Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 454 Opportunities are reserved for serious people

"I listen to you!"

This was said lightly, but also firmly without any hesitation.

Anyone who listens can feel how much Lisa trusts Hardy.

This is the excellent quality of elven women.

When you follow a man, you will be very determined and loyal.

Only contracted succubi can fight with them.

Hardy said: "You support me with about a hundred short archers and about fifty druids."

"Okay." Lisa smiled and said, "Just wait, I will go and choose for you right away."

In less than half an hour, one hundred and fifty people appeared in front of Hardy.

From the perception of spiritual power, we can know that these elves are all good players, and all of them are full of magic and cheerful.

Lisa said to them: "Next, you will follow Mr. Hadi's command and follow him until he asks you to come back. Do you understand?"

A group of people laughed and almost unanimously agreed.

As mentioned before, Hardy is already a 'well-known figure' among the elves.

Everyone also knows that the possibility of Hardy becoming the next husband of the Elf Queen is 100%.

Moreover, their personal sense of recognition at first glance was also very sympathetic to Hardy.

The boy in front of him clearly looked cold, but his body was full of sunshine and he was handsome.

The feeling is that in the afternoon after the first snowfall, the air is obviously cold and there are clouds of mist breathing out, but the sky is as blue as the sea, the warm sun is high, and the warmth shines on the body, making people feel very comfortable.

The whole world is so bright that you can't help but squint your eyes comfortably.

Hardy returned to his previous position with one hundred and fifty men.

It happened that Ibuprofen and Abner also trotted over with an army of players.

When the players saw the elves, they were all amazed and stared at them.

It's hard to see elves in normal times, so players can only drool over the beautiful pictures of elves on the forum.

Now I see a group of elves, most of whom are women.

And every elf looks good.

The last time was six points.

Then they get excited.

The special NPC Aina Sakhalin belongs to Hardy. It is impossible for all the female elves here to like Hardy.

If they try to flirt, will they have a chance to pick up an elf girl?

Thinking of the possibility of such a beautiful thing happening, the players' momentum suddenly started to 'burn'.

Hardy glanced at the players, looking at their expressions desperately pressing, how could he not know what they were thinking.

At that time, I shook my head helplessly in my heart, and then said: "We will be divided into two formations later. Ai Luo and Ibuprofen will each lead a team and rush in from the direction of the west gate. Then they will go straight to the enemy's lord's mansion. The elves' Friends will also be divided into two groups and mixed into your organization. Remember, you must protect them well and don't let them get hurt in any way, understand?"


"As you command!"

The players roared with excitement.

Hardy then waved to the ibuprofen and led him aside.

After getting farther away from the main force, Hardy confirmed that others could not hear their conversation at this distance, and then said: "What do you think of Tiao Tiao?"

Ibuprofen was stunned for a moment. He really had no 'ideas' about Tiao Tiao, a big anchor.

The other party is a big anchor with millions of fans, and he is just a college student. There is no comparison between the two.

When Hardy saw this, he knew that Ibuprofen was a very 'pure' person. He just enjoyed the game without thinking too much.

He smiled and said: "Tiao Tiao's character is not suitable for becoming a frontline general, so I will arrange for her to become a civilian manager in the rear. And most of her soldiers will be handed over to you to manage and command."

Ibuprofen was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed.

He didn't think too much, that's because he didn't want to think about it.

Everyone receives nine years of compulsory education, and no one is stupider than anyone else.

It’s more about whether you are willing to do it or not, or whether you have the opportunity to exercise, or whether you have the resources to support you.

The difference is that simple.

He learned the aristocratic etiquette he saw online, knelt down on one knee, and said somewhat awkwardly: "Sir Hardy, no, it's the lord... I am willing to be your sword, your shield, and your most loyal Friend, truest admirer.”

Hardy chuckled and said: "Very good. Later, when we enter the city and fight in the streets, I need you to make enough achievements to gain the maximum military exploits while ensuring the minimum casualties of the elves. When the time comes, I don't mind letting you become A minor lord.”

"Yes!" Ibuprofen looked up, his body trembling.

What does it mean for a player to become a lord?

A very obvious standard was set up day by day.

That's money and power...and beauty by your side.

Players with good intentions have calculated that although Xixi got it, it was only a medium-sized city with a population of barely 100,000.

However, the tax revenue in this area, converted into soft currency, is estimated to be nearly one million per month.

At the same time, there is also a large area of ​​uninhabited land in Bing Xixi's territory. The forests, rivers, lakes, minerals, etc. there are all productive, but these are not taken into account.

Now Bing Xixi maintains an NPC army and a player Jingwei army of hundreds of people.

At the same time, he also had many women.

In his territory, there are a lot of beautiful girls who are willing to have a super friendly relationship with each other.

Hardy looked at the ibuprofen and said with a smile: "Get up and do your best. I will officially award you a medal after the war."


Ibuprofen stood up, gave Hardy a clumsy aristocratic salute, and then turned back to his troops.

Some of his friends saw his excitement and couldn't help but inquire.

Although Ibuprofen was excited, he spoke tightly and said nothing.

Because things haven't really been settled yet, he doesn't want to pop the champagne at halftime, which usually doesn't end well.

Hardy turned around and looked at the city ahead.

The human coalition forces have already entered, and they are shouting murderous intent.

Hardy watched as the elves split into two groups and blended into the player army.

Then he waved his hand and said with a smile: "I wish you all good luck in the war and let's set off."

There was no exciting pre-war mobilization, and now Hardy no longer needs to engage in this routine.

Because he has established a rule, as long as he marches forward bravely on the battlefield and kills the enemy desperately, he will not treat his own people badly.

This army of players has made quite a lot of money recently.

There are already so many that even young anchors are envious.

Many people are asking how to join Hardy's undead army and become a footman.

Soon, both armies completed preliminary integration with the elves.

Then they started running in small steps, heading directly towards the west city gate.

Hardy, on the other hand, took his guards back to the rear and returned to his camp.

"Are you back?" Aina looked at Hadi in surprise.

At this time, Aina had just returned from the wounded barracks.

The demon clan's night attack the night before last injured more than a hundred soldiers.

"Well, I have to interrogate that Naga." Hadi looked at Aina: "You go with me and be my translator."


Aina is very happy, as long as she can help Hadi, she will be happy. (End of chapter)

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