Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 133 Street Assassination

At this time, Hardy felt a little embarrassed. He looked into Mrs. Anna's eyes and said sincerely: "I recognized the wrong person, so can you forgive me for being rude?"

The shock in Mrs. Anna's eyes gradually disappeared. She looked at Hardy's handsome face and showed some nostalgia.

Then she sighed softly and said, "Can you let me go first?"

Hardy released his left hand from around her and his right hand that held her conscience.

I have to say that although the two Mrs. Anna look exactly the same and have the same figure, there are still differences when you get started.

The conscience of Lady Anna before her was softer; her lips were warmer.

Of course, there is no difference between the two, there is only a sensory difference.

Very moist.

"Sorry, I thought it was another Anna." Hardy explained with a smile.

"I understand." Mrs. Anna nodded. She looked Hardy up and down, and then continued: "I came to you to talk about this. Can you not approach her in the future?"

Hardy raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "She has her own will. If she doesn't want to see me, I won't bother her. But if she is willing to come to me, then you have nothing to do with it, madam."

Seeing Hardy being so disobedient, anger welled up in her heart: "But you are affecting me by being like this."

Hardy was stunned for a moment: "I remember that your husband Victor, Madam Sissi and others also knew about the existence of the other Madam Anna."

"So what?" Mrs. Anna.

"They will not regard the other Mrs. Anna as you." Hardy recalled what the other Anna said when he was 'fighting' with her: "She also said that you are twins, and she and I have nothing to do with each other." Whatever happens, Mr. Victor can’t control it, and it shouldn’t affect the harmonious relationship between you and your husband in this regard.”

Lady Anna was silent.

What she said affected her, which was another... unspeakable thing.

But can you tell this to Hardy in front of you?

Of course not.

"So, Mrs. Anna, if nothing happens, I will go first." Hardy smiled.

Mrs. Anna is still silent.

Hardy ignored her, walked out of the woods, and left the manor.

And Lady Anna was still standing in the woods.

After a while, another Mrs. Anna 'appeared' from her body.

The two Anna ladies stood opposite each other.

One has a smile, and the other has a frosty face.

"How are Hardy's kissing skills? I don't think you want to struggle."

"If you do this, sooner or later, something will happen to me."

"That's none of my business. If Victor doesn't want you anymore, just stay with Hardy with me."

"How can you say such a thing? When I see his face, I feel... guilty and awkward."

"You can deceive others, but you can't deceive me. When Hadi held you, your heart beat faster and your whole body became hot."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Mrs. Anna threw up her sleeves and walked away.

On the other side, Hardy returned to the hotel, took a shower, and had a good sleep.

In the early morning of the next day, he asked the hotel attendant to help him buy a set of black clothes and put them on; he came to Jeanne Manor.

At this time, Mrs. Sissi, Mrs. Anna, Enolin, Victor, Dora and others were already waiting at the gate of the manor.

When they saw Hardy, they all smiled.

Hardy walked over, said hello and said, "Sorry, I'm a little late."

"It doesn't matter, we are a little early." Mrs. Sissi was also wearing a black dress and a black dress. This solemn style also had a unique flavor: "If the royal family comes to trouble you later, you don't need to say anything. Leave it all to us."

Hardy nodded.

Several people rode in three carriages and were escorted by more than a dozen knights in shining armor.

Dora and his wife took one, Victor and his wife took one, and Hardy and Mrs. Sissi took one.

This is Madam Sissi's special carriage, which has been customized a lot, such as softer fur cushions and many trinkets that are pleasing to women.

There was also a faint scent, as if I had used perfume not long ago.

The two sat opposite each other. Although Mrs. Sissi was wearing black mourning clothes and looked solemn, as long as she smiled, she could make people feel like a spring breeze and give people a gentle feeling.

"The goddess of light didn't blame you for the death of the old king, right?" Mrs. Sissi asked with a smile.

"The goddess is easy to talk to."

"I really don't know how you developed such a character. She is a god. You can actually chat with her normally. You don't seem to respect her very much."

"No, on the contrary, I respect her very much." Hardy said seriously.

This is the truth.

At least from the present point of view, Aiya, the goddess of light, is obviously a god, but she has a very "equality" principle in dealing with others.

First, she softly begged Hadi to spare the old king and his family. After the old king died, she did not blame Hadi, but thought of making up for it herself.

In addition, he also took the initiative to help Hardy nourish his soul and body.

Now Hardy has returned to the feeling he had when he first started practicing Fire Phoenix Swordsmanship... his strength is gradually increasing.

Madam Sissi looked at Hadi for a while, then said in a subtle tone: "I don't think you respect her very much, how dare you call her Aiya."

"I don't call you Mrs. Sissi!"

Hardy scratched his head subconsciously. He always felt that his female boss seemed to have some emotional problems recently.

But this sentence unexpectedly made Mrs. Sissi happy.

"Well, if you put me and the goddess together, it's not bad."

Hardy looked at Madam Sissi's bright face and was about to say something, but suddenly he frowned and rushed towards her.

Although Mrs. Sissi was also a professional, she had never been on the battlefield and her level was low. She watched helplessly as Hardy rushed over and hugged her tightly.

‘What does he want to do! ’

‘This is outside! ’

'If you really want to do anything, you have to wait until there is no one around at night...'

'I should struggle...'

A woman's thinking is a hundred times faster than their actions. In just a short moment, many thoughts passed through her mind.

But then, she discovered that Hardy's expression was quite solemn, and he didn't look like he was going to do anything 'bad' at all.

Then...she heard Hardy's voice ringing in her ears.

"Magic shield."

A circle of gray magic shield surrounded the two people, and then through the gray and translucent shield, Madam Sissi saw at least a dozen arrows penetrating the wooden wall of the carriage and shooting into the interior of the carriage.

Several arrows shot in Hardy's direction, but were blocked by the magic shield and bounced aside.

Then Hardy picked up Mrs. Sissi, used the magic shield as a 'collision angle', broke through the carriage and jumped outside.

After jumping out of the carriage, Hardy looked back and saw at least a dozen archers wearing black turbans on the right side of the street, firing volleys at the convoy below.

The knights reacted quickly. After the first wave of arrows fell, they immediately lined up on the side of the carriage and protected the carriage with their shields.

The rain of arrows hit the shield.'s probably too late.

Hardy saw that there seemed to be blood seeping out of the first carriage.

After firing three waves of arrows, the man in black above immediately retreated.

Not a trace of hesitation.

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