Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 132 There’s a time when you miss something

Hardy walked out of the manor, and the guards did not dare to stop him.

In his mind, the goddess of light Youyou said: "Why did you make him angry to death?"

Hardy said slowly: "I have already let him go. He jumped out and plotted to harm me. If I don't kill him, I don't feel safe."

"You have to save some face for me." There was a hint of resentment in the voice of the goddess of light.

"I'm sorry, but I can't let go of people who want to harm me again and again." Hardy said helplessly: "So I can only tear up the agreement between the two of us."

"That's not what I meant." There was a hint of embarrassment in the goddess of light's voice: "How could you expose those disgusting behaviors of his in front of him? I feel ashamed just listening to it."


Hardy felt a little strange: "As a goddess, you should be used to these embarrassing things in this world, why..."

If Aya's tone was not pretentious, it would have broken Hardy's impression of the goddess of light.

In his impression, the goddess of light should be a mature royal sister, gentle and considerate at the same time generous, with a character that does not change even when shocked.

But now it sounds like she has the temperament of a little woman?

"It's one thing to know, but it's another thing to hear it with your own ears and see it with your own eyes." Aya said with a somewhat depressed tone in her voice: "And I have to redo the fate guidance line, which is really troublesome. "

The voice was very nice, and there was a deep sense of disappointment in his tone.

It almost made Hardy feel that he had ruined the other party's plan and was a heinous sinner.

However, Hadi's mental strength was extraordinary. He 'resisted' Aya's 'spiritual' offensive and asked: "Destiny Wire...can you control a person's destiny?"


"The so-called destiny guidance line refers to..."

"Well, it should be easier to understand you if I describe you this way, but please don't think of me as a bad woman who has no regard for life." The goddess of light said with some caution in her tone: "If you put a piece of honey next to the ant hole, can you put it there?" Have the ants been attracted? If you put a few more pieces and connect them in a line, can you lead the ants to the white mosquito nest and let them fight? The route formed by the honey is the guiding line of fate. "

"To put it bluntly, is it a chain of interests?"

"It's okay to say that." The goddess of light hesitated for a while, and then said: "The fate guidance line is a higher-level driving force, starting from the spiritual core, and most of it comes from people's positive emotions, such as Courage, love, or protection, etc., are mixed with other rules, which are easy to say but quite troublesome to do."

"Could it be that the safety of the world really depends on Karina?"

"She is just a stabilizer. The real point is actually the brave Ryan. He determines whether the world will encounter a crisis."

Hardy doesn't find this surprising.

When he was playing games in his previous life, he already knew that although this world was a 'group drama', Ryan was definitely the protagonist with the most roles.

Many epic plots will have something to do with Ryan.

After thinking about it carefully, Hardy understood. He remembered that Sophie said that Ryan was actually a member of the royal family of the demon world. In other words, Ryan's choice to be a human or a demon determines the future direction of the world.

"The old king is dead, what next?"

"Why don't you take the responsibility... Hey, it's strange, why Ryan's fate line is becoming more and more stable! Could it be that the calculation was wrong? Old Louis is obviously dead..." The goddess of light muttered to herself for a while. Finally, he said: "I won't talk to you anymore. I have to concentrate on perfecting the fate line. I will come and play with you when I have time."

After that, the voice of the goddess of light disappeared, and the vague and bright connecting thread in her mind was also disconnected.

Come to play with me?

When Hardy heard this, he felt that the goddess of light's mental age seemed not very old.

Hardy then walked to Jeanne Manor and met with Madame Sissi.

Madam Sissi saw him, but this time she was slower. Hardy waited in the main hall for more than ten minutes before she came down.

And he seemed reluctant.

When she looked at Hardy, she had no expression and raised her head slightly, as if she was angry.

"The old king is dead!"

This sentence broke Madam Sissi's angry expression.

"What's going on?" She was stunned.

Hardy told what happened.

After Mrs. Sissi listened, she sat on a chair, rubbed her forehead with her hands, and said after a while: "You are talking about a conspiracy theory, and it is about the goddess of light... I am confused."

Hardy could only spread his hands to express his helplessness.

Although the matter was outrageous, it was indeed the old king who called him over and was so angry that he died.

"No matter what, you are sure that old King Louis is dead, right?" Madam Sissi asked seriously.

"Yes." Hardy nodded: "The goddess of light said so, she probably won't survive."

"Then the eldest prince, the heir apparent, should ascend the throne next." Mrs. Sissi sighed: "After all, the goddess of light has said that we have to wait a few years before we let the Na family sit on the throne."

"Then prepare some gifts." Mrs. Sissi stood up: "The matter of leading troops to support the Ajiaka Empire will probably have to be postponed for a while."

"You go back first and go to the old king's funeral with me tomorrow."

"It's inappropriate. I am a murderer after all." Hardy smiled.

Mrs. Sissi snorted: "Who dares to say that you are the murderer!"

"Lady, you are domineering!" Hardy saluted: "Then I will go back to rest."

"Go ahead, go ahead." Madam Sissi waved her hand in mock disgust.

Hardy smiled and left the main hall.

Walking along the stone path through the garden, Jeanne Manor is very large. This section of the road happens to be a viewing area lined with large trees.

Hardy slowed down and was about to enjoy the night view when he saw a woman coming across from him.

They were walking in a hurry. Although there were no lights here, with the dark vision brought by the Nightmare Knight, Hardy still recognized that the person in front was Lady Anna.

I just don’t know which Mrs. Anna it is.

Soon Mrs. Anna also came closer, and she was stunned for a moment when she saw Hardy.

Hardy was about to salute and greet him, trying to determine which Mrs. Anna it was, but he didn't expect that the other person blinked his eyes, came forward, and pulled him to the shadow of the woods next to the stone path.

Oh... It must be my own Mrs. Anna who is so proactive.

After entering the depths of the woods and making sure there was no one around, Mrs. Anna stood in front of Hardy and smiled.

Then before she could speak, Hardy habitually put one arm around her waist and the other around her conscience, and then kissed her.

Just after kissing for less than three seconds, Hardy felt something was wrong... The other person's body was as stiff as a log.

Taste the other person's lips's delicious, but the taste and feel are a little different from before.

Hardy's head slowly moved back, and then he saw Mrs. Anna, who seemed to be frightened.

"Uh... I recognized the wrong person, do you believe it?"

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