Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 131: Angry old king to death

"You guys want me to die." Hardy's expression darkened.

The old king naturally discovered it, but he pretended that he had not seen it and just said in a calm tone: "As a Nightmare Knight, if you want to escape, I believe no one can stop you. Besides, I have prepared enough to satisfy you. reward.”

Hardy snorted. The old king opposite had a kind face, at least from a normal person's perspective, that was true.

But under this kind appearance, there are many harmful thoughts.

"Let's put aside the question of reward or lack of reward. Let's calculate it. Even if I can escape, what about Madam Sissi and those who followed Madam to fight in foreign lands?" Hardy looked directly into the other person's eyes: "What will they do? How to escape?"

"I believe there will be a way." The old king still said this: "At most, pay some ransom."

Hadi shook his head: "The Aikaga Empire... is indeed a country established by our people in Aroba in the past, but you also know who their founding leaders are... rapists, murderers, liars , child molesters, etc. To expect that the descendants of such people will abide by the so-called honor of the Aroba nobility, you are overthinking it, Your Majesty the King."

The old king looked slightly surprised.

"In the name of doing good for our France, they are committing conspiracy." Hardy sneered: "As long as I assassinate that Fauntleroy Maga, not only the northern faction will regard us as enemies. , the Southerners will also treat us as fools, how can you let those people escape? Maybe you don’t want them to escape, you want them to die outside.”

The old king had a slightly angry look on his face: "I'm not that evil."

"Am I right?" Hadi chuckled: "But after the death of these Jeanne family who went to the Aijaka Empire, or the elites of the other two royal bloodlines, no one will be your opponent by then. If you do, the Bolan family can continue to sit on the throne."

The old king looked directly at Hadi, then he smiled and stopped pretending: "What can you do if you know? You can't kill me!"

Hardy frowned, then relaxed: "It seems that Aiya... or the Temple of Light has become your confidence."

The old king was in a daze at first, and then his face began to distort: ​​"How dare you call the goddess of light by her name? You are so bold!"

"Haha." Hardy even laughed: "Aiya doesn't care about this, but you jumped out first. Could it be that... you have any special thoughts about Aiya?"

At this time, the old king's face suddenly became horrified, and his eyes when looking at Hadi were bloodshot, and he even looked like he had seen a demon.

He couldn't control his expression for a moment.

"You, what are you talking nonsense about?" The corners of the old king's mouth were trembling.

Hardy was also stunned. After a while, he exclaimed: "I just said it casually, and I guessed it right. You don't have to catheterize the statue of the Goddess of Light every night."

At this time, Hardy's words were so vicious that people felt like they were seeing the devil.

The old king grabbed the chair he was sitting on with both hands, and the veins on the back of his hands were swollen. He stared at Hardy, as if he wanted to rush over and tear Hardy's mouth open.

Hardy rubbed his brows and smiled bitterly: "I understand, I finally know why you suddenly jumped out."

"Shut up, you blasphemer."

But Hardy ignored him and muttered his own inference: "Let me guess, don't mind if it's wrong. You have always had a strong admiration for Aiya, and you go to her statue every night. Telling your love is even a very healthy behavior. Then recently, the Temple of Light suddenly appeared, mediating the last dispute, and following the Holy Order of the Goddess of Light, so you feel... it is your love that has been conveyed to Ai Ya there, and then she responded to you.”

The old king took a deep breath and put back all the tremors in his body.

But those red eyes showed the master's state of mind at this time.

Hardy smiled, full of sarcasm: "So you feel that you are about to take off. Aiya loves you and protects you. Your lovesickness has been reciprocated, and the world is at your feet from now on." Kui Kui, you are so happy that you started to conspire's really ridiculous."

"Whether it's ridiculous or not, you can't kill me." The old king showed a sinister smile: "The goddess of light forbids you to touch me."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter." Hardy shrugged: "It will only take a few years. When the time comes, everyone has already agreed to send your Bolan family to live in seclusion on the island, but now I have changed my mind. Come, I will go to the island and kill your whole family, how about that!"

"You dare!" The veins on the old king's forehead were exposed, his expression lost control again, and he gritted his teeth.

Hardy sighed: "At that time, Aiya will not be able to protect you."

"I said, you are not allowed to call that sacred name!" The old king stood up, pointed at Hadi, and was furious.

Hardy understood clearly that Aya was a thorn in the opponent's side.

"Aya, Aya, Aya." Hadi said with a calm smile: "I shouted three more times, what do you think, my dear King!"

The old king was so angry that he sat back, then straightened his body, grabbed his heart hard, and gasped for air, as if he was going to die in the next second.

Hardy squinted his eyes. This old king was so disgusting that he didn't mind using some despicable means.

So, he continued with a smile: "Then I will continue to shout a few more times. Aiya, Aiya..."

The old king was so angry now that his eyes became straight and he seemed to be immobile.

But at this moment, a middle-aged man wearing the white robe of a bright bishop came out hurriedly and stretched out his hands to the old king.

A ball of white light burst out from the middle-aged man's hands and hit the old king, causing the latter's body to gradually relax.

Then the middle-aged bishop looked at Hardy and said with a smile: "Your Excellency Hardy, please don't irritate King Louis too much. His health is not very good."

Hardy shook his head sadly and was about to turn around and leave.

At this time, the middle-aged bishop continued: "Please Sir Hardy give us some respect in the Temple of Light and stop calling the goddess by her sacred name."

Hardy looked back at the middle-aged man and said, "I don't care..."

But at this moment, a female voice suddenly appeared, interrupting Hardy who was speaking.

"I asked him to call me that!"

This sound was transmitted from Hardy's body.

The voice was pleasant, and Hardy had no special feelings. However, the middle-aged bishop was shocked and immediately knelt down on one knee, trembling with excitement: "Welcome the goddess."

The old king was also stunned, his eyes gradually widened with a look of ecstasy.

Hardy couldn't help but ask: "Aya, when did you come?"

The goddess of light was silent for a while, and then said quietly: "When you enter this room."

"Oh, that means you know everything." Hardy looked sideways at the old king, full of gloating.

There was no look of ecstasy in the old king's eyes. First there was embarrassment, then shame, and then sadness. His eyes seemed to have no soul.

The emotion of dying in front of the 'goddess' is vividly displayed.

It wasn't over yet. He looked at Hardy steadily. Finally, his face showed despair and sadness. A mouthful of blood spat out from his throat. He slumped on the chair and became motionless.

The middle-aged bishop was shocked: "Your Majesty, nothing can happen to you."

He shouted while using the resurrection magic on the king.

Hardy didn't pay much attention. He left the room and the small manor directly.

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