Full-time Summoner

Chapter 346: The Function of the Origin Catalog

Zhaohua also has his own small drawing book, but it is specially used to record the daily inspection data of his summoned beasts, because this is only temporary data, and he has to repeatedly calculate, measure and modify it before inputting it into the computer.

Rigorous work has always been his principle.

Zhaohua walked up to Xiong Da and Sanwei and said, "It's not bad. Xiong Da's lifespan problem should have been resolved, but when the time comes, I still have to go to Lao Feng for a routine checkup."

"Three tails, your use of demon skills is getting better and better, and you can already smoothly switch between monster skills of three attributes."

Hiss hiss~~~!

After Zhaohua understood it, he smiled and said: "High bloodlines are not necessarily the only measure of victory or defeat. The victory or defeat of a battle may end in a single mistake. In the world of monsters, even under the upper hand, servant-level monsters kill battles." It has happened to a general-level monster, you are already very strong."

Sanwei is a bit disappointed, because it has been advanced for a long time. Before Zhaohua entered Sun Yat-Sen Academy, Sanwei was already a warrior. At that time, Sanwei was Zhaohua's strongest beast tamer. It has been nearly two years now, and I am approaching adulthood, and it will be difficult to improve when my strength reaches the peak.

However, just now he faced the green ghost pig demon who had just advanced, but he couldn't solve it quickly, and it also felt that the green ghost pig demon's monster skills were useless, so he was pressed and beaten by him, which made Sanwei a little frustrated .

"Okay, you guys go back to the space magic stone first, I'll come in later."

Zhaohua took the two tamed beasts into the space magic stone.

"Zhaohua!" Lin Mo waved and called.

Zhaohua walked over, and Lin Mo asked, "We have an appointment for dinner tonight, do you want to come together?"

It can be regarded as a celebration banquet. After all, the contract was successfully signed. Although the Gao family finally withdrew, but Zhaohua said there was a way, then it went smoothly.

Zhaohua shook his head and said, "I won't go, I have an appointment tonight."

Lin Mo was surprised: "You have an appointment? No, Ji Shao is silent!? She woke up??"

Mai Jiaxi, Deng Le, and Gao Cen all looked over, and they also knew about Ji Shaohan's coma, because Zhao Hua and Liang Ri didn't have time to tell everyone about Gao Yan's matter.

Zhaohua nodded and said: "Well, she just woke up today and is now undergoing a comprehensive examination in the hospital. If there is nothing wrong, she will be discharged in a few days. I will look for her later."

Everyone showed expressions of 'understand', so they didn't bother the young couple.

When Zhaohua was about to leave, Mai Jiaxi asked in a deep voice, "Are you also going to participate in the school competition?"

Zhaohua looked at Mai Jiaxi, saw the determination in Mai Jiaxi's eyes, and did not lie, and said directly: "Well, I already have two votes. I will participate in the vote competition for Zhongshan University."

Both the elders of the Mai family and the elders of the Deng family were surprised. There are no separate votes for the magic family, not even the Zhao family and the Mu family, but there are magic family alliances in cities, such as the XJ area.

Of course there are places like the demon capital, the demon capital, and the imperial capital.

However, there are many votes in these big cities, and there are many magic families. How to divide the votes of the alliance is a matter for the family. In fact, the Mai family and the Deng family may not be able to get votes, not to mention that there are so many disciples in the family, and they have to fight for it.

Now Zhaohua alone has two votes, so they are not surprised.

Zhaohua explained: "One of them was given by Li Guan of Shanshan, it's a thank you."

Mai Jiaxi didn't care about this, instead she said seriously in the afternoon: "I won't lose the vote."

It seems that Mai Jiaxi is planning to compete for a seat in the school competition.

Zhaohua responded, "I won't lose either."


Zhaohua didn't go directly to the hospital, because Ji Shaohan was still undergoing an examination, so he went back to the dormitory first.

Zhaohua first sat in the dormitory, and after making sure no one was following him, he used shielding magic tools to isolate the probe. Not to mention anything else, the old guy Tian Qingbai is monitoring the movement of the entire demon city all the time, and he is now a member of the Judgment Council, and Zhaohua also knows his own reasons, so he should be mainly monitored by Tian Qingbai , so I made a magic tool to prevent the sound system.

If Tianqingbai was nearby, then the magic equipment would be unstoppable, but Tianqingbai is now far away from Zhongshan Academy, so it is naturally much weaker.

After using the magic tool, Zhaohua entered the space magic stone.

At the top of the Yaodu Tower, Tian Qingbai stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass as before, overlooking the entire Yaodu. He suddenly smiled, because he felt that Zhaohua blocked his perception.

There is also a way to break through this kind of shielding Tian Qingbai, but he did not do so, Zhaohua is not the Black Vatican or any dangerous person, Tian Qingbai will not waste mana energy to do these things.

"This kid has a lot of secrets."

Tian Qingbai asked Zhaohua to come to the trial meeting when he returned to Yaodu, but Zhaohua ignored him and stayed in the hospital. The strange thing is that Tian Qingbai didn't continue to urge him, as if he forgot.

In the space magic stone, Zhaohua came in dark, there is no sun here, and the light is all due to some glowing plants here.

The lighting magic tool illuminates the entire space.

The evil dragon of destruction is also here, but it is sleeping soundly. Three Tails and Thunder Bear are playing boringly.

Zhaohua entered the space magic stone as the second layer of defense. After entering, Zhaohua sat cross-legged to enter the spiritual world. Now he can freely open the origin directory.

In the spiritual world, the origin directory is lying on the ground, and the ghost doll is no longer in the spiritual world. Ever since she got the bracelet, the ghost doll has been sleeping in the summoning space of the second system.

As long as the ghost baby does not wake up, it will be a good thing for Zhaohua, mainly because the divine power on the ghost baby is a bit strong, if the ghost baby comes into ghost mode again, Zhaohua feels that he may be overwhelmed to death.

Zhaohua sat down, picked up the catalog of origins on the ground, and opened one of the pages, which read [Crazy Thunder and Blood Bear].

Zhaohua's expression changed, because this page of the book originally did not record Kuang Lei Xue Xiong, but Lei Xiong, which changed after Xiong Da advanced.

"It turned out to be really successful."

Ever since Zhaohua was able to open the origin directory, he has been thinking about why Tianyan, Lanxinghu and Guiwa couldn't see their information. After some research, Zhaohua felt that in order to display in the origin catalog, firstly, he should be connected with his own soul, and secondly, to achieve a certain degree of trust.

The magic of the summoning system, whether it is dimensional summoning or contract summoning, is bound to one's own soul. If the summoned beast dies, something will happen to one's own soul. In addition to the fourth and fifth magics of the summoning system, Zhaohua understands The activation condition of the origin directory.

Therefore, through Lin Mo, Zhaohua found those psychic mages who specialize in helping the animal trainer establish a spiritual contract with his own animal trainer. This kind of spiritual contract is created to allow the animal trainer to better feel the emotions of animal tamer Yes, unlike the contract of the summoning system, it is not binding.

Three tails, thunder bear, and Zhaohua are all bound to the spiritual contract, but only thunder bear can be displayed in the catalogue, and as Zhaohua's first tame beast, second summoned beast, and the second longest companionship, Sanwei unexpectedly Not fully trustworthy.

When Zhaohua knew the result, he felt like knowing that his girlfriend didn't really love him very much.

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