entering the territory of other countries will be closely inspected, especially for cultivation, there is absolutely no way to escape the inspection."

The high-level mages of all countries are the mainstay. Think about it, back then in Bo City, there was only one high-level mage in Bo City, and he was still the commander of the military region. Apart from the remoteness of Bo City, the danger of monsters is not that great outside.

The main reason is that the country really can't produce more high-level mages.

Although Zhaohua is now at the middle level, he is still one step away from the high level, but this step will kill many people, and many people will only earn enough money to buy the pulse of the galaxy when they are old. But it doesn't make sense when you're old. Physical strength and spirit will age, the release of magic will also slow down, and the response to avoidance, etc. will all decline.

There is even a saying on the Internet that seniors are not as good as dogs. Although there are many jokes here, it is true.

Therefore, the young high-level mage will definitely be noticed by the country. Commander level can cause an indelible blow to a small city, so what about high-level mages.

If a high-level mage recklessly causes a terrorist attack, the result will be extremely frightening.

The famous 911 incident in the United States was more than ten years ago. A high-level fire magician used high-level fire magic in the New York World Trade Center in the United States. down, blowing up the whole building. Thousands of people died.

Since then, countries all over the world have paid special attention to high-level mages, and various inspections and applications are required for entry. Not to mention that you concealed your high-level cultivation and entered the country.

Zhaohua looked at Garcia with a grim look and said, "That means he is a high-level breakthrough here."

Shan Shancai nodded in agreement.

If you think that the high-level mage who has just broken through is not strong, you are completely wrong. A high-level is a high-level, as long as you reach a high-level, it is a leap.

I saw Garcia holding a red book in his hand, which was a higher-level book of constellations than the book of star maps, which allowed mages who had just broken through to use high-level magic.

Garcia's constellation was completed very quickly. Even with the help of the book of constellations, the speed was too abnormal. It didn't seem like he had just broken through the speed of using the book of constellations.

By the time Zhaohua and Shanshancai realized it, the constellation was half completed.

"Natural talent!!!"

Zhaohua has seen on the natural talent list that there is a disciple of Dongfang Ming's family in the Dongfang family in Shanghai, and his natural talent is to double the release speed.

No research has shown that inborn talents cannot be the same, even if they can't, Zhaohua thinks that this man named Garcia can even triple the speed of releasing high-level magic.

Garcia is supercilious, and they never imagined that his natural talent is called speed multiplication.

Garcia's natural talent is faster as his cultivation level increases. At the beginning, his natural talent is accelerated release, and it is multiplicative.

The first factorial is one, the middle factorial is two, and the high factorial is three. Even if it is a high-level breakthrough just now, his innate talent is still effective, and now his release speed has reached an astonishing three times.

Originally, with his outstanding strength and talent, it stands to reason that he doesn't need to come here, as long as he obediently takes him with him at school. However, he came from a poor background.

Being rich is more talented than any talent.

"Hahahaha, is this high-level power!"

"Advanced! I'm finally advanced!!"

The fire constellation is colorful. Seven star maps of the fire system are intertwined with each other. It can be seen that the bright and mysterious star trails surround Garcia like lines, making Garcia look like a person standing in the cosmic galaxy.

The stars are as beautiful as red gemstones.

I saw Garcia open his right hand, as if lifting something up, and suddenly pushed it up into the sky, the high-level fire constellation immediately became larger, and huge fireballs flew out of the constellation pattern.

The fireball flew in a parabola towards Shan Shancai and Zhaohua who were flying in mid-air.

"Hahahaha, die. Tianyan's funeral - Yanyu!" Garcia said like crazy.

This is the high-level fire magic sky flame funeral flame rain, just like the name, the next funeral will fall from the sky, let the sky rain flames, and bury the enemy.

The flames flew like a torrential rain, like setting off fireworks, the whole sky was covered by the dense flame rain. Shan Shancai gritted her teeth and held onto Zhaohua tightly. They had no choice. If they return now, then What awaits them is death.

So Shan Shancai put his heart on the sidelines and came to welcome the rain.

All the magic energy was poured into the magic wing tool on the back, and the mark on the forehead became brighter and brighter. This was already a desperate move.

Flying at this altitude is equivalent to being attacked by elementary magic of the ice system all the time. Zhaohua felt Shan Shancai's determination. But if you can avoid all the rain of flames by flying, then what's the use of high-level fire magic.

Garcia smiled, and let out a deep cry from the depths of his throat: "Explosion."

Rumble! ! ! ! !

Tianyan Funeral is not a Fierce Fist. Although every Tianyan Funeral can be regarded as a more powerful Fierce Fist, in fact, it is more than ten times stronger than a Fierce Fist.

As Garcia's voice fell, a flame that just happened to pass by suddenly expanded, and a close-range explosion occurred with a bang.

"Hey you..."

Shan Shancai opened her body to protect Zhaohua, and did not let the flame explosion spread to Zhaohua. Although Shan Shancai has magic armor, the magic armor to resist high-level magic is too precious, even her magic armor is not enough Completely resist flame explosion.

Shan Shancai's back was blown apart.

"You have more important things to save your magic energy."

Shan Shancai flapped his wings and continued to charge. She must bring Zhaohua safely to the Shisanyang Tomb.

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