Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 130 You didn’t mention it first

If Hardy were just a handsome young man and an investor... Patience wouldn't have any feelings for him.

But when I think about it, Hardy can also transform into the Nightmare Knight, and the meaning immediately changes.

But then, she became troubled again: "But your transformation into the Nightmare Knight made too much noise. If I want to study you, it will be difficult for my husband to know about it."

"We can find a remote place to study." Hardy said seriously.

He also wanted to get specific information after his transformation so that he could adjust his subsequent training progress, and Patience was a good tool in this regard.

Patience felt something was wrong, but when she thought of Hardy's heroic appearance transforming into the Nightmare Knight, she immediately didn't care about anything.

"Okay, I will find a place and then let you know."

After saying this, Patience took Hardy's token and left first.

She had to quietly go to Hukaro City to withdraw money, and then find a remote place to build a secret safe house.

The thought of studying the Nightmare Knight made her skin crawl with excitement.

Hardy then came down from the third floor, walked through the garden, and saw Madam Sissi drinking afternoon tea.

The sun was shining brightly, and although Madame Sissi was hiding in the shadow of the pavilion, her beautiful blond hair seemed to be shining with golden light.

When she saw Hardy, she waved gently.

Hardy entered the pavilion and saw the beautiful woman's long hair fluttering gently in the breeze, which gave her a sense of tranquility.

"Would you like a piece?" Madam Sissi pointed to the exquisite pastries on the stone table.

Hardy shook his head.

"I just saw Mrs. Patience leaving happily." Mrs. Sissi's eyes had a strange emotion in her eyes: "Do you really have an... ambiguous relationship?"

Hardy shook his head: "No, I'm just her investor. I'm very optimistic about Mrs. Patience's research project."

Mrs. Sissi quite trusted Hardy and nodded after hearing this: "Actually, it would not be bad if you and Mrs. Patience had that kind of relationship. It would at least make the relationship within the Lion family unstable."

Patience is a magician and has great combat power.

It would be a great thing for the Jeanne family if this combat force was 'separated' from the Lion family.

"It really doesn't matter."

"No need to reiterate, I know that you still have feelings for Karina." Mrs. Sissi smiled slightly proudly: "But this does not prevent you from finding a suitable partner."


Hardy felt helpless.

He really had no interest in Mrs. Patience.

Why do women always care so much about these gossips.

At this time, he felt a little irritable in his heart and couldn't help but said: "Okay, even if I still have feelings for Karina, if I really want to find a partner, I should launch an offensive with you, Mrs. Sissi. After all, you look almost exactly like Karina.”

Cough cough cough!

Mrs. Sissi coughed several times, her face turned red, and then she swallowed the cake in her mouth.

She subconsciously wiped her lower lips with a silk scarf, looked at Hadi, and said angrily: "How can you talk nonsense? It was like this last time, and it's like this again, and you even got involved with Karina."

"You didn't start the topic." Hardy said innocently: "It was you who brought up Karina first."


Mrs. Sissi bit her lip hard and was so angry that she didn't know what to do. In the end, she could only point her beautiful hand outward and said angrily: "Get out of here."

Hardy shrugged and left happily.

Mrs. Sissi covered her face with her hands. It could be seen through her fingers that her face was very red. She didn't know whether it was from embarrassment or irritation.

Hardy returned to the hotel and was about to take a rest.

As a result, there was a knock on the door. Hardy opened the door and saw two brown-armored warriors standing outside.

"Is something wrong?" Hardy asked.

"Is this Mr. Hardy?" one of the brown-armored warriors asked.

Hardy nodded.

"His Majesty the King invites you."

Hadi was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said: "I am now a vassal of the Jeanna family, and it is not convenient for me to see His Majesty the King."

There are many things that need to be avoided, especially under the current political situation.

"Please rest assured that this matter has been approved by Ms. Ainolin."

Hardy frowned.

He subconsciously believed that Enolin did not want to delegate power, so she was still secretly managing the affairs of the Jeanne family.

But then I thought about it and thought it was impossible. Although Enolin was a little stronger and a little stupid, her acting style was that of keeping her word.

Or is it the king's trap?

When Hardy was about to continue to refuse, the brown-armored warrior who had been silent next to him took out a coat of arms.

It's Ainoline's token.

Hardy thought for a while and said, "Okay, please lead the way."

Hardy followed the two brown-armored warriors on horseback. He thought he was going to the palace, but he did not expect that he was going to a small manor next to the palace.

It is surrounded by a circular forest. Even in the city, it seems very quiet and peaceful.

Hardy dismounted, entered the manor, and was led into the mansion by a young butler.

As soon as he entered, he saw the old king in rich clothes, sitting on a chair, smiling and chatting with a maid.

When he saw Hardy coming in, he pointed to the chair opposite him.

Hardy walked over and sat down.

"Thank you very much for coming." The old king looked at Hadi with admiration in his eyes: "I am also very grateful that you let our Bolan family go."

Hardy said helplessly: "The goddess of light personally intercedes for your Bolan family. What can I do?"

The old king laughed proudly.

After laughing for a long time, he said: "Hardy, this time you tried your best to persuade Ainoline to invite you here, mainly for a big thing, which is related to the safety of our entire country, France!"

"Only me should be consulted on such an important matter?" Hardy felt very puzzled: "Shouldn't we call all the talents in France to discuss it together?"

When the old king heard this, he almost choked to death.

The young man in front of him has no youthful enthusiasm at all.

Ordinary teenagers will scream on the spot when they hear that the safety of the country or the world is all tied to themselves.

"You are smarter than I thought." The old king felt that he could not fool the young man, so he could only sigh and said: "Then tell the truth. This time your Jeanna family should be planning to support the northern faction."

"No, it's Southern."

The old king's eyes widened: "But Enolin said, didn't that girl Sissi say she wanted to support the northern faction?"

"We held a meeting of lords, and everyone thought it would be better to support the southern faction." Hardy smiled: "And Mrs. Sissi is a family head who is very willing to listen to other people's correct suggestions, so she changed her mind later."

The old king looked at Hadi quietly, his expression quite speechless.

"So, King Louis, what is it you want me to do?"

"I thought you were going to support the Northern Faction, and I wanted to ask you to find an opportunity to assassinate Fauntroy Maga when the Northern Faction was taking action."

Hardy looked at the old king quietly for a while and said calmly: "Do you want me to die?"

PS: Sorry, I have something to do at home, so I am about half an hour late.

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