Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 455 Trying to replenish energy

In the west corner of the camp is a place specially used to hold prisoners.

Aina also stayed here for a few days some time ago, but later she stayed in Hardy's handsome tent.

And now, she is recognized by almost all soldiers.

After all, a beautiful woman who can treat wounded soldiers is a very rare good person.

Hadi came here with Aina, and then found the huge Naga among a bunch of demon captives.

It's very cold here. This naga is almost shirtless. There is only a ring of fur around the waist, and everything above the abdomen is exposed.

The weather was very cold. Although the other party was a professional and had cold resistance, his skin still turned blue and purple after being exposed to the cold for a long time.

This Naga showed no expression when she saw Hadi coming over, but when she saw Aina, her eyes suddenly turned to hateful ones.


He spoke in Demonic Language, which Hardy couldn't understand, but he could guess what it meant by looking at the other person's eyes and expression.

Aina had no expression after hearing this. Although she still felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, she felt happier and happier when she was by Hadi's side.

Therefore, she didn't care about this little bit of discomfort.

"Ask me about his identity." Hardy said to Aina with a smile.

Aina stepped forward and asked the other party in gibbering Demon World language.

This kind of language is very monotonous, which is actually quite unpleasant to hear, but Aina's voice is soft and moderated, making it sound pretty good.

Thanks to Aina's translation, communication between Hadi and the other party became very simple.

"Are you a human cub?" Naga looked at Hadi, looking up and down: "You are so young, you can be a commander? If in our Naga tribe, you are not even old enough to go to the battlefield."

Hardy smiled: "Strength has little to do with age. I would like to ask, what is your layout behind you?"

"Do you think I will tell you?" Naga smiled and said sarcastically: "Don't think of our Naga clan as the cowardly Evil Eye clan."

Hardy knew this would be the case. He pointed at the prisoners around him and said, "If you say so, they can survive."

Naga looked around with cold eyes: "Saving one's life for one's tribe and one's homeland is something we were mentally prepared for before we came here. If you want to kill, just kill."

But Hardy laughed: "They are just invaders. With such an aggrieved attitude, do you really think you are victims?"

"What do you know!" Naga suddenly became filled with grief and anger. He grabbed the iron bars of the cage with both hands and roared: "How can you people who live in a rich land understand our pain? How can you understand our pain?" Sadly, you don’t understand anything.”

"I really don't understand." Hardy snorted and smiled contemptuously: "I don't understand why you want to kill the gods who live with you, make your own plane a mess, and destroy your hometown. And then you still I feel like I’m a victim.”

Naga's expression hardened, and then he looked at Aina angrily: "Have you told humans everything?"

Aina lowered her eyes and said nothing.

Hardy chuckled, and then continued: "After knowing the truth, you can't stand on the moral high ground and deceive yourself and others. Isn't it unpleasant?"

Naga didn't speak any more, just sat down with a gloomy face.

It seemed like he didn't want to say anything more.

Hardy glanced at him and left with Aina.

He knew that there would be no point in asking any more questions.

When they were in the camp, Hadi said to Aina: "Go and do your work. You can rest or treat the wounded soldiers."

Aina seemed to understand something, nodded slightly, kissed Hadi on the face, and left obediently.

Hardy said to the guard next to him: "Take a few people and take all the demon prisoners in the cage outside to deal with them. The knife must be faster and don't make them suffer too much."

One of the guards asked: "Lord, aren't you going to conduct an interrogation? I'm better at this. Maybe I can pry open their mouths."

"No need." Hardy shook his head: "What Aina doesn't know, ordinary soldiers won't know. And the Naga captain may know something, but he won't tell it."

Since you can't ask, there's no need to waste time and food.

The personal guards left, ordered some soldiers, and took the demon captives outside the camp.

Soon, the demon captives knew the fate that was about to come, and many of their faces were filled with despair and dejection.

Some even cried.

But still no one begged for mercy.

The Naga captain kept looking at Hadi.

When the prison car passed by Hardy, he suddenly said: "Humans, you are the betrayers, you are the sinners, if it weren't for you..."

This time he spoke in a very blunt human common language.

His words were full of hatred.

Hardy smiled softly and said nothing. He knew what Captain Naga meant.

But he didn't care.

"You humans owe us..." The prison car Naga was in was gradually moving away, and his voice gradually became smaller: "We have the right and the obligation to take back everything you have, everything!"

Hardy ignored him, but climbed up to the observation tower next to him. Standing at a high place, he watched the soldiers transport the prisoners outside the camp, watched the demons being executed one by one, and then they walked down from the observation tower. .

His expression was quite pleased.

It seemed that nothing was asked just now, but Hardy also inferred a lot of information from Naga's expression and tone.

First of all...the other party has no reinforcements.

Otherwise, the other party would be very confident instead of having this look of despair.

Secondly, these demons seem to have a natural sense of superiority over humans, but in fact, they have a certain fear of humans in their hearts.

Don't know why, but that's how it feels.

Otherwise, Captain Naga would not hate and value humans so much.

Nor would he suddenly say those words to Hardy.

Hardy returned to the handsome tent, where Aina was eating a small cake that she had asked for from the player's "drinking class".

I have several on hand.

It has to be said that players who are worthy of being a big foodie country will pursue and make delicious food even on the battlefield.

When she saw Hardy, she came over with a small cake, fed it to Hardy's mouth, and said at the same time: "This thing is delicious, come and eat one too."

Hardy swallowed the small cake in one gulp, then looked at the beautiful white girl and asked: "How much energy do you still need before you can contact your tribe?"

Aina was a little shy, thought for a moment, stretched out her hand and made a V gesture.


Hardy suddenly picked up Aina and put her down in front of the carpet. He smiled and said, "Let's go from day to night. This kind of time should be enough energy for two times."

Aina was startled, her eyes widened, a little scared, but also a little expectant. She murmured: "It will kill people!" (End of Chapter)

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