Full-time Summoner

Chapter 347 Advanced Direction

Later, Zhaohua dragged Lin Mo to find some books on animal taming, which contained records that the more animals tamed, the easier it was to cause rebellion. The explanation given by the book is that when you have more beast tamers, the first tamers will be uneasy, and then prone to suspicion, which eventually leads to rebellion.

It's okay if you are one level stronger than the tamer, but if the tamer is stronger or equal to you, then accidents are easy to happen.

Generally, it is difficult to have only one taming beast of comparable strength. If you have two, the first one will have a different heart, which is unavoidable.

So now Zhaohua is trying to find a way to solve the problem of the dead wood scorpion, but to be honest, Zhaohua can't think of a solution. It's hard for an upright official to solve housework. Zhaohua's harem is on fire, which is difficult to deal with.

"Hey, let's do this for now, we can't leave Lei Xiong behind and not advance."

Zhaohua put aside the matter of Sanwei, and looked at the origin catalog in his hand.

Zhaohua remembers very clearly that the catalog of origins originally recorded Lei Xiong.

[Race: Thunder Bear]

【Ordinary demon】

[Level: Servant level in the purchase period]

[Relationship: Spiritual Contract Connection]

【Favorality: Extreme dependence】

The focus is on the direction of advancement later on. The most powerful part of this catalog is that it records the information of higher-level creatures, and even the conditions for advancement are recorded.

The most common one is, of course, the normal advancement, from Thunder Bear to Big Thunder Bear, an ordinary warrior, just enough energy is enough.

There are other advanced directions, such as Thunder Bear, Thunder Fire Demon Bear, Berserk Bear, Immortal Thunder Bear, etc., but the advanced conditions are very strict and require some specific treasures. Never heard of it, let alone looked for it.

But there was an advanced high-level creature that really made him think of a way.

Crazy Thunder Blood Bear. Advanced method: The thunder bear whose demon veins are destroyed in the body is fed with the blood essence of other creatures with strong vitality, plus the healing type of heaven, material and earth treasures as moisturizing and repairing demon veins, so that the thunder bear's demon veins can be fused with essence blood If you pay later, you will have a chance to get the blood of Kuang Lei and become a blood bear of Kuang Lei.

Three conditions, the destruction of the demon veins, the essence of blood, and the nourishment of natural materials and earthly treasures. Because of the Beast Taming King, Lei Xiong has been diagnosed with severe damage to the demon veins and is hopeless to advance.

Ganoderma lucidum honey happens to be used to restore the soul and heal wounds, and it is very suitable for thunder bears.

The most difficult thing is the second. It is the most difficult for Zhaohua to find the blood essence of a creature with strong vitality. Zhao Hua's first thought was to destroy the evil dragon. Dragon blood, the one with the strongest vitality among monsters should be the real dragon.

But the destructive evil dragon is not a purebred real dragon. He is a false dragon and is still an evil dragon. The dragon blood in his body is a big problem. If you drink it directly, let alone fuse it, the thunder bear can be directly poisoned to death.

This is also the reason why Zhaohua didn't go to the trial meeting after returning to Yaodu. Apart from staying in the hospital, he had to discuss with Feng Zhoulong how to purify the evil dragon's blood to the point where Thunder Bear could absorb it.

The final result is to ask Tianyan for help.

[Race: Crazy Thunder Blood Bear]

【Ordinary demon】

[Level: Growing Warrior]

[Relationship: Spiritual Contract Connection]

【Favorality: Extreme dependence】

Zhaohua then looked at the direction of advancement, and there were a lot fewer people who could advance, and there were only a few of them. Like Earth Dragon Bear, Blood Demon Bear King, Thunder Demon Bear, Thunder Flame Bear, Luan Xiong. Only five remain.

However, Zhaohua knew that this should be a recorded advanced method, and there may be new ones, such as Sanwei, which is a brand new monster.

"Emmm, the remaining five conditions are a bit harsh. And what is this last kind of messy bear? A messy bear? Huh??? A bug?"

But Zhao Hua didn't think too much, he just came in to make sure that there was no information about Xiong Da in the catalog, and Sanwei's degree of trust. As for the origin of this book, Zhao Hua didn't even bother to trace it.

Zhaohua heard from his parents that even the Four Swords of Zhu Xian and the Sword Formation are real, and it seems that there is nothing strange about such artifacts left over from ancient times.

Out of the spiritual world, Zhaohua found Lei Xiong lying in front of him looking at him, Zhaohua said: "What's wrong?"

Gaba Gaba! ~~

"Okay, let's try your demon skills."

Ga ba ba ba ba ba! ! ! ! ! !

Xiong Da has not fought with all his strength, he is not a big thunder bear, but a mad thunder and blood bear, and his demon skills are other.

Xiong Da ran to the side, surrounded by a blood-red aura, and a wave of blood qi burst out from the blood-red body. Zhaohua took a closer look and found that it was because the blood in Xiong Da's body was boiling and evaporated blood and sweat.

Hot, a hot feeling can be clearly felt even if it is far away. The demon skill of the Kuanglei Blood Bear is similar to that of the Destroying Evil Dragon. It belongs to the enhancement of physical strength, or it has inherited a part of the strength.

Ga la ga la, Xiong Da's body began to swell, and his body turned red, but his fat body became tighter, turning fat into muscle!

Roar! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Red, the whole body was red with white gas evaporating from high temperature, and his eyes became sharp. Zizizi, even the thunder and lightning turned blood red. Zhaohua doesn't know if there is such a spirit species as blood thunder, but the lightning splashed from Xiong Da's body is obviously a kind of spirit thunder.

The Xiong Da who turned into the red form is the real Thunder Blood Bear, and that aura is approaching the Destruction Evil Dragon standing beside him.

The evil dragon of destruction stood up, looked at Xiong Da, stretched out a finger and shook it, the provocation was self-evident.

boom! After Xiong Da turned into a mad thunder blood bear, his rationality also became manic, and without a word, he directly stepped forward and rushed towards the evil dragon of destruction. The red thunder bear in the hand is attached to the paw. Taking off violently, the claws of blood thunder waved down.

Snapped! ! ! Thunder bear's lightning claws hit the black dragon wings of the destructive evil dragon, and thunder and lightning shot out, overturning the soil in the space magic stone, but the dragon scales have powerful anti-magic power, and thunder bear's blood thunder cannot cause actual damage. harm.

boom! The destructive evil dragon slapped the bear away with a wave of its wings. With all its strength, not even the blood bear of Kuang Lei was no match.

gaba! ! ! !

Crazy Thunder Blood Bear raised his right hand, red lightning fell from the sky, and the thunderbolt hit the top!

Boom boom boom boom, three consecutive slashes, three red thunders slashed at the evil dragon of destruction continuously, at an extremely fast speed.

The smoke and dust receded, revealing the figure of the destructive evil dragon. There was no damage on his body, the evil dragon was still awesome, and it was difficult for spirit thunder to cause damage to its dragon scales.

Zhaohua looked at Sanwei who was standing aside, Zhaohua could feel Sanwei's reluctance. At the beginning, Sanwei also wanted to try to challenge the Destruction Evil Dragon, but in the end, he couldn't get rid of it. As a result, Sanwei rushed over and was slapped on the ground by others, unable to move.

Now, Xiong Da, who was originally his younger brother, has advanced to become a more powerful Thunder Blood Bear, and has fought back and forth with the Destruction Evil Dragon, which makes him a little disappointed.

Zhaohua came over, sat on Sanwei's back, leaned against the back made of tail, and said softly: "You are my first tame beast, and besides Xiaofengcan, you have accompanied me to fight the longest."

"In the past, I didn't have the resources to improve you, so I could only barely advance. Next time, you will be the first to advance to the leadership."

Weng~~~~ In the spiritual world, the page of the origin catalog about the three-tailed jade scale scorpion became clearly visible.

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