Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 179 A little show of skill

Now Hardy's Nightmare Knight, the armor transformed from magic power, is extremely thick, and coupled with the weight of the armored nightmare horse, the weight is unusually high.

Mrs. Patience helped him use magic to measure it, and the total weight reached 5.7 tons.

This is already the weight of an adult giant elephant.

What's even more outrageous is that the maximum speed of the Nightmare Knight in the charging state can reach about 55 kilometers per hour. If the honorary execution state is triggered, the speed can reach about 70 kilometers per hour.

Such a large-tonnage high-speed impact, not to mention a dozen or twenty long spears, even a hundred more long spears could not stop it.

Hardy forcefully opened a gap in the peripheral horse-resistance battle, and the cavalry regiment arranged in a triangular front arrow formation followed. After losing more than a dozen cavalry, the gap was immediately widened.

Then, the relatively loose circular formation was directly penetrated by the heavy cavalry.

And it's drilled through the center.

In less than two minutes, a path of flesh and blood was carved out of the middle.

The battlefield was suddenly divided.

When the generals of the Northern Army saw this scene, they waved flags crazily in the distance.

"Back off, back off."

There is no need to save this battle. Once the infantry formation is penetrated by the heavy cavalry, it means that the victory or defeat is decided.

What's left is to find a way to minimize casualties and let as many comrades survive as possible.

Then hold on to the high ground.

It's just that Hardy naturally won't do what the enemy wants.

After the enemy infantry regiment was divided into two halves, France's infantry regiment immediately followed up and pursued the enemy.

Hardy, with his heavy cavalry, directly pursued the second half of the enemy.

Two legs cannot outrun four legs.

After another bloody path was created, the remaining enemies in the second half were all kneeling on the spot and motionless.

As for the enemy forces in the first half, almost all of them fell under the attack of France and Falca infantry.

At least four thousand prisoners were transported to the rear after being stripped of their weapons and armor.

Ajiaka has a complete process for dealing with prisoners.

The first step is to put them on the farm and work with the gray orcs. After a while, these captives will cry and demand a ransom.

The second step is to take advantage of the gray orcs' gender-neutral nature to extract ransom from the captives' relatives.

Of course...these captives will also distribute dividends to the victors on a per-capita basis.

The generals of the Northern Army stood high and watched the captured subordinates and comrades being transported away. They were sad and angry, but also a little happy.

At least, most people here can survive.

And those who died on the battlefield... will lie there forever.

Fortunately, the Northern Army still has more than 5,000 troops and 400 archers on the high ground.

Used for defense, it can still last for a while.

He first ordered his adjutant to say: "Ride your horse and go to the commander-in-chief immediately to report. He said that the enemy is extremely powerful. It seems that there are long archers from the Kaldo Kingdom and France's heavy cavalry. It is very likely that we will not be able to withstand it."

The adjutant looked melancholy.

The mentality of winning a big victory and defeating the Southern faction in one breath was gone.

In the Aroba region, apart from the current Ajiaka country, the other two most powerful fighting countries are France and Kaldor.

The Ajiaka people are still very unconfident. They believe that only by gathering the strength of the whole country can they fight against Franci and Kaldor.

But now, these two powerful countries suddenly sided with the Southerners.

How can their northern faction, which has at most 50% of its strength, fight with the reinforcements from the two big countries and the southern faction.

But fortunately, that cheater from Aenolia went to the south.

And generally speaking, the number of small countries supporting their northern faction is obviously much greater than that of the southern faction.

Taken together, it is not too disadvantageous.

The adjutant left the camp, mounted his horse and ran towards the commander-in-chief.

The general took out the communication stone and waited for the coach to start talking to him.

Letting the adjutant pass is just a double insurance.

Not long after, the communication stone lit up, and the voice of the commander-in-chief of the Northern Army sounded: "Don't worry, we will send people to support you immediately. At the same time, we also have a large number of reinforcements rushing from the north. Our strategic depth is better. Do not worry."

The general breathed a sigh of relief.

He came out of the tent and looked into the distance from the high ground.

Worry rushes through.

In contrast, the Southern Allied Forces were filled with laughter.

The voice of Alcado, the commander-in-chief of the South, sounded in the communication stone, and he was obviously much happier: "Very good, thanks to the efforts of France and Caldo, we finally see the dawn of victory."

Madam Sissi held the communication stone and said with a smile: "As expected, we and Kaldor's friends will attack the high ground next. I hope that the commander-in-chief can help with the feint attack."

Alcado in the camp held the communication stone and said, "Don't worry, we will get this done."

Then he put down the communication stone and sighed: "As expected of France and Kaldo. Although the two countries have a feud, their fighting power is really strong after cooperation."

It's normal for him to feel emotional. The Southern Army clearly had an advantage before, but they couldn't defeat it. After Aenolia came, there was even a big rout.

As soon as Francie arrived, he first boosted morale and pushed back ten kilometers of the front. Now it was another great victory.

If we really capture the high ground on the map, we can directly push the northern troops back five kilometers.

"Give me the order to rectify the main force of the front and push it forward one kilometer." Alcado stood up: "Give me armor again. I will appear on the front line in person, otherwise they will not believe that we are going to launch a major counterattack."

Two guards came over immediately and put Aldoka in armor.

On the other side, the heavy cavalry regiment withdrew to the rear. Everyone dismounted and even took off the armor of the horses to let the horses rest.

At the same time, high-quality feed is provided so that the horses can eat well.

For knights, it is normal for horses to eat better and more expensively than themselves.

Hardy released the form of the Nightmare Knight and was sitting on a big rock to rest.

Commander Kaldor, Andrew Spencer, came over. He looked at Hardy in surprise for a while and then said, "I didn't expect you to be the Nightmare Knight, so young and powerful."

"It's just a profession passed down from the family." Hardy smiled softly and said, "I owe it to my predecessors."

Kaldor shook his head: "You can't say that. There has never been such a huge nightmare knight in the human world before, and you are the first one. But I am a little curious, doesn't the Jeanna family believe in the goddess of light? How do you have such power? The dark magic power, you can even use the blue battle flag, which is not...reasonable."

Hardy smiled and said: "But I can use the blue battle flag. This is a very reasonable thing."

Andrew sighed slightly. He looked at the blue battle flag standing on the ground to Hardy's left, hesitated for a while, and said, "Are you interested in becoming a duke with us?"

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