Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 464 The Queen’s ‘Political’ Means

After the combat meeting ended, Queen Yejieka's personal guards had surrounded the city lord's mansion.

This place now is Ye Jieka's temporary palace.

She sat on the high seat of the city lord, thinking quietly.

Two generals from Kievan Rus were on the side, massaging her gently.

Kneading the flesh and pressing the bones is extremely ambiguous.

Four men's big hands passed over the queen's secret area from time to time.

But she didn't feel angry at all. Instead, she felt very comfortable and happy.

Now in her mind, the person she thought of was Hardy.

He also imagined that the person massaging him was Hardy.

Under this imagination, her body felt more and more happy.

But just when she was about to twitch her body, a man came in from outside.

The heavy iron boots made the floor creak, interrupting Ye Jieka's fantasy.

She frowned in displeasure and opened her eyes to look at the person.

The one-eyed man knelt down on one knee and said, "Queen, we have cleared the surrounding area, and now we are surrounded by our own people."

The Queen's eyes immediately became stern. She stood up suddenly and said, "Take me to that place."

The two male generals next to him stepped away.

The one-eyed man stood up and said with a smile: "Queen, please come with me."

The two walked through the main hall of the city lord's mansion, passed through the kitchen, and came to a small warehouse.

There is a crypt there, with stone steps leading underground.

This place is also heavily guarded, with one post every three steps, so tight that even a fly can't get in.

Ye Jieka followed the one-eyed dragon down to the cave. After walking for a while, she saw a huge space below.

Almost all lords like to dig crypts or safe houses under their castles.

It's no secret.

But this safe house is different. In the center, there is a purple magic circle, which is slowly brightening like breathing, then slowly dimming, and then slowly lighting up.


Queen Yejieka looked at the beautiful giant magic array and asked, "Has the research been completed?"

There are many scholars-looking people busy around the magic circle.

These are magicians temporarily drawn from the army.

Of course...the strength is very average.

The One-Eyed Dragon General's face was gloomy, but he also had the aura of a handsome old man. He shook his head and said, "I can only tell that this is a teleportation magic circle. How to activate it is another matter."

"Then send more people to study." Ye Jieka thought for a while and said, "I remember that there used to be a man named Master Yi in China. He was top-notch in magic theory. Go find him. Understand?"

In fact, Master Yi once served as Ye Jieka's teacher, but later Queen Ye Jieka had a coup, and Master Yi held a neutral attitude, so he was exiled by Ye Jieka.

Although the two have not been masters and apprentices for a long time, Ye Jieka knows how powerful Master Yi is.

The One-Eyed Dragon hesitated, thought for a while, and said: "Your Majesty, I have been paying attention to Master Yi. He was taken away by someone about a year ago before the demonic disaster broke out. According to our investigation, the woman seems to be a student of Master Yi."

"Then where did they go?" Ye Jieka said unhappily.

She can use talents like Master Yi, but she must not be taken away by others.

The one-eyed dragon thought for a while and said, "It seems that he went to Lord Hardy's territory."

"That Hardy?"

"There is only one Lord Hardy in the world."

Ye Jieka's head tilted back slightly, and her expression became a little cold.

There was even a slight murderous intent in his eyes.

But after a while, she still changed her eyes to normal.

He just said helplessly: "It seems that this Hardy is not in line with my destiny."

The one-eyed dragon did not speak. He actually really wanted to see Queen Yejieka kill Hadi.

Because of Hardy's face and outstanding talents, he felt jealous and pressured.

If Hardy really becomes someone close to the Queen, then all of them may have to be laid off.

This was not a random thought on his part, but he really felt that the young man had an instinct that could put Ye Jieka's heart, which had been split into countless pieces, back together into one piece that belonged only to Hadi and could no longer be shared with others.

Ye Jieka stood there for a while, then looked at the magic array and said: "This thing is an interdimensional magic array. We must study it, and our Kievan Rus's magic technology will greatly improve. A powerful skill will surely lead to more useful skills.”

The one-eyed dragon nodded.

"After studying its principle, we set the teleportation location to the water elemental plane. Do you understand?"

The one-eyed dragon's eyes were stunned for a moment, and then he responded loudly.

Ye Jieka came out of the crypt, and then nodded proudly.

Besides power, what a woman wants most is appearance.

Or the appearance of being forever young.

She didn't care much about appearance before.

But until she saw Lisa and those lively and lovely elves, she became jealous.

Why are these elves, each of them over two hundred years old, still so lively and cute, as full of aura as young girls?

And she was less than forty years old, but she already had lines at the corners of her eyes.

After eating four World Tree petals, she became even more 'anxious' about her appearance.

After eating the petals of the world's power, she has gained forty years of youth, and her appearance has returned to that of her early twenties.

The person is beautiful, and the body is full of vitality that was not seen before.

And this made Ye Jieka even more nostalgic for the feeling of being young.

She once made some insinuations and asked the elves to give her more World Tree petals, but the elves pretended not to hear her.

She knew that she couldn't rely on anyone else but herself.

And now, a new opportunity is in front of her.

"The plane of water element." Yejieka couldn't help laughing: "Endless elemental water, the key to immortality."

Three days later, Yejieka's triumphal banquet was held as scheduled in Satov City.

Yejieka fulfilled her promise, endless food and wine, and beautiful Kievan Rus girls.

Both the Kievan Rus and the generals of the supporting army had a great time.

In the dim light, Ye Jieka's clothes were messy, and the spring light was half hidden.

She sat on the high platform and looked at the scene below that had entered the 'highlight' period.

Human bodies are stacked on top of each other without clothing to cover them.

Spread throughout the venue.

There were even a few couples who ran to the dining table.

In the past, she liked this situation very much because it was one of the ways she controlled her subordinates.

But now, she is a little unhappy.

Because there is no Hardy or any elf here.

There are also a few generals from the support army that she is more optimistic about, and they are also the people she wants to win over in the future.

She felt very unhappy.

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