Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 180: Who wouldn’t be able to flatter an NPC?

This is the second recruitment Hardy has encountered since coming to the Aijaka Empire.

This is normal.

If he sees young and promising young people from other countries, he will ask many questions like this. Anyway, it is just a promise and it will cost nothing.

What if it succeeds?

Hardy naturally rejected the other party. He raised his head and pointed to the high ground and said: "It was us Francie who took the lead just now, and now it's your turn. You are better at fighting in the mountains."

When attacking high ground, cavalry is of little use.

Kaldor nodded and said: "The next step is up to us, but I also hope that your country's infantry regiment can help hold down the battle."

"That's no problem." Hadi stood up: "I look forward to your country being active."

Then he left and returned directly to the coach's tent at the rear.

At this time, Mrs. Sissi was playing with some gold coins. When she saw Hadi, she smiled and said: "The prisoners of war were taken away by the people of the Ajiaka Empire. These are the rewards they sent."

"How many?" Hardy asked.

"There are more than a hundred gold coins." Mrs. Sissi continued: "Half of it was sent to Kaldor. It feels a bit pity."

The two female players chuckled at the side. They suddenly felt that Mrs. Sissi seemed to be a little obsessed with money.

"If we work together, we'll be equally divided." Hardy sat down and said, "The rest depends on Kaldor's performance."

The infantry regiment does not need to be commanded by him, and will naturally be commanded by other lords or generals.

"Let's go see it together?" Mrs. Sissi put the gold coins back into the box and said happily: "There happens to be a higher mound over there."

"Well, let's take a look together." Hardy looked at the two female players: "You guys come together too."

Mrs. Sissi originally only wanted to be alone with Hardy, but thinking that Hardy did this for her own good and wanted the two guardians to protect her, she felt that she had herself in mind, and she became even happier.

The four of them walked to the mound. At this time, Kaldor's army was already mobilizing, with the shield soldiers in front and the longbowmen behind.

France's infantry regiment was divided into two armies, one on the left and one on the right protecting the longbowmen.

Soon, they arrived two hundred and fifty meters in front of the high ground.

A dense rain of arrows fell on the high ground, but they were all blocked by the square shield formation of the shield soldiers.

"Kardo's infantry does look more effective than our infantry." Mrs. Sissi carefully compared the infantry regiments of the two sides and sighed: "Theirs are better trained and look more courageous."

This is indeed easy to see. Cardo's infantry formation is relatively dense and neat, while in comparison, France's infantry regiment appears loose.

The queue is not very neat either.

"But our French is stronger than the cavalry." Hardy said with a smile.

"That's right." Mrs. Sissi nodded and said, "The biggest role of infantry is to attack cities and occupy enemy areas."

While the two were talking, Kaldor's longbowmen finally began to attack.

Waves of flaming arrows were shot from low to high ground.

"Fire attack." Hardy nodded subconsciously: "A good tactic."

Because the high ground is the enemy's rear camp area, it would be strange if these waves of rockets don't set the camp on fire.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before a fire broke out in the highlands.

At this time, if the Northern Army had troops coming to support, Kaldor would not dare to send infantry to the high ground, and would be easily attacked from both sides.

But now the entire southern front has advanced one kilometer. The northern army is afraid that the enemy's entire army will be pressed on, so they have to stand still and not dare to mess around.

This gave Kaldo the opportunity to directly press the infantry forward.

From a distance, Hardy could also see the densely packed infantry starting to attack the high ground. He smiled and said: "It's done."

Mrs. Sissi also smiled and said: "But the biggest credit is actually You. Without you leading the cavalry to penetrate the enemy's infantry line, it would not have been possible to succeed so easily."

"When it comes to this, the biggest credit should go to Bing Xixi and the others."

"To be more serious, it should be them." Mrs. Sissi thought about it and agreed: "Immortality is good."

As Mrs. Sissi said, immortality has many benefits.

The players who had just participated in the charge were all dead, and almost all of them were resurrected in a cave in the rear.

Everyone walked out of it naked, and then took out the armor or leather armor they had prepared earlier from the system backpack and put it on.

Now that the players are well versed in it, they will prepare several sets of clothes or equipment in the system backpack.

Easy to replace after resurrection.

Fortunately for women, they come with a set of short-sleeved shirts and boxer briefs after resurrection, but for male players, they skip the entire game after resurrection.

If you don't have any clothes to change into, you will be embarrassed to leave the hidden resurrection point.

The male players joked and chatted with each other while changing their clothes.

"One death trip, one gold coin, I really made a lot of money this time."

"Playing this game for more than a month makes more than I make in a year."

"I kind of want to quit my job and just play games to make money."

"Brother, don't worry, opportunities like this are rare. Maybe next time, it will be a year later."

"That's right. Then I won't resign."

Xixi had already changed into leather armor. He was watching and listening to the chatting of these players, feeling full of pride in his heart.

After leading them to make a lot of money, it should be easier to command them later.

Moreover, he still has a hundred soldiers in the camp, and they are only temporarily under the control of his good friend Simon.

After this man had a 'subordinate', he felt that his temperament had been sublimated. When he looked at himself in the mirror, he seemed to have become more temperamental.

He was about to speak out and lead everyone back to the camp to wait for orders. At this time, Big Muscle Ba walked to the side and whispered: "Bing Xixi, come out, there is something I want to talk to you about."

The two went out of the cave.

Green grass is everywhere here, and occasionally wild flowers sway in the wind, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

The big muscle tyrant did not mince words, but said directly: "Bing Xixi, I want to ask you for something."

"You said it." Bing Xixi answered quickly: "As long as I can do it, I will help you."

"Can you help me intercede with Lord Hardy and give me a knight, preferably a territory."

Xixi's eyes widened and she was stunned for a while before she said, "Big muscle tyrant, do you know what you are talking about?"

Knight, you still want a piece of territory, how dare you!

"I know." Big muscle tyrant nodded: "I can transfer some introduction fees and hard work fees to you in reality."

Xixi shook his head: "It's not about money, it's about people. To be honest, I can't speak in front of Hadi. After all, I'm just his vassal."

In fact, Xi Xi felt a little contempt for the big muscle tyrant in her heart at this time.

I didn't take NPCs seriously before, but now I see myself getting into trouble, so I want to take advantage of them.

And Xixi felt that even if she could speak in front of Hardy, why should she help the big muscle tyrant when it would be a waste of 'favor'.

How about converting these favors into something else?

For example, his future title, future territory size, etc.

Favors can be saved, but once they are used they are really gone.

The big muscle tyrant saw and refused Xixi, with a bit of embarrassment on his face: "It doesn't matter whether it works or not. You are not even willing to say a few words to me, and you still claim to be a good friend."

"You really think I'm a good friend, you shouldn't have 'assassinated' Mrs. Sissi before." When Xixi saw him saying this, she was a little annoyed: "You stabbed me in the back first, and I didn't even settle the score with you. Well, you started to complain about me."

Xixi's words were also very direct.

Insinuate that the other party is hypocritical.

Big muscle bully was so angry that he blushed, and said angrily: "Isn't it just to praise NPC's bad feet? Who can't do it? We will see the truth in the future."

He snorted, turned and left.

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